
Thursday, August 15, 2013

WeChat Surges Past 100 Million Registered User Accounts Milestone

Global popularity of WeChat continues to gain momentum

Kuala Lumpur – 15 August, 2013 – WeChat, a leading mobile social communication application, today announced that it has surpassed the 100 million registered user accounts milestone outside Mainland China, further reinforcing its popularity on the international stage.  Several key initiatives including the WeChat 5.0 upgrade and the global Lionel Messi advertising campaign have piqued the interest of audiences worldwide.

WeChat doubled its registered user account base in the last 3 months, reaching the 100m milestone shortly after an independent survey* found that the platform was the fifth most used smartphone app worldwide.

Since its international debut, WeChat has been well received in Asia, quickly becoming the most popular mobile social app in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia and Malaysia across multiple smartphone OS platforms, where the user base has recently gained tremendous growth.  In addition to these markets, WeChat gains popularity worldwide and became the most downloaded mobile social app on App Stores in Argentina, Brazil, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Thailand and Turkey in July 2013.

“We must thank all our fans for helping us achieving 100 million registered user account milestone in such a short space of time.  To those people, and to future users, we promise we will continue to bring you innovation, for example we launched the first-of-its-kind voice messaging service ‘Hold-to-Talk’ on the app in 2011, and we will continue to develop and enrich our user experience. Whether users want to create text message, share moments, or engage in live audio and video chats, WeChat has made it all available to enjoy securely and for free,” said Poshu Yeung, Vice President of International Business Group at Tencent, the company behind the WeChat app.

WeChat has seen a host of artists, sports personalities, celebrities and VIPs join the platform to better connect with friends, family and fans.  Major brands such as Domino’s Pizza Malaysia and HTC Malaysia have leveraged the platform’s ‘Official Accounts’ capability to engage with customers.  With the new WeChat 5.0 upgrade, the platform moves beyond a simple messaging app with online payment capability for its sticker shop and a number of enhancements to enrich user experience.

*Information source: GlobalWebIndex, please visit

WeChat 热潮席捲全球   国际注册帐户突破一亿

吉隆坡 ─ 2013年8月15日 ─  全球领先的流动社交通讯应用WeChat 再一次创下新里程,今天宣佈其国际注册帐户突破一亿大关。WeChat气势如虹,早前于全球主要市场推出由世界足球先生美斯 (Lionel Messi) 主演的电视广告,加上本月上旬推出WeChat 5.0 版本,为用户增加更多创新功能。过去数週 WeChat 活动一浪接一浪,下一轮惊喜蓄势待发!


WeChat推出以来,于亚洲地区迅速冒起,深受用户欢迎,于香港、印度、印尼及马来西亚长期成为最受欢迎的社交应用程式,过去数月的注册帐户继续显着增长。WeChat热潮更迅速向全球散播,除了以上4个市场,WeChat于2013年7月在多个市场摘下了 App Store 流动社交应用程式下载量之冠,包括阿根廷、巴西、意大利、墨西哥、菲律宾、新加坡、西班牙、南非、泰国及土耳其。


一众着名的艺人、体育界巨星及名人,都已经加入WeChat这个大家庭,利用这个创新的平台与朋友、家人及粉丝保持紧密连繫,互相分享生活点滴。多个知名品牌,如 Domino’s Pizza Malaysia、HTC Malaysia 等,均开始透过WeChat独有的「官方帐号」,为用户提供独家优惠及最新资讯,以更亲切的方式增强与客户间的互动。最新的WeChat 5.0 版本进一步带来创新功能,例如支援线上付款购买及下载表情符号贴纸等,大大提升用户的使用体验。

*资料来源: GlobalWebIndex, 详情可浏览

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