
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Symantec Survey in Malaysia Reveals Upsurge in Rogue Clouds and Other Hidden Costs

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – March 5, 2013 – Organisations in Malaysia are widely migrating to the cloud to gain competitive advantages around speed, agility and flexibility according to the Malaysia findings of Symantec Corp’s. (Nasdaq: SYMC) recent Avoiding the Hidden Costs of Cloud 2013 Survey. In fact, 99 percent of organisations in Malaysia  are at least discussing cloud, up from 70 percent about a year ago. Other key survey findings showed enterprises and SMBs are experiencing escalating costs tied to rogue cloud use, complex backup and recovery, and inefficient cloud storage. Rogue clouds are defined as business groups implementing public cloud applications that are not managed by or integrated into the company’s IT infrastructure.

Industry experts predict several key issues will arise in 2013 focused on the financial pressures and security challenges of cloud computing. Business continuity is seen as an important issue with the increase in cloud outages posing greater risks than security breaches. An outage may impact businesses and pose important concerns around data loss prevention, backup, time spent on data recovery and the associated costs. However, with advance preparation, organisations can build safe, agile and efficient clouds that will enable them to meet their business goals.

 (from left):Dave Elliot, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Global Cloud Marketing, Symantec. Nigel Tan, Director of Systems Engineering, Symantec Malaysia.

“A majority of businesses in Malaysia are at least discussing cloud as the benefits in improving agility and reducing costs are clear. However, in a rush to implement cloud, there are a host of hidden costs unwary organisations may face. The hidden costs of cloud implementation can negate the benefits if not properly contained,” said Nigel Tan, director of Systems Engineering at Symantec Malaysia.

“By taking control of cloud deployments through foresight and planning, companies in Malaysia can seize advantage of the flexibility and cost savings associated with the cloud, while minimising the data control and security risks linked with rogue cloud use,” Tan added.

“Wherever companies go with clouds, we will provide the protection and control they need across public and private cloud environments. Symantec’s vision is for safe, agile and efficient clouds. In five years, companies will operate in a converged IT world of cloud, virtualisation and mobile computing where clouds are safe. IT organizations will have better visibility, control and compliance across their private and public clouds,” said Dave Elliott, Symantec’s senior product marketing manager for Global Cloud.

“To achieve this safe clouds environment, the IT industry needs to enforce rigorous cloud strategies around the protection of policy, information, people and infrastructures. Symantec’s comprehensive portfolio provides companies of all sizes a variety of cloud solutions to address their specific needs and current IT environments.”

Rogue Cloud Implementations
According to the Malaysia findings of the survey, rogue cloud deployments are one of the cost pitfalls. It is a surprisingly common problem, found in 95 percent of businesses in Malaysia within the last year. It also seems to be an issue experienced more by enterprises, due to their larger company size, than SMBs.

Among organisations who reported rogue cloud issues, 47 percent experienced the exposure of confidential information, and 40 percent or more faced defacement of Web properties, stolen goods or services, and account takeover issues. The most commonly cited reasons for undertaking rogue cloud projects were to save time and money.

Cloud Backup and Recovery Issues
Cloud is complicating backup and recovery. First, 59 percent of organisations in Malaysia use three or more solutions to backup their physical, virtual and cloud data—leading to increased IT inefficiencies, risk and training costs. Furthermore, almost half (47 percent) percent of organisations in Malaysia have lost cloud data, and most (83 percent) have experienced recovery failures.

Finally, most see cloud recovery as a slow, tedious process. Only about one fourth (27 percent) of organisations in Malaysia rate this as fast and 22 percent estimate it would take three or more days to recover from a catastrophic loss of data in the cloud.

Inefficient Cloud Storage
One of the key advantages to cloud storage is how simple it is to provision. Sometimes this simplicity leads to inefficient cloud storage. Generally, organisations strive to maintain a storage utilisation rate above 50 percent. According to the survey, cloud storage utilisation globally is surprisingly low at 17 percent. There is a tremendous difference in this area between enterprises globally (which are utilising 26 percent of their storage) and SMBs (which is a shockingly low seven percent). Furthermore, within Malaysia, just over half admit very little, if any, of their cloud data is deduplicated, further compounding the problem.

