
Monday, February 27, 2012

Opera Mini Next — Smarter and more social

Also available now: Final version of Opera Mobile 12, with WebGL and record-setting HTML5 scores

Barcelona, Spain — February 27, 2012. Opera Mini is the mobile web browser that turns any feature phone into a smarter device. Now, with Opera Mini Next, a preview version of what’s next for Opera Mini, feature phones get even smarter with advanced social media functions.

The web doesn’t stop evolving, and Opera Mini evolves with it. Introducing the Smart Page, a new feature previewing in the Opera Mini Next series of browsers for feature phones, to be launched on all Opera Mini browsers for feature phones later this year. The Smart Page will take its position alongside Opera’s famous Speed Dial shortcuts and give feature phones smarter access to social networks, the latest news and more.

With social integration of Facebook and Twitter right in the first screen of Opera Mini Next, feature phone users get even closer to the social web of their lives and a smarter online experience.

In smartphone versions of Opera Mini Next, the Smart Page will not make an appearance in this version. For smartphones, we’ve focused on improving the web experience itself. Android users of Opera Mini Next will get a smoother browsing experience, with hardware acceleration and a revamped Speed Dial. The revamped Speed Dial screen, with an unlimited number of Speed Dial shortcuts, debuts in all versions of Opera Mini Next for easy access to all your favorite websites.

“When people think of using social networks on the go, they often imagine a smartphone with the latest apps installed. At Opera, we know that’s not the way a majority of mobile phone owners access their social networks,” says Lars Boilesen, CEO, Opera Software. “That’s why we’ve made ‘ordinary’ phones smarter, by making it easier to use the most popular social networks right in the first screen of Opera Mini for feature phones. Just because you’re on a more basic phone, doesn’t mean you can’t be a active social networker.”

The Opera Mini Next series is for those who like to stay ahead of the pack, and try out the latest features in Opera Mini. All the Opera Mini Next browsers install alongside the regular Opera Mini browser, and are distinguished with a white Opera icon as opposed to the red icon for the stable version.
Mo’ mobile in Opera Mobile 12

Opera Mini Next isn’t alone, entering the stage of the MWC. Launching in its final version today, Opera Mobile 12 will bring more goodies to owners of Android and Symbian smartphones. In the goodie bag for Opera Mobile 12, you’ll find:

-WebGL on Android phones, for all things 3D and web. With WebGL on mobile, it’ll be even easier to make games cross platform and to distribute them. “Opera have contributed significantly to the development of the WebGL specification and now Opera Mobile is playing a leading role in the roll-out of GPU-accelerated WebGL on Android,” said Neil Trevett, Khronos president and vice president of mobile content at NVIDIA.
-Ragnarök, Opera's HTML5 parser support, meaning better web apps and increased compatibility with websites. More HTML5 means more advanced web functionality.
-Support for camera use in the browser.
-More possibilities for customizing the Speed Dial of Opera Mobile, including entering as many Speed Dial entries as you like.

Get the final version of Opera Mobile 12 in the Android Market, or at

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