
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ForgetMeNot Software announces partnership with YuuZoo Asia

Partnership will see ForgetMeNot Software’s Message Optimiser distributed to mobile carriers in Asia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 10 June 2009 - ForgetMeNot Software, an Asia-based specialist in unified messaging for telecommunications operators, today announced its partnership with YuuZoo, a global mobile content, media and advertising company, to distribute its Unified Messaging Message Optimiser platform in Asia with an initial focus in Malaysia and Thailand.

“We are very pleased to announce our partnership with YuuZoo. A focus for ForgetMeNot Software is to work with strong regional distributors who understand the local market and have relationships with the key players. With a strong local presence and key contacts throughout Asia, YuuZoo supports our growth strategy in this region,” comments Andrew Smyth, Director, Asia, ForgetMeNot Software.

Message Optimiser (MO) allows carriers to immediately provide cost-effective comprehensive unified messaging services, or eTXT (email, instant messaging (IM) and SMS) without the end user requiring any Internet access, device upgrades, or application downloads. This opens up a range of services previously inaccessible to many customers including mobile banking, mobile educational services, commercial market alerts such as commodities pricing and Government notifications for emergencies.

ForgetMeNot Software’s MO can be implemented within a matter of weeks, giving carriers the ability to quickly enjoy additional revenue streams, monetising channels previously unavailable to them, and offering a unique differentiator point; an array of value-added messaging services to their entire customer base.

With access to over 800 million potential customers via partnerships with over 65 leading wireless carriers and portals in Asia, YuuZoo will provide ForgetMeNot Software with extensive market reach and accessibility for implementing MO across the region, with an initial focus on Malaysia and Thailand.

With access to over 800 million potential customers via partnerships with over 65 leading wireless carriers and portals in Asia, YuuZoo will provide ForgetMeNot Software with extensive market reach and accessibility for implementing MO across the region, with an initial focus on Malaysia and Thailand.

“Message Optimiser addresses 100% of the mobile phone market which is currently over 4 billion people. With a strong focus on people who don’t have access to or can’t afford the high-end smartphones, ForgetMeNot is seeing excellent results with mobile carriers in Africa. As we expand into the Asia market we are looking to replicate this success through our new partnership with YuuZoo,” concluded Andrew Smyth.

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