
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

NEC Launches IP Testing Solutions to Support Construction and Operation of IP Networks

Solutions target telecom carriers with an integrated approach

Tokyo, June 3, 2008 - NEC Corporation announced today that it has configured testing solutions for the construction and operation phases of IP networking in response to a growing demand for IP network architecture from telecom carriers. The solutions have been arranged into an integrated testing system.

The system consists of the five solutions (listed below), and classifies IP network construction into three phases: installation, network operation and SLA*, with each phase hosting a number of tests to confirm IP circuit connectivity, network quality and other network characteristics.

- Installation phase: Testing Solution for System Installation
Testing Solution for Subscriber Line Activation
- Network Operation phase: Testing Solution for Operation & Maintenance
Testing Solution for Problem Isolation
- SLA phase: Testing Solution for Services

*SLA (Service Level Agreement): Contract existing between a communication service provider and its customers to formally define service levels.

Testing required in the installation phase of IP network construction includes confirmation of connectivity and verification of voice/video communication quality, both at the time of equipment setup as well as connection to subscriber households. In addition to periodic testing, service testing and line quality assurance testing, the operation and maintenance phase requires testing to identify areas of failure in times of service interruption, as well as confirmation of service recovery. The tests are complex and highly technical, which has consequently increased the cost of network operation.

To address these issues, NEC is looking to streamline deployment and operation of IP networks and significantly reduce costs by delivering carefully crafted solutions that leverage group-wide technological capabilities and know-how. The new system applies NEC’s proven technology and abundant experience in the field of IP network architecture, incorporating “NC1900-ST” software to verify the status of SIP communications and measure communication quality, as well as “MS3400 Series” software to manage network operations, monitor network quality and support failure analysis. NEC is actively promoting its solutions business to telecom carriers.

The features of each solution are outlined below.

1. Testing Solution for System Installation
Provides functions for the automatic testing of installation works, including equipment construction and line extensions. A network-based testing device checks the status of the routing information configured in the SIP server, making it possible to conduct efficient and reliable connection testing.

2. Testing Solution for Subscriber Line Activation
Provides testing functions that facilitate C-plane (SIP) and U-plane (RTP) conduction and verify quality levels for the opening of subscriber lines. VoIP-call testing functions confirm signal and voice quality from a testing device installed in subscriber households, and can be controlled remotely from an integrated management server.

3. Testing Solution for Operation & Maintenance
Provides testing functions required for such network maintenance tasks as periodic testing conducted during network operations. The solution installs such devices as quality control and integrated testing servers to gather information at regular intervals, and to use this information to predict and detect the occurrence of service interruptions or detect silent failures.

4. Testing Solution for Problem Isolation
Provides functions that quickly and easily locate areas of failure or quality deterioration during service interruptions. The solution makes it possible to locate areas of quality deterioration within quality data and related routing information using estimation engines, as well as identifies failure zones from the results of End-End connectivity testing and relay testing.

5. Testing Solution for Services
Provides functions that confirm the quality of service operations, as well as tests SLA assessments, SPIT (SPAM over IP Telephony) countermeasures and service analysis. The solution makes it possible to determine the quality of individual voice and video services, measure throughput of Internet services, conduct assessment testing on user-generated SPIT claims and carry out trend analysis on services. Furthermore, the anti-SPIT software conducts electronic voice detection tests to identify undesirable SPIT.

Please refer to the attachment for a diagram outlining the solutions.

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