
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kingston Introduces New Ultra-Secure USB Flash Drive to Further Protect Data for Enterprises and Government Organizations

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – September 29, 2011 – Kingston, the independent world leader in memory products, today announced the DataTraveler 6000 (DT6000) USB Flash drive, which protects sensitive data with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 3 Validation and 100-percent encryption. For financial service organizations and government agencies that need the strongest data protection in mobile storage devices, the DT6000 meets data-at-rest regulations and is the most secure USB Flash drive available on the market.

The Kingston DT6000 utilizes patented Secured by Spyrus Technology which supports 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption using XTS block cipher mode. XTS is current generation technology that provides much stronger protection than other block cipher modes such as CBC and ECB. The DT6000 uses ‘military-grade’ elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), which is recommended by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) as part of its Suite B set of cryptographic algorithms.Organizations spend millions of dollars annually on network security to thwart hackers and other outsider threats. A recent study by the Ponemon Institute highlighted that nearly half of organizations surveyed lost sensitive or confidential information on USB drives over the last two years, and that on average 12,000 customer records per organization were lost. For many organizations, steps to protect data on portable devices remain unimplemented for a variety of reasons despite the risks in using unsecured drives in the workplace. Frequent news stories show that security breaches associated with USBs are more often the result of negligence (lost drives) and a lack of security policy, education and enforcement rather than malicious intent. In other words, having an unencrypted USB drive is a potential data breach in one’s pocket. For the full study by the Ponemon Institute, please download it at

“While enterprises and government agencies need to be able to provide remote and mobile employees access to sensitive and confidential data, establishing security policies and deploying USB products that prevent data loss is as important and immediate as an organization’s network security,” said Nathan Su, Flash Memory Sales Director, APAC Region, Kingston. “Using non-secure USB drives makes organizations vulnerable to data loss and breaches that can affect the company’s credibility with its employees, customers and partners. The DT6000 is the most secure USB Flash drive available and will meet the most stringent corporate or government requirements.”

While other companies concentrate on security around cloud-based services, Kingston keeps its focus on the hardware security side. Our longstanding relationships with controller and NAND Flash suppliers as well as global distribution capabilities ensure a steady supply of products to meet customer needs. Evaluation samples, which can be found at, are readily available to potential customers. Along with the DT6000, Kingston has an extensive family of secure DataTraveler USB Flash drives to match the security needs for all levels of enterprises:

o DataTraveler 4000 ― Managed (DT4000-M): Awarded highest rating of 5 out of 5 in SC Magazine’s Portable Security Devices group test (June 2011). Designed for high-value corporate deployments, the DT4000-Managed provides FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validation and is centrally managed, all at an affordable cost. Kingston partnered with BlockMaster to provide SafeConsole for Kingston, enforcing full USB management control over the drive. For the group review in SC Magazine, please visit
o DataTraveler 4000: Same features as DT4000-M but not managed.
o DataTraveler Vault Privacy ― Managed (DTVP-M): Optimal for sensitive enterprise environments with 256-bit AES encryption and the SafeConsole for Kingston central management system, which is fully customizable to meet an enterprise organization’s needs.
o DataTraveler Vault Privacy (DTVP): Same features as DTVP-M but not managed.

Kingston’s secure USB Flash drives are backed by a five-year warranty and free technical support. For more detailed information, please visit


2011929日吉隆坡讯Kingston数位科技有限公司——全球第一大独立内存模组制造商Kingston的子公司,今日隆重宣布推出以FIPS 140-2 Level3验证和百分百加密保护高机密性数据的DataTraveler 6000DT6000USB闪存盘。对于需要移动存储设备拥有最强数据保护功能的金融服务机构和政府机关而言,DT6000符合保护机密资料Data-At-Rest的技术规定,因此成为市面上最具安全性的USB闪存盘。

KingstonDT6000采用专利Spyrus技术,支持XTS 区段加密模式的256AES硬件加密技术。XTS是目前最新的技术,提供比其他区段加密模式(如CBCECB等)更强大的保护DT6000使用“军用级”椭圆曲线密码编译(ECCElliptic Curve Cryptography)加密算法,是美国国家安全局(NSA)所推荐Suite B密码编译算法的一部分。

相关团体组织每年花费数百万美元以确保网络安全,阻止黑客及其他来自外部的威胁。Ponemon Institute最近的一项研究强调,在过去两年内,有近半数接受调查的组织曾遗失USB闪存盘内的敏感或机密数据,平均每个组织遗失的客户数据为12,000笔。尽管在工作场所使用不安全的设备有很高的风险,但许多组织仍未采取任何措施来保护便携存储设备里的数据。各种新闻报导经常提到,相关的安全漏洞往往是因为疏忽(如丢失设备)与缺乏信息安全管理制度、教育和对于信息安全重要性的了解,并非恶意造成。换句话说,使用未加密的移动存储设备就等于随时都有遗失机密数据的可能性。欲了解完整Ponemon Institute研究报告,请浏览以下链接:

Kingston亚太区Flash Memory业务总监苏治源表示:“企业和政府机构需要让员工随时访问敏感和机密数据,所以建立信息安全管理制度和使用可防止数据遗失的移动存储设备,与组织的网络安全管理同样迫切且同样重要。使用没有安全防护的移动存储设备使企业组织容易遗失或泄漏数据,这将会影响公司对于员工、顾客与伙伴的信誉。Kingston DT6000是目前最具安全性的USB闪存盘,能够满足企业和政府组织最严格的要求。”

当其他公司专注于云端服务的安全性议题时,Kingston持续将重心放在硬件加密上。Kingston凭借与控制器和闪存供货商之间的长期合作关系以及全球销售能力,可确保产品稳定供货以满足顾客需求。Kingston同时为潜在客户准备样品,您可访问以下链接获得更多信息:。除了DT6000Kingston DataTraveler全系列闪存盘产品​​企业提供各种选择,以符合不同层次的安全需求

o DataTraveler 4000-ManagedDT4000-M20116月,在SC杂志针对携带型安全装置评测中荣获满分5分。DT4000-Managed是为高价值企业所设计,提供FIPS 140-2 Level验证和中央管理技术,同时价格更加合理。Kingston通过与BlockMaster合作,提供客户端SafeConsole程序,可强化整体闪存盘的控管。SC杂志产品群测内容请参考:

o DataTraveler 4000规格与DT4000-M相同,但无中央管理功能。

o DataTraveler Vault Privacy-ManagedDTVP-M适合敏感企业使用,拥有256AES硬件加密技术,适用Kingston中央控管系统的SafeConsole程序,产品同时能完全客制化以符合企业组织需求。

o DataTraveler Vault PrivacyDTVP):规格与DTVP-M相同,但无中央管理功能。

Kingston USB加密闪存盘具有Kingston享誉业界的5年保固及免费技术支持服务。

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