Compliance and eDiscovery Concerns
According to the survey, 64 percent of organisations in Malaysia are concerned about meeting compliance requirements in the cloud, and a slightly larger number (71 percent) are concerned about being able to prove they have met cloud compliance requirements. This concern about information in the cloud is well founded, as 39 percent of organisations have been fined for cloud privacy violations.

eDiscovery is creating additional pressure on businesses to quickly find the right information. About half (51 percent) of businesses in Malaysia reported receiving eDiscovery requests for cloud data. Of those, almost two-thirds (61 percent) have missed their cloud discovery deadlines, leading to fines and legal risks.

Data in Transit Issues
Organisations have all sorts of assets in the cloud – such as web properties, online businesses or web applications – that require SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates to protect the data in transit whether it is personal or financial information, business transactions and other online interactions. The Malaysia findings of the survey showed companies found managing many SSL certificates to be highly complex: Just 33 percent rate cloud SSL certificate management as easy and only 48 percent are certain their cloud-partner’s certificates are in compliance with corporate standards.

Hidden Costs Are Easily Avoided
The survey shows ignoring these hidden costs will have a serious impact on business. However, these issues are easily mitigated with careful planning, implementation and management:
Focus policies on information and people, not technologies or platforms
Educate, monitor and enforce policies
Embrace tools that are platform agnostic
Deduplicate data in the cloud

Symantec’s Avoiding the Hidden Costs of Cloud 2013 Survey
Symantec’s 2013 Cloud Survey is a result of research conducted by ReRez in September-October 2012. The full study represents 3,236 organisations from 29 countries, including 150 organisations in Malaysia. Responses came from companies with a range of five to more than 5,000 employees. Of those responses, 1,358 came from SMBs and 1,878 came from enterprises.

赛门铁克马来西亚调查显示不合格云端服务(Rogue Clouds)及隐形成本暴增

马来西亚吉隆坡 – 2013年3月5日 – 赛门铁克公司(Nasdaq: SYMC) 近日发布的《2013年云端隐形成本调查》(Avoiding the Hidden Costs of Cloud 2013 Survey)马来西亚数据显示,马来西亚企业广泛迁移至云端以获取速度、敏捷度和灵活性方面的竞争优势。事实上,99%的马来西亚企业已开始讨论云端技术,比率超越了一年前的70%。此调查的另一项重要发现显示,大企业和中小型企业都面对着不合格云端服务(rogue cloud)、复杂的备份和复原、以及云端存储效率欠佳等问题,因而造成成本增加。不合格云端服务定义为企业采用并非由公司资讯科技部门管理,也没有与资讯科技基础建设整合的公共云端应用。




“当企业决定采用云端服务,我们将为它们提供公共云端和私人云端环境所需要的保护和监控。赛门铁克的愿景是提供安全、灵活及高效率的云端服务。未来5年,企业将进入汇合云端、虚拟化和行动运算的资讯科技运作环境,资讯科技部门对于公共云端和私人云端将拥有更好的能见度、管理和法规遵循能力。”赛门铁克全球云端资深产品市场经理Dave Elliot表示。



云端计算将备份和复原变得更为复杂。首先,59%的马来西亚企业采用三个或更多的解决方案来备份其实体、虚拟和云端数据,这种情况导致资讯科技效率降低、增加风险和培训成本。此外,大约半数 (47%) 马来西亚企业曾面临过数据丢失的事件,而大部分企业 (83%)经历过数据复原失败的情况。



电子搜证(eDiscovery) 可以快速地找到正确的资讯,但也为企业带来额外压力。超过半数(51%) 的马来西亚企业呈报曾被要求进行云端搜证以提供云端资料,其中有三分之二 (61%) 错过了云端搜证的期限,因而面临罚款和法律风险。

企业在云端存储各种企业资产(例如:web属性、在线业务或web应用),无论是个人信息、财务资料、商业交易或其他在线业务,这些都需要安全套接层(Secure Sockets Layer,简称SSL)证书来保证数据传输的安全。



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