
Friday, November 30, 2007

CWorks推介OCWorks Aware活動

OCWorks Aware¹ Campaign Connects the International Dots via TV, theInternet, and Advertising

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (November 30th , 2007) ­CWorks Systems Berhad(Mesdaq: CWS 0079), a global provider of maintenance information software,announced that it has launched its first international media campaign called OCWorks Aware.¹ In this campaign, CWorks will showcase two distinct industries using its facility maintenance software in commercials that isbeing televisedon BBC World.

BBC World reaches 65 million viewers worldwide per week and is broadcastedin English in more than 200 countries. The OCWorks Aware¹ initiative isdesigned to bring CWorks Free Maintenance Software to millions of new users worldwide.

³Every office building, hotel, hospital, manufacturing plant, and evensports stadium depends on proper maintenance to operate efficiently,² statedAbdul Rani, CEO of CWorks Systems. ³We want the world to know thatoperations can be improved through the use of facility management softwareand this software is available at no cost from our website.²

The first commercial airing will feature Leeds Castle in England, whosefacilities managers face the daunting task of maintaining a 14th centurycastle in the 21st century. After Leeds, a second commercial is scheduledto air which profiles Kauai BackCountry Adventures, an eco-touristadventure company, using CWorks software to ensure 200 feet high ziplinesare safe and to reduce repair costs associated with the upkeep ofall-terrain recreational vehicles at KBA.

CWorks¹ TV advertising campaign will run on BBC World from November 2007thru January 2008 in Australia, North America, Asia Pacific, Middle East andEurope. To further drive traffic to the CWorks¹ website, theseadvertisements will also be dispersed via the BBC World TV channels anduploaded to various video sharing sites on the internet including CWorks¹website.

The objective behind the initiative is to bring CWorks free CMMS software tomillions of new users worldwide.

The internal target is to achieve one million downloads with one percentconversion rate by December 2008," adding that the company's historicalperformance indicate most users upgrade to CWorks Plus (priced at US$899with source codes) after experiencing the free software.

A one percent conversion rate would equate to 10,000 commercial users.
Assuming all of them purchased CWorks Plus at US$899, the company'spotential sales revenue could be to the tune of about RM30.6mil over aone-year period.

This OCWorks Aware¹ Campaign is made possible through the efforts of CuzzyMedia Sdn. Bhd, Malaysia and BlabberMouth PR, USA. Cuzzy Media, a pioneerin Total Media Communications, designed and produced the internationalcampaign and collaborated with BlabberMouth PR, which spearheaded CWorks¹public relations efforts in the US.

CWorks products are offered at and CWorks Free can be downloaded at no cost to the user.

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