
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


‘Most Outstanding Annual Report of the Year’ Platinum award among the five awards bagged by TM – the highest number for the night

Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) brought home once again the Challenge Trophy for the Platinum Award of the Most Outstanding Annual Report of the Year at the National Annual Corporate Report Awards (NACRA) 2011 yesterday. It was an especially meaningful victory as the Challenge Trophy was last in TM’s grasp in 2006.

TM captured top honours and swept up the highest number of awards for the evening in following 5 categories:

Overall Excellence Award for Most Outstanding Annual Report of the Year - Platinum Award

Industry Excellence Award for Main Board Companies in the Trading and Services category

Best Corporate Social Responsibility Award – Silver Award

Best Annual Report in Bahasa Malaysia - Silver Award

Best Designed Annual Report – Silver Award

Present to receive the awards from Y.B. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism were Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Group Chief Executive Officer, TM, Datuk Bazlan Osman, Group Chief Financial Officer, TM, Idrus Ismail, Chief Legal, Compliance & Company Secretary, TM and Izlyn Ramli, Vice President, Group Corporate Communications, TM.
Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Group Group Chief Executive Officer, TM (2nd from right) receiving the Platinum Award of the Most Outstanding Annual Report of the Year from Y.B. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (3rd from right), accompanied by Stephen KL Oong, Chairman of NACRA 2011 Organizing Committee (3rd from left).

"We are elated with these wins, and especially with winning back the top honour. Kudos to the working team, and all at TM for the relentless hard work to scale greater heights this past year. This pinnacle recognition in the annual corporate reporting arena is even more meaningful in the midst of stiff competition and the increasing level of quality submissions from the many participating public-listed companies of Malaysia.Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Group Group Chief Executive Officer of TM (5th from right) and Izlyn Ramli, Vice President, Group Corporate Communications, TM (3rd from left) taking pictures with Y.B. Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (4th from right) as well as the other recipients of the awards.

The stringent criteria set by the Adjudication Committee for selecting winners has further underlined the prestige and importance of good corporate governance associated with being a recipient of NACRA. This certainly sets the benchmark for excellence in corporate reporting in line with the essence of NACRA’s theme "Towards Accountability and Excellence" which aims to promote greater corporate accountability and more effective communication by organisations through the publication of timely, informative, factual and reader-friendly annual reports.

The awards are certainly testament of our efforts in promoting higher standards of corporate governance, transparency and timely disclosure of information to our shareholders. In many ways, NACRA reiterates our commitment to fulfil and continuously exceed the expectations of our key stakeholders by delivering real value,” said Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa.
The team from TM posing for the album, led by Dato’ Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa, Group Chief Executive Officer (centre, holding the trophy) and accompanied by Datuk Bazlan Osman, Group Chief Financial Officer (5th from right), Hazimi Kassim, Group Chief Internal Auditor (6th from right) and Izlyn Ramli, Vice President, Group Corporate Communications (7th from left).

NACRA is the collaborative effort of three credible institutions - Bursa Malaysia Berhad, Malaysia Institute of Accountants (MIA), and The Malaysia Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA). The key objective of NACRA is to promote excellence in corporate reporting, greater transparency and accountability by respective parties in their financial reporting and the awards are to acknowledge and recognise high quality corporate reporting.

NACRA is open to all companies incorporated or registered in Malaysia as well as the public sector and other organisations established in Malaysia.

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