
Monday, June 11, 2012

ASEAN SME Working Group Deliberate Cloud Computing To Unlock Business Transformation

Microsoft and SME Corp host “Technology Showcase Summit” at ASEAN SME Working Group to underscore power of cloud computing in transforming ASEAN business landscape

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 June 2012 —Microsoft and SME Corp recently hosted a “Technology Showcase Summit” to the ASEAN SME Working Group (“ASEAN SMEWG”) conference, underscoring the power of cloud computing in transforming SMEs into sustainable growth engines of the Southeast Asian business landscape. The event, themed “Transforming ASEAN Businesses Powered By Cloud Computing,” was mooted to discuss and provide concrete examples of public-private collaboration to achieve the outcomes of the Strategic Action Plan for ASEAN SME Development 2010-2015.

Kicking off the event, En. Mahdi Mohd. Ariffin, Deputy CEO of SME Corp Malaysia explained how momentum in the cloud for SMEs was growing, saying, “SMEs are the backbone of economic development, and they now face the need to become more competitive and resilient moving forward. Technology definitely plays an integral role in this to help SMEs become more profitable, which is why SMEs can no longer ignore the power inherent in cloud computing. Companies preparing to engage and compete globally are flocking to the Cloud for its advantages to scale on demand and achieve greater productivity. In fact, according to Forrester Consulting, 64 percent of Malaysian companies are either currently using or actively planning cloud initiatives.”He continued, “Cloud computing is certainly helping SMEs be more innovative, moving beyond merely maintaining technology to looking into strategies that optimize IT in support of business objectives. Again and again, we’re seeing how the cloud is helping our customers save costs and improve the customer experience.”

Speaking to the delegates, Mr. Saw Ken Wye, Vice President (Asia) of Microsoft Corporation said, “An important element of competitive success for ASEAN is helping entrepreneurs, the essential engine of ASEAN economy. Technology is playing a significant role in helping SMEs remain competitive in challenging economic times. Smart technology helps to save money and energy costs, identify new trends and business models, like cloud computing, that will drive future growth and jobs. ASEAN has a clear focus with the ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015 towards smart, sustainable and inclusive growth – our core contention is that the cloud will be a catalyst towards this aim.”

Saw explained further, “ASEAN member states have a profound opportunity not only to benefit from the cloud, but also to lead in the new cloud era. As for Microsoft, we will continue partnering with businesses, governments, academics and other cloud visionaries to help Asia realize its full cloud potential. This is something we will remain committed to, as exemplified by our US$9.5 billion investment into cloud research and development – more than any other company in the world.”

The ASEAN SMEWG is part of the Strategic Action Plan for ASEAN SME Development 2010-2015, which outlines the framework for SME development in the ASEAN Region. The Plan covers mandates stipulated in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint, as well as the current and future work of the ASEAN SMEWG, which is composed of the SME Agencies of all ASEAN Member Countries. In partnership with donor agencies and the private sector, the ASEAN SMEWG seeks to ensure the advancement of SMEs in the region.

The blueprint comprises strategic work programs, policy measures and indicative outputs. Its objectives are to:
• Accelerate the pace of SME development, optimizing on the diversities of ASEAN Member Countries;
• Enhance the competitiveness and dynamism of ASEAN SMEs by facilitating their access to information, market, human resource development and skills, finance as well as technology;
• Strengthen the resilience of ASEAN SMEs to better withstand adverse macroeconomic and financial difficulties, as well as the challenges of a more liberalised trading environment; and
• Increase the contribution of SMEs to the overall economic growth and development of ASEAN as a region.



吉隆坡,2012年6月11日 – 微软和中小企业机构不久前在东盟中小企业工作组(简称“ASEAN SMEWG”)会议举办“技术展示峰会”,强调在云计算的强大功能,协助中小企业转型,成为东南亚商业环境的可持续增长引擎。这个主题为“云计算为东盟企业转型”(Transforming ASEAN Businesses Powered By Cloud Computing)的活动,旨在商讨和提供公共部门和私营机构合作的具体例子,以实现东盟中小企业发展2010-2015年策略行动计划的成果。

马来西亚中小企业机构副首席执行员Mahdi Mohd. Ariffin为活动主持开幕时解释为何云计算对中小型企业越来越重要,他说:“中小企业是经济发展的骨干,如今面对提升竞争力的需求和继续前进的动力。毫无疑问,技术扮演着不可或缺的角色,以助中小企业增加盈利收入,因此中小企业不可再忽略云计算潜在的强大功能。那些准备进军并在全球竞争的公司,均使用云计算的优势,以衡量需求并达至更大的生产效率。事实上,根据Forrester Consulting咨询公司指出,马来西亚有 64% 的公司是目前正在使用或积极计划采用云计算。”

他续说:“云计算将帮助中小型企业变得更有创意,超越单纯的技术维护,而发现更多策略以优化 IT(资讯工艺),进而支持业务达至目标。我们不断的见证,云计算如何帮助我们的客户节省成本以及提升客户体验。”

微软公司副总裁(亚洲)Saw Ken Wye在对代表们致词时说道:“东盟在竞争中获得成功的重要因素之一就是帮助企业家,因为他们是东盟经济的关键引擎。科技扮演显著角色,以帮助中小企业在这充满挑战的经济时代保持竞争力。智能技术有助于节省资金和能源成本,确定新的趋势和商业模式,例如云计算,将推动未来的经济增长和就业机会。通过《2015年东盟资讯与通讯科技总体规划》(ASEAN ICT Masterplan 2015),东盟对智能技术,可持续发展和包容性增长有明确的聚焦,我们的核心论点是云计算将是实现此目标的催化剂。”


东盟中小企业工作组是2010-2015年东盟中小企业发展的策略行动计划部分活动之一,旨在概述中小型企业在东盟地区的发展架构。计划涵盖东盟经济共同体(AEC)蓝图所规定的任务,以及 东盟中小企业工作组在目前和未来的工作。东盟中小企业工作组是由所有东盟成员国的中小企业机构组成。通过与捐助机构及私营部门组成伙伴关系,东盟中小企业工作组积极确保在该地区的中小企业不断前进。

• 促进中小企业的发展步伐,优化东盟成员国的多元化;
• 增强东盟中小企业的竞争力和前进动力,促进他们获得资讯、市场、人力资源开发和技能、金融以及技术等优势;
• 加强东盟中小企业的应变能力,以应对宏观经济的不利因素和财务困境,以及更开放贸易环境带来的挑战;
• 提高中小企业对整体经济增长,以及东盟区域发展的贡献。

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