
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Crytek’s Cevat Yerli to Give a Keynote on The Future of Gaming Graphics at GC Asia Conference in Singapore

LEIPZIG, Germany and Singapore – August 26th, 2008 – The organizers of the GC Asia Conference (GCAC), today announced that Crytek CEO & President, Cevat Yerli, will give a keynote address on the future of gaming graphics. Known as a visionary for creating lush, immersive, graphical games with Far Cry® and Crysis®, Yerli will speak about the opportunities for immersion as graphical realism reaches new levels and technology continues to deliver faster processors capable of greater rendering. GCA and GCAC take place September 18-20, 2008, in Singapore at the Suntec International Convention & Exhibition Centre Singapore.

“The technology available today is light years ahead of what was generally available just five years ago,” said Cevat Yerli, CEO & President of Crytek. “Add those advancements to increasing technical expertise as we learn more about graphically creating immersive worlds, and the conditions are right to have graphics play a major role in telling the story of a game.”

“Cevat Yerli and Crytek are not only major names in Germany, but also the global video game market,” said Frank Sliwka, Conference Director of GCAC. “His keynote will be one of the highlights of the conference and I’m confident he’ll inspire the audience to view graphics as an element that is finally capable of telling stories on the level of cinema.”

Crytek 公司总裁Cevat Yerli 将出席新加坡亚洲电玩研讨会GCAC 2008

(莱比锡 / 新加坡8月26日)亚洲电玩研讨会GCAC 2008的主办商今日宣布,Crytek 公司总裁Cevat Yerli 将会出席该研讨会,并与出席者分享gaming graphics 的未来。以创造Far Cry® 和Crysis®等视觉化游戏闻名的Cevat Yerli将会在研讨会上讨论发展真实图像化(Graphical Realism)的潜能和发展该领域的科技。亚洲电玩大会(GCA)和亚洲电玩研讨会(GCAC) 将在2008年9月18日至9月20日于新加坡新达城国际会议展览中心隆重举行。

Crytek公司总裁Cevat Yerli 表示,“现今的科技与5年前的相比真的差太多了,科技的发展是非常重要的,添加了这些科技将有助于提升图像化的专业技术。因为我们了解到图像化能够在电玩游戏里,为玩者创造身临其境的世界,而且图像化也在电玩游戏当中,扮演着重要的角色。”

GCAC的董事长Frank Sliwka 表示,“Cevat Yerli和Crytek不只在德国是个‘名牌’,甚至全世界电玩市场都知道这些‘名牌’。Cevat Yerli的演讲将会是我们研讨会的重点之一,我也非常有信心Cevat Yerli能够激发出席者对图像的想象,把图像当成是种在电玩游戏里一个重要的元素。”

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