
Saturday, October 20, 2007


WiMAX Becomes a Mainstream World Recognized Technology

On October 18, 2007 the ITU Radiocommunication Assembly in Geneva adopted inclusion of WiMAX into the IMT-2000 family of technologies. This significant decision will change the adoption rates of WiMAX for many Asian countries that rely on global economies of scale in equipment and standards. In the United States, Sprint Nextel and Clearwire are already rolling out extensive WiMAX networks. Other IMT-2000 technologies include GSM, CDMA and UMTS; this latest decision puts WiMAX on the same level playing field. Dr Ray Owen, head of technology of Motorola Asia said that "now WiMAX is adopted as an IMT-2000 technology, it ensures that operators and regulators worldwide have security of investment for true mobile broadband using WiMAX. This is especially important in Asia in the 2.5 GHz spectrum. This is an important milestone and removes the perpetuating doubts about the wide scale adoption of WiMAX to improve broadband in the developing countries across Asia".

A press statement issued by the World Communications Association WCA Director Steve Sharkey of Motorola, whose team took a lead role in WCA and other advocacy on this issue was quoted as saying:

“Today the ITU took an important step toward ensuring that the public will benefit from the most advanced wireless technologies when it accepted WiMAX into the IMT-2000 family of technologies. This action puts WiMAX on a level global playing field with the GSM and CDMA families of technology and will help ensure that carriers are free to implement technology based on user requirements rather than being limited by regulatory fiat. The strong support from many administrations, manufacturers and wireless licensees around the world, and in particular the committed and active support of the U.S. government, was critical in achieving this important milestone. This is really a major milestone for WiMAX and was only possible with a broad industry effort, including support and engagement from WCA.”

The following statement can be attributed to WCA President Andrew Kreig:

“WCA applauds today’s decision by the ITU Radiocommunication Assembly to approve WiMAX as part of the IMT-2000 family of standards. The broadband wireless industry and its consumers around the world will greatly benefit from the clear inclusion of WiMAX into the IMT-2000 bands. Service providers will have more technology options, while WiMAX consumers and service providers will benefit from the economies of scale stemming from global harmonization. WCA has long been active before the ITU on industry issues that are vital to efficient deployment of services in harmonized spectrum bands that enable technology choice and a minimum of interference hazards.”

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