
Friday, November 8, 2013

HungryGoWhere is first food portal in APAC to provide personalised recommendations

Personal search platform analyses each user’s unique tastes and preferences 
to generate highly intuitive food recommendations

Malaysia, 7 November, 2013 – HungryGoWhere Malaysia today announced that it is the first food portal in APAC to provide personalised food recommendations according to each user’s unique tastes and preferences.

A first-of-its-kind personalised food recommendation system in APAC, the ground-breaking service from HungryGoWhere Malaysia works its magic with a hassle-free artificial intelligence system that is powered by Nara Logics, Inc. Nara’s personalisation algorithm works by combining what is right for you with where you are, computing recommendations all around you as you move through space.  After the user makes a few selections such as favourite cuisine type, preferred type of eatery and desired price range, Nara starts to build a ‘Digital DNA™’ profile for each user.

Drawing from a source database of over 35,000 eateries throughout Malaysia, even the pickiest of eaters are offered suggestions to suit their exacting taste buds. “Hungry Go Where?” will soon become “Hungry? I know exactly where to go!” The more one uses the system, the more accurate it gets. As users like and dislike a restaurant, the system is able to modify, filter and refine suggestions to match each user’s evolving ‘Digital DNA™’ profile.

“Knowing that Malaysians are passionate about good food, we are very excited to be the first to bring this great new technology to APAC, helping users discover the best makan places that might usually be out of their comfort zone,” said Mr Loo Cheng Chuan, Head (Local L!fe), of SingTel’s Digital L!fe division, SingTel.
“The integration of personalisation into HungryGoWhere Malaysia is significant in acquiring, engaging, and retaining users who want to find eateries that are most relevant to them, based on their preferences. We see web and search personalisation as the future, and we will continue to look for ways to enhance the user experience of the portal and app and make it more relevant and personal to each unique user,” he added.

HungryGoWhere Malaysia also offers a mobile app (available on iOS and Android platforms) that helps users find personalised eatery recommendations nearby by using advanced geo-location technology. There are plans to launch the service in Singapore and Australia next, enabling foodies to receive customised recommendations based on their preferences even when travelling out of the country.

Making food discovery fun 

To make food discovery even more fun, HungryGoWhere allows users to ‘level up’ as they use the site and mobile app, gaining points and earning badges that will appear alongside their user name. For example, those who share content regularly with their friends on Facebook become ‘BuzzyBees’, and ‘Superstars’ are those who amass a certain number of followers. Regular reviewers become ‘Food Critics’, and ‘Shutterbugs’ are those who are obsessed with taking and posting shots of their meals. There will also be badges for foodies who ‘specialise’ in certain types of cuisine, so a user can then become a ‘thai cuisine expert’, for example.

For more information, please visit or download the free mobile app from the Apple App Store and Google Play store.

HungryGoWhere 将成为亚洲太平洋


马来西亚 11 月 7 日讯 – HungryGoWhere 马来西亚今天宣布它乃是亚洲太平洋首个根据每一位用户之独特口味和喜好而提供个性化建议的美食门户网站。

该亚洲太平洋前所未有的个性化美食推荐系统乃是 HungryGoWhere 马来西亚之一项突破服务,它采用 Nara Logics, Inc 所供应的毫无麻烦人工智能系统以呈献这项神奇功能。Nara 的个性化演算法能结合适合您的的美食和您所处在的地点,然后随着您跨越时空而运算周围的建议。在用户作出一些选择如最爱吃的美食种类,首选的食店类型和向往的价格范围之后,Nara 将开始为每一个用户建立一个 '数码 DNA™' 概况。

通过收集马来西亚各地超过 35,000 家食店的资料数据库,即使是最挑剔的食家都能找到所喜爱的口味。"到哪里用餐?" 的疑问很快就有了答案,即 "我就知道上哪一家馆子!"。更多人使用该系统意味着其答案会更准确。随着用户对某家食店按赞或按贬,该系统将可修改,过滤和筛选建议,以匹配每一位用户的变化中 '数码 DNA™' 概况。

"我们非常清楚马来西亚人是民以食为天的民族,因此以率先在亚洲太平洋推介该伟大的新科技而感到振奋,以协助用户发掘一些或许是得来全不费工夫的最佳食店," 新电信(SingTel)之 Digital L!fe 组的主管(Local L!fe) Loo Cheng Chuan 先生说道。

"将个性化功能纳入 HungryGoWhere 马来西亚对争取,接触和留住那些寻觅最适宜和迎合自己喜好之食店的用户很重的。我们认为网页和搜索的个性化乃是大势所趋,我们将继续想方设法提升用户浏览门户网站和使用应用程序的体验,务求它更适宜每一位独一无二的用户," 他补充道。

HungryGoWhere 马来西亚也提供一个移动应用程序(可在 iOS 和 Android 平台找到) ,以协助用户通过先进的地理定位科技找到附近的个性化食店建议。其他计划包括于将来在新加坡和澳洲推出这项服务,以便出国旅游的食客可根据本身的喜好取得度身定制的建议。

为了使发掘美食更具乐趣,HungryGoWhere 让用户随着使用该网站和移动应用程序,累积分数和赢取列于他们的用户名之旁的徽章而提升等级。例如,那些经常在面子书与朋友分享内容者将成为 ‘BuzzyBees’,而吸引足够追随者的用户将成为  ‘Superstars’。经常写评语者将成为 ‘食评家’,最爱拍摄和张贴美食图片者则称为 ‘Shutterbugs’。其他专长于某种美食的食家也将赢得各种徽章,例如,某位用户可能因此而成为 ‘泰餐专家’。

欲知详情,请浏览 或从 Apple App Store 和 Google Play store 下载免费的移动应用程序。

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