
Friday, December 9, 2011

Kaspersky Lab Cybercrime Research Competition Returns

Papers encompass information technology social, economical and legal to discover the next cyber security expert

Petaling Jaya, December 7, 2011 – Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content and threat management solutions is calling on Malaysian students from universities and other higher education institutions to participate in a research competition on cybercrime.

Kaspersky Lab’s IT Security for the Next Generation and The Asia Cup of Student Conference aims to assemble students, experts, scientists, law practitioners, economists and researchers in a collaborative environment to present and discuss issues relating to cybercrime.The first phase of Kaspersky Lab ‘IT Security for the Next Generation’ will begin with the Malaysia Cup, of which the best three papers will be chosen as the winners. The three winners will then be enrolled to the next phase – MEA and Asia Pacific Conference for Young Professionals where the students will be competing with students from respective universities and institutes of higher education around MEA and Asia Pacific region, to be held at City University of Hong Kong in March, 2012.

“After discovering Asnita Hashim, one of the local brightest security expert to hit the international cyber security arena who won third place at the International Students Conference in 2010, the competition returns designed to discover and nurture the next generation to be well-equipped for the future cyber attacks. Her triumphant success in the previous competition means that there is a lot of hidden talents in Malaysia are yet to be noticed. Hopefully, the students in Malaysia would heed this competition as a platform to showcase their talents and knowledge in our universal effort in fighting cyber threats”, said Mr. Jimmy Fong, Channel Sales Director, SEA, Kaspersky Lab.

“We received tremendous feedback from Malaysian students and tertiary education institutions in last year’s Malaysia and Asia Cup. We foresee that we will receive a better response this year as cyber threats has grown and evolved in greater extend in just short period of a year like the industrial attack of Stuxnet and rampant hacking on corporate organizations. As such, we believe that the students across ICT, legal and economy backgrounds have their own distinctive viewpoints on the recent escalating of cyber security issues which could help us to find more alternatives in combating the rise,” added Mr. Jimmy Fong.

The papers submitted will be evaluated and vet through by the program committees chaired by Mr. Eugene Kaspersky, Chief Executive Officer of Kaspersky Lab, together with the Kaspersky Lab experts and university professors.

The topics, which cover technical, social, economic and legal topics include:-
Technical topics
1. Trends in Anti-Spam Development - Techniques, Methods in the “Spam Arms Race” and new Innovations
2. Dangers of an increasingly Networked World
3. “In the Cloud”-Security
4. Future Technologies for Detecting and Combating Malware (e.g. artificial intelligence, fuzzy systems and p2p-networks)
Social, economic and legal topics
5. Emerging Threats (e.g. social network security, embedded systems security, mobile security, online banking security)
6. Challenges and Opportunities for IT – Security, Companies within the next 10 Years
7. Impact of technologies on Data Protection, Copy and Intellectual Property Rights and Jurisdiction
8. Education in IT Security – Trends and Questions

The three best papers from Asia Cup will be entitled to compete at the International Cup.

Conference Registration & Paper Submission Dateline:
9 January 2012
Announcement of Result:
6 February 2012

Conference date:
21-23 March, 2012, City University of Hong Kong

To register and submit the papers, kindly visit

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