
Monday, February 24, 2014

Fuji Xerox Launches Sustainability Report at New Malaysian Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur

World’s Leading Document Solutions Provider is the First in the Industry to Launch a Sustainability Report in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, 21st February 2014 – Steering the direction towards a sustainable future, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Malaysia Operations) is the first document solutions provider in the industry to launch a Sustainability Report in Malaysia. Following the standards of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework, the sustainability programme at Fuji Xerox Malaysia is aligned to international principles and commitments of Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd (Japan). Today also marks the day Fuji Xerox Malaysia opens its new office in Menara Binjai, Kuala Lumpur. To commemorate the opening of the new Malaysian headquarters, Datuk Loo Took Gee, Secretary-General of Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, officiated the launch with Fuji Xerox’s employees and business partners.

Bringing a Sustainable Living Environment for Future Generations
Entitled the Fuji Xerox 2013 Sustainability Report, this report reveals Fuji Xerox’s commitment in allowing stakeholders to understand their business model, ethics and ideologies in maintaining economic, environmental and social sustainability through multi-contributions within the community. The report complies with the ten key principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) that ensure the protection of human rights, the elimination of abusive working practices, consideration for the environment and the elimination of corruption.

(L to R): 1. Masashi Honda, Corporate Vice President, Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd; & President, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Regional Office. 2. Datuk Loo Took Gee, Secretary-General, Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water. 3. Sunil Gupta, President, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Malaysia Operations).

Apart from that, Fuji Xerox has ensured that the sustainability measurement and methodologies of the report fall within the comprehensive Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework, a structure that is widely used by global organisations around the world. The GRI is a non-profit organisation that promotes economic, environmental, and social sustainability, as well as governance performance, aiming towards a sustainable global economy.

“Fuji Xerox’s 2013 Sustainability Report is a step in demonstrating our commitment to transparency and open communication; sharing the vision for our company; giving business partners, investors and consumers insight into how we live our values; our progress towards a sustainable future and how we want to make a real difference in every life we have touched,” said Sunil Gupta, President of Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (Malaysia Operations). “A sustainable global economy should combine long-term profitability with social justice and environmental care. Organisations in Malaysia will need to step up to increase the trust that stakeholders have in them through transparent and accountable reporting in this global economy. With the launch of the Sustainability Report, we hope to spearhead a local drive to inspire Malaysian organisations to be committed in exercising economic, environmental and social sustainability in their daily operations.”

In line with the Malaysian government’s commitment and focus on sustainability, the report showcases Fuji Xerox’s efforts to practice and encourage the public to embrace green technology. Masashi Honda, Corporate Vice President, Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd & President, Fuji Xerox Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, Regional Office also added, “The launch of the sustainability report simply makes sense for our future direction in Malaysia. As we constantly keep up with the ever-evolving business world, we are committed to generating positive environmental and social impact in order to bring a sustainable living environment for future generations.”

‘Genko itchi’ Unity of Words and Deeds
Adhering to the Fuji Xerox Genko itchi principle – which means to ‘match words to deeds and actions’, Fuji Xerox opens its new Malaysian Headquarters at Menara Binjai, a first grade green building rented premise known as the “Tower of Sustainability”. With its strategic location in the central economic hub of Malaysia, this new office will upgrade Fuji Xerox’s capabilities and infrastructures to better serve their customers and improve work productivity. The office is a new chapter in the history of the company as it will be adopting a paperless environment, which truly adheres to its document solutions services. In addition, the open design will foster open communication among teams and customers reflecting the transparency principle of the company.

Having invested over RM100, 000 in management and employee time in 2012, Fuji Xerox continues its commitment in contributing more to the community in this year. In 2012, Fuji Xerox achieved a recycling rate of 99.5% for end-of-life products at all their business sites within Japan and overseas. Moving forward, Fuji Xerox targets to achieve a stronger customer focus by identifying areas of improvement in their products, standardised service nationwide and maintain customer service efficiency.

At the environmental level, Fuji Xerox aims to reduce their customers’ carbon dioxide emissions by seven million tonnes per year by 2020, in addition to achieving zero landfill, no pollution and no illegal disposal from their operations in the coming years. Furthermore, Fuji Xerox Malaysia is committed to planting 10,000 mangrove trees by 2015 as it is a declining resource but one that is essential in nourishing and protecting the local marine ecosystems. To raise awareness on climate change locally, Fuji Xerox Malaysia aims to involve their distributors in the tree planting programs. To address local education needs, Fuji Xerox will be partnering with ‘Teach for Malaysia’ by lending Fuji Xerox’s resources to print learning materials in colour.

“In Malaysia, sustainable development is constantly pursued in order to not only safeguard a cleaner environment, but also sustain a level of economic development without excessive waste and pollution, while preserving natural resources for future generations,” said Datuk Loo Took Gee, Secretary-General of Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water. “To achieve this, we need to develop a sense of citizenship in local sustainability efforts by reassessing our core value systems through the delivery of quality education and empowering communities to decide on the future they want to live in. It is heartening to see Fuji Xerox Malaysia practising sustainable efforts at all levels within their corporation, and it is laudable that Fuji Xerox Malaysia has set the benchmark for multinational corporations to follow.”

