
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Trend Micro Codinsanity Calls Upon Programming Talents to Solve Big Data Challenges

Adrenaline-pumping Asia Pacific student hackathon now to include software professionals

Kuala Lumpur, 14 May 2014 – Global leader in cloud security, Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE:4704), continues to fuel creativity and cultivate young programming talents through its annual programming contest, the Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest.  For the first time in 15 years, the contest is now open to both working professionals and students across twelve markets in Asia-Pacific including Malaysia.

Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest builds on top of last year’s contest and challenges talent to creatively solve algorithmic challenges in big data. Today’s mobile, social, and collaborative lifestyles have transformed the way people use technology at home, at work, and everywhere in between. With the rise of big data, the challenge to secure devices, personal information, and business data has become even more complex.

Whether it is optimizing existing algorithms or formulating new algorithms, Trend Micro Codinsanity  2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest provides the ideal test bed for contestants to think big, push boundaries and explore alternative solutions to better link data sets, refine recommendation engines or add intelligence to existing processes. The contest provides a platform to showcase innovative applications with market potential and positive social impact.

“Today, we are living in the cloud era and a data-driven world, which is reshaping the way enterprises, government agencies and individuals operate. As a company, we are approaching security with a data-centric framework. Our annual programming contest brings together like-minded individuals with the same passion to solve real-world problems in big data which will form the basis of innovation, productivity and competition,” said Goh Chee Hoh, Managing Director for Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, Trend Micro Inc. “By working with students and working professionals, we gain unique perspectives and new ideas that can help us approach and tackle challenges differently. We are excited about the outcomes of this year’s contest and we welcome students and software programming talents to take part in the contest.”
To help contestants prepare for Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest, the company is offering optional coaching services to participating teams from the time of registration to the finals. All coaches are Trend Micro experts based out China, Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines.

The winning team of Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest will not only receive a cash prize of USD 20,000, but will also undergo an exclusive two-month student internship program with the company. The first runner-up, second runner-up and finalist teams will receive USD 10,000, USD 6,000 and USD 2,000 respectively.

Sharing his views on the annual programming contest, Goh added: “At Trend Micro, we are committed to fostering and grooming the next generation of software programming talents. These young talents are the linchpins of our industry and will help drive innovation, continue Trend Micro’s legacy as the threat defense and cloud security expert, and achieve our vision of making the world a safe enough place to exchange digital information.”

The format of this year’s contest comprises two stages, beginning with an online test and ending with an onsite final held in Taiwan. The programming languages for the contest are C/C++ and Java. Participating teams will be scored against three key criteria – accuracy, performance and speed – for the online test and the ten highest-scoring teams will embark on an all-expense paid trip to Taiwan where they will pit against one another in the finals. The judging criteria for the onsite final include creativity, completeness of solution, technicality and presentation.

Registration for Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 Asia Pacific Programming Contest is now open for undergraduates and young professionals in China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. For more information about the contest, visit

Trend Micro Codinsanity 程式竞赛开跑 


吉隆坡,2014年5月14日讯 –全球云端安全领导厂商Trend Micro(TYO: 4704;TSE:4704,对推动软件设计创意工作不遗余力,并将透过其一年一度举行的Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014年亚太区程式竞赛,栽培年轻的软件编程人才。这是该公司15年来,首度将赛事规模扩大至亚太区12个国家,包括马来西亚,今年更开放予在职专业人士及学生参加!

Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014年亚太区程式竞赛,将以去年的竞赛作为基础,挑战参赛者解决巨量资料问题的创意。有鉴于现今的移动装置、社交媒体及结合此两者的生活方式,已彻底改变了人们在居家、工作及生活场所中对于科技的应用方式。再加上巨量资料的兴起,如何确保移动装置、个人资料及商业数据的安全性,已经成为越来越复杂的挑战。

不论是针对现有的演算法加以强化,或是开发新的演算法,Trend Micro Codinsanity  2014年亚太区程式竞赛提供了理想的试验平台,让参赛者大胆地想像、挑战极限,以及探索新的解决方案以提升资料关联性,优化推荐引擎或是智能化现有的流程。这项竞赛也提供一个平台,用于展现具市场潜力和有利于社会的创新应用程式。

“今日,我们正生活在一个云端应用及资料驱动的时代,企业、政府机构的运作与人们的生活方式都已转型。身为全球云端资讯安全领导企业,我们一直以安全的资讯中心为架构。我们每年举办程式竞赛,让各国兴趣相投,技术高超的人才齐聚一堂,一同解决真实世界的巨量资料问题,这也将是科技与软件产业未来创新力、生产力和竞争力的基石,” Trend Micro公司的马来西亚、新加坡及印尼的董事经理吳志豪如此表示。“透过与学生及在职专业人士的合作,我们获得了独特的视角和新的想法,帮助我们接触及应对不同的挑战。我们对今年的竞赛结果充满期待,欢迎学生及软件程式设计人才参加这项竞赛。”

为了帮助参赛者作好参加Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014年亚太区程式竞赛的准备,从报名参加竞赛到决赛阶段,该公司将从为参赛队伍提供选择性的导师服务。所有导师是由中国、日本、台湾及菲律宾的Trend Micro专家担任。

Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014年亚太区程式竞赛的优胜队伍不仅可赢得2万美元的奖金,也将获得提供两个月学生实习计划的独特机会。亚军、季军及进入决赛的队伍也将分別获得1万美元、6千美元和2千美元的奖金。

在分享他对这项年度程式竞赛的看法时,吳志豪 补充说:“在Trend Micro,我们鼓励并栽培更多新一代的软件程式设计人才。这些年轻才俊是我们这个行业的支柱,它将有助推动创造力,延续Trend Micro作为威胁防御和云端资讯安全专家的遗产,以及实现我们致力打造数字信息交换环境安全的愿景。”

今年的比赛形式分成两个阶段,第一阶段将采线上竞赛,第二阶段则是在台湾举办的现场总决赛。竞赛的程式设计语言是 C/C++ 及 Java。线上竞赛将依三项主要条件来评分:正确性、效能及解题速度,分数最高的前10名队伍将获得全程支付费用,前往台湾参加总决赛。总决赛的评判标准包括:创意、解决方案完整性、技术能力及简报表现。

Trend Micro Codinsanity 2014 年亚太区程式竞赛即日起开始接受报名,凡是中国、香港、印度、印尼、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、南朝鲜、台湾、泰国及越南的大专院校学生及年轻专业人士,皆欢迎报名参加。有关比赛详情,请浏览

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