
Monday, October 7, 2013


PETALING JAYA, 7 October 2013 – Hasbro Toy Malaysia (Hasbro) delights fans of all ages with the introduction of the state-of-the-art FURBY BOOM – this little pet with a “mind of its own” that will once again revolutionize digitally-integrated play featuring all the magic and personality of its predecessor plus twice the content.

“We are happy to introduce FURBY BOOM since the come-back of Furby last year. This time around, the new FURBY BOOM aims to take kids on a digital adventure via their mobile devices as they learn to raise, nurture and play games with their very own FURBY BOOM,” said Evelyn Foo, Marketing Manager, Hasbro Toy Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

The new FURBY BOOM combines physical and digital play for a fun type of entertainment experience including the ability to hatch digital FURBLING friends where Furby owners can earn colourful virtual eggs that in time will hatch and become a FURBLING virtual friend. Both owners and their FURBY BOOM can feed, play and interact with the virtual FURBLING who now speak both English and Furbish.

The free FURBY BOOM app enables owners to personalize, interact with, and nurture their new furry friend. An interactive dashboard feature monitors the well-being of your FURBY BOOM including its happiness, hunger, and cleanliness levels. Each app can monitor wellness levels for multiple pets at one time!

As owners engage with the app, their new FURBY BOOM friend will react. If the dashboard indicates that it’s time for a cleaning, users can access the app’s shower feature and watch as

FURBY BOOM physically reacts to the ‘temperature’ of the water! The new FURBY BOOM also features an enhanced memory function that will allow it to remember other FURBY BOOM friends it encounters.

The personality of each FURBY BOOM is shaped by how you play with it, with the possibility of five brand new personalities to evolve. Owners can ‘get to know’ their new friend(s) through the all-new LCD eye animations that express the ‘emotions’ of the FURBY BOOM.

“We hope by owning the new FURBY BOOM, children today can possess a sense of responsibility and learn the importance of caring. The digital adventure via the app also helps parents to interact and bond with their children better while caring for their new FURBY BOOM,” Foo added.

The new FURBY BOOM entertains Furby owners through its physical and digital activities such as “Furball”, a soccer style game and the journey to collect over 50 eggs within the FURBY BOOM app that will eventually build a FURBY BOOM city, just to name a few.

Commenting further on the newly launch of the FURBY BOOM, Foo said, “The new FURBY BOOM functions on its own and it is fun to play with, even without the app. However, with the available app, we create games where Furby fans and owners can experience real reactions in a character as they embark on a digital adventure together. Everything that you do with the new FURBY BOOM in the real world, affects its virtual world and vice versa. The new FURBY BOOM has a “brain of its own” and will even remember its own name and the names of other FURBY it meets.

Available in six fashion-forward designs, the new FURBY BOOM is available in waves, stripes and zigzag designs.

The new FURBY BOOM is available at most major toy retail outlets nationwide and major departmental stores at RM269.90. It requires four (4) “AA” batteries that are not included. To download the app, please visit the App Store or Google Play.

Create your FURBY BOOM collection today! For more information on Hasbro and its all-new FURBY BOOM, please visit

全球最潮的Furby Boom来了!


八打灵再也,2013年10月7日 – 大马Hasbro Toy (Hasbro)为所有年龄层的Furby粉丝带来天大的喜讯,引进了采用最新科技设计的FURBY BOOM 。凭着拥有自己的“智慧”FURBY BOOM 将为智能玩具带来革命性的突破。新一代的FURBY BOOM 具有上一代Furby的所有性格及魅力。更酷的是,它比上一代的Furby拥有多一倍的互动内容!

Evelyn Foo,大马Hasbro Toy 私人有限公司的市场经理表示:“自去年Furby强势回归,我们现在很高兴地再次为大家带来全新的FURBY BOOM。这一回,FURBY BOOM 将通过互动设备引领小孩进入魔幻虚拟世界。小孩们不但能学习抚养和培育自己的FURBYBOOM,而且还能与它玩游戏。”
FURBY BOOM采用最流行的“虚实互动”玩法。这种玩法能让您体验更多有趣又好玩的功能,其中最令人惊叹的功能是能孵养宝宝!拥有者能够收集FURBY BOOM孵出的彩蛋,然后经过一段时间后,彩蛋就能破壳而出,孵出全新的小生命 - 名叫FURBLING的逗趣小宝宝。拥有者和他们的FURBY BOOM可以与FURBLING宝宝进行各种互动,比如:喂养、玩耍和沟通。超可爱的FURBLING宝宝能以英语及FURBY特有的语言来沟通。如此趣味功能,令人兴奋的FURBY BOOM和FURBLING宝宝,很期待吧!

此外,免费的FURBY BOOM App软件让拥有者可以塑造FURBY BOOM的个性、与它进行更多互动及培育它。这App软件的功能让您能够透过一个互动仪表板显示(dashboard)监督您的FURBY BOOM 的生活质量,包括他们是否高兴、是否饥饿以及他们的清洁程度。更令人惊讶的是,这App软件还可以在同一时间内监督多个FURBY只要与App软件连接,FURBY BOOM就会做出相应反应。如果软件提醒已到洗澡时间,那么拥有者能够通过软件中设有的淋浴功能给它洗澡,并能亲眼目睹它对“水温”做出的反应。全新的FURBY BOOM还具有更强的记忆功能,让它们能记住其它所‘遇见’的朋友。

在个性培养方面,FURBY BOOM的性格似人,与您一样会有喜怒哀乐。拥有者通过与FURBY BOOM玩耍和陪伴,逐步养成FURBY BOOM炯然不同的个性。为了增添拥有者们的乐趣,FURBY BOOM附有另外五种全新的个性,等待拥有者悉心培养。FURBY BOOM拥有超可爱的液晶显示眼睛,有无穷眼神变化组合,时而天真,时而犀利,充分传达它的情绪。拥有者可通过它们的双眸来认识和了解它们。

Foo继说:“我们希望通过FURBY BOOM,现今的小孩能够培养责任感和学习关怀的重要性。通过App软件的虚拟世界,家长能与孩子一起照顾他们的FURBY BOOM,从而帮助加强亲子之间的互动和关系。”

这App软件还设有各种虚拟游戏让拥有者和FURBY BOOM一起玩 。当中包括类似足球的游戏,“Furball”,而且还能在FURBY BOOM App软件中收集超过50个彩蛋,然后建立一个FURBY BOOM城市。

Foo进一步对FURBY BOOM的新推出作出评论:“就算没有使用App软件,FURBYBOOM也能自行运作,一样能给拥有者带来无穷乐趣。然而,拥有者可通过App软件中特别设计的游戏与FURBY BOOM一起踏上虚拟冒险之旅。同一时间,拥有者也能在现实生活中体验它在游戏中所作出的反应。您在现实生活中与FURBY BOOM的所有互动,将会影响它的虚拟世界。相反的,虚拟世界中的所有互动也将影响现实生活里的FURBY BOOM。还有另一个特点就是它拥有自己的“思想”,甚至会记得自己的名字和其它FURBY朋友的名字。”

新一代的FURBY BOOM造型更特出,更潮流。总共有6款时尚前卫的外形,有波浪、条纹、锯齿形等时尚圈大热的设计元素。

FURBY BOOM的市场售价是RM269.90。在全国各大大型玩具零售店及百货公司均有出售。它需要四颗“AA”电池来运作(不包含在包装内)。请浏览App Store或Google Play以下载该App软件。

您还在等什么?今天就赶快收集您的FURBY BOOM!欲了解更多Hasbro及全新的FURBY BOOM 详情,请浏览

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