Sunil added, “Sustainability is deeply ingrained in the Fuji Xerox culture and we are actively involved in our programme. In a fast-growing market such as Malaysia, we strongly advocate that companies integrate sustainability practices into their business strategies. Corresponding to Bursa Malaysia’s commitment to ensure sustainability within capital markets, we strongly believe companies are able to develop that are not only sustainable, but also competitive products and services with the primary aim of building a quality market. Fuji Xerox will certainly continue to develop and engineer innovative products and services that are of high quality without negatively impacting the environment.”

Fuji Xerox富士施乐拥抱“绿色”迁入环保建筑新总部
全球领先文件解决方案供应商Fuji Xerox富士施乐首开先河在马来西亚推出永续发展报告

吉隆坡2014年2月21日讯 –Fuji Xerox富士施乐亚太私人有限公司 (马来西亚分公司)为大马资讯科技业内首个推出永续发展报告的文件解决方案供应商,以实际行动面向永续发展未来。报告依据联合国全球契约(United Nations Global Compact,UNGC)的标准以及全球报告倡议组织(Global Reporting Initiative,GRI)的永续发展报告框架拟定。Fuji Xerox富士施乐(大马)所推行的永续发展计划是Fuji Xerox富士施乐有限公司(日本)在全球各国所推动的永续发展计划的一部份,具备一致的国际原则和承诺。同时,本日也是Fuji Xerox 富士施乐亚太私人有限公司 (马来西亚分公司) 在Binjai大厦全新办公室投入运作的大好日子。能源、绿色工艺及水务部秘书长拿督吕淑玉应邀莅临现场,在富士施乐(大马)员工以及商业伙伴的参与见证之下,为新办公室主持启用仪式。

这份“富士施乐2013年永续发展报告”反映Fuji Xerox富士施乐致力于让利益关系人了解到,透过在社区内推动多样化的贡献,他们所选择的商业模式、企业伦理和思想形态对于维持经济、环境和社会永续发展的重要性。报告符合联合国全球契约(UNGC)所列出的10项主要原则,即包括维护人权、消除一切形式的强迫和强制劳动、注重环保、消灭贪污贿赂等。


“富士施乐2013年永续发展报告显示我们致力于落实透明化作业和开放式沟通;分享我们的企业愿景、为商业伙伴、投资者和消费人提供平台深入了解我们如何活出自己的价值;我们在推动永续发展未来所取得的进展,以及我们计划如何改变大家的生活,”Fuji Xerox 富士施乐(大马)总裁Sunil Gupta说道。“一个永续发展的全球经济体必须结合长期利益、社会公义以及关注环保於一体。在现今的全球经济环境之下,大马的企业组织必须化被动为主动,透过具透明度和可靠的报告来提高利益关系人对于他们的信任。随着永续发展报告的推介,我们希望能起到抛砖引玉的效果,启发更多大马企业组织共同参与,在日常运作当中落实经济、环境和社会永续发展。”

根据大马政府对于永续发展的承诺和关注,报告彰显富士施乐对于落实和鼓励公众人士拥抱绿色科技的努力和决心。Fuji Xerox富士施乐有限公司企业副总裁兼Fuji Xerox 富士施乐亚太区总裁Masashi Honda也补充,“推介永续发展报告对于我们在大马的未来方向深具意义。当我们紧贴变化多端的商业动态之馀,我们也承诺致力于为环境及社会带来正面影响,为下一 代留下一个可永续居住的生活环境。”

‘Genko itchi’ 言行一致
贯彻富士施乐“Genko itchi”言行一致的原则,富士施乐在在大马开设的全新总部就座落在以永续发展大厦而闻名的绿色建筑物Binjai大厦里。Binjai大厦座落在大马经济中心的策略性地点,这个新办公室将可提升富士施乐的产能和基础建设,为客户提供更高素质服务及工作生产力。新办公室也标志着富士施乐(大马)迈向历史新篇章,在这个全新的总部里,富士施乐将一如其所提供的文件解决方案服务般落实无纸张环境。除此之外,开放式设计不仅反映公司落实透明化制度,也将促进富士施乐团队与客户之间的良好沟通。

2012年时富士施乐在管理及员工时间上投入逾10万令吉资金 ,今年富士施乐将秉持其承诺为社区做出更多贡献。在2012年日本及海外的富士施乐在营运场所的废弃产品取得高达99.5%再循环率。展望未来,富士施乐的目标是进一步改善提升产品、在全国提供标准化服务以及保持客户服务效率,以强化客户对品牌的向心力。

在环保层面,除了要在未来数年内达致零垃圾土埋场、零污染以及零非法废弃或排放之外,富士施乐的愿景也包括要在2020年时减少客户的二氧化碳排放量至每年700万公吨。除此之外,富士施乐(大马)也承诺要在2015年时实现栽种1万棵红树林的目标,红树林是防护大马海洋生态系统的重要工具但其数量却在逐年下降当中。为了提高大马人对于气候变迁的醒觉度,富士施乐(大马)计划邀请分销商参与植树计划。此外,为了满足教育需求,富士施乐将与‘Teach for Malaysia’ 合作,提供富士施乐的资源协助打印彩色版学习材料。



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