
Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Hasannudin Saidin, Director, Government Programs, IBM Malaysia.

Petaling Jaya 12 September 2007 -- The community has announced that IBM will be joining the community to collaborate on the development of software.

IBM will be making initial code contributions that it has been developing as part of its Lotus Notes product, including accessibility enhancements, and will be making ongoing contributions to the feature richness and code quality of Besides working with the community on the free productivity suite's software, IBM will also leverage technology in its products. "In the seven years since Sun founded the project, has fueled and filled the need for document data and productivity tools that are open and free.

Open source software and ODF are having a profound impact around the world, with numerous communities and organizations coming together to support these initiatives and governments, corporations and schools standardizing on the software. We look forward to working with IBM and the other members of to ensure that this momentum continues. We invite others to join us in the community and participate in building the future as and ODF continue to gain popularity across the planet,” said Rich Green, Executive Vice President, Software at Sun Microsystems, Inc.

"IBM is very pleased to be joining the community. We are very optimistic that IBM's contribution of technology and engineering resources will provide tangible benefits to the community membership and to users of technology around the world,” said Hasannudin Saidin, Director, Government Programs, IBM Malaysia.

"We're particularly pleased to be teaming with the community to accelerate the rate of innovation in the office productivity marketplace. We believe that this relationship will improve our ability to deliver innovative value to users of IBM products and services. We also believe that the collaboration will lead to an even broader range of ODF-supporting applications (ISO 26300) and solutions that draw from the technology."

"This is great news for the tens of millions of users of and the thousands of individual members of the project,"said John McCreesh, Marketing Project Lead. "We welcome IBM's contributions to further enhancing the product. But equally important is IBM's future commitment to package and distribute new works that leverage technology supporting the ISO ODF standard. ODF is a once in a generation opportunity for the IT industry to unify round a standard, and deliver lasting benefit to users of desktop technology."

Others involved in the project or distributing the code were equally enthusiastic about IBM's step. Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, the Linux distribution, said, "We are excited about IBM joining Sun and other contributors to the community in pushing development of and the OpenDocument Format. We are firmly committed to help set, drive and promote open standards like the ODF world-wide to free all users from any dependency on single vendors and proprietary software.

The community is showing that it is possible for large, competing companies to collaborate and deliver extraordinary value to all of their users." is distributed with Ubuntu. And HU Caiyong, CEO of Beijing's Redflag Chinese 2000 Software Co., Ltd., whose company contributes significant resources to, stated, "We acclaim IBM as a welcome contributor to the community! It's great to have such a strong partner on our side, one which, with its extraordinary technical expertise and marketing power, will help drive this project so important to free software and open standards. We are looking forward to a truly productive partnership and harmonious collaboration with IBM, Sun and other contributors on"

Scott Crenshaw, Red Hat's Vice President of Enterprise Linux, agreed: "IBM continues to show their commitment to the proliferation of open-source software and we applaud them on joining the community. We look forward to continuing our strong relationship with IBM as we work toward a common goal of bringing value to our customers and fostering the adoption of open standards and ODF." is the leading open-source productivity suite. It includes word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, drawing, database, and other modules; it uses the ODF as its native file format as well as fully supporting other common file formats (including Microsoft Office). The software runs on all major platforms, including Windows, Vista, Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, and is available in over 100 languages. is fully interoperable with other popular suites and may be used free of charge for any purpose, private or commercial; the license is LGPL.

Since the project's creation by Sun Microsystems in 2000, nearly 100 million have downloaded the product; thousands contribute to it. As an international team of volunteer and sponsored contributors, the community has created what is widely regarded as the most important open-source project in the world today. The community acknowledges generous sponsorship from a number of companies, including Sun Microsystems, the founder and primary contributor.

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