
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sun and UPSI Launch Green IT Learning Centre

Thin Client Centre to support UPSI’s bid for K-community and sustainable computing for a greener environment

TANJONG MALIM, PERAK, Malaysia – February 26, 2009 – Sun Microsystems Malaysia Sdn Bhd (Sun) and University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) yesterday launched the Thin Client Centre at UPSI’s main library, ‘Perpustakaan Tuanku Bainun’ – to meet the needs of a new digital generation.

The Thin Client Centre will provide UPSI’s students community with three education essentials; access, communication, and collaboration, in order to address the growing demand for better eco-solution awareness, as UPSI works towards achieving a greener environment.

“The UPSI and Sun partnership goes a long way back – we have been working with Sun to educate the university community on the ecological impact of today’s technologies and how we can be part of the eco-responsibility initiative to reduce energy costs and IT environmental impact.

“Our partnership with Sun is in line with our efforts to work towards a k-Perak, an IT initiative by the Perak state government to develop ICT as a sector and as an enabler towards achieving Perak as an entry level Knowledge State by 2010 and a fully developed Knowledge State by 2020,” said Prof. Dr. Mustamam Abd Karim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), UPSI.

According to Prof. Dr. Mustamam, UPSI went with Sun thin client technology because of its environmental benefits and efficiencies. Sun Ray thin client devices deliver a 75 percent energy saving over the average PC, not least because of better resource utilisation.Sun, together with its distributor BT Frontline, have been working closely with UPSI in the last few years to raise IT awareness and the importance of education via technology among the university community. Sun will deploy a new batch of Sun Ray 270 Virtual Display Clients and Sun Fire x4100 servers in UPSI’s main library as part of UPSI’s Library Open Public Access and training labs. This is on top of the existing Sun Ray thin clients and Sun Fire v250 servers that are currently in use at the library, the Treasury department and at the ICT centre.

“The Thin Client Centre will provide a one-stop support and integration centre for UPSI and their students. Besides a centralized data and applications system, there is greater security with Sun Ray thin client as virus attacks are virtually eliminated. Furthermore, its lower consumption of power and waste reduction makes this a ‘green’ solution. We are confident that UPSI will be able to reap the benefits of the Sun Ray implementation and enjoy greater savings in terms of costs, plus a greater boost to security,” commented CP Loo, managing director, Sun Microsystems Malaysia.

The Thin Client Centre has a collaboration center where it provides UPSI students a collaborative platform that enhances participation and sharing of ideas through various form of communication platforms such as forums, blogs and wikis.

There is a Services Kiosk at the Centre for students to get access to more efficient printing resources for class and projects submission and documentation. In addition, students can have immediate access to all their education technologies to facilitate and enhance their learning experiences. These include easy access to various software applications tool packages and more secured access to their working files and data.

The launch of the Thin Client Centre was held yesterday at UPSI, Tanjong Malim, Perak. The event was attended by Prof. Dr. Mustamam Abd Karim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), UPSI, Joe Hartley, Vice President, Global Government, Education and Healthcare, Sun Microsystems Inc., CP Loo, managing director of Sun Microsystems Malaysia, Tuan Haji Abd Rahman, CEO BT Frontline and other distinguished guests.

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