
Saturday, September 15, 2007


MYNIC Unveils Availability of Shorter Addressing on the Internet

SERI KEMBANGAN, 14th September 2007 – MYNIC Berhad (MYNIC), one of the most innovative providers of Internet Registry and Addressing Services in Asia Pacific today announced the opening of registration to apply for shorter addressing on the Internet.

MYNIC’s Director, Shariya Haniz Zulkifli said, “Domain names are making a shift from category centric to general addressing. Many nations worldwide have begun the introduction of second level domain names as a step towards opening up a simplified and easy to recall addressing system with shorter domain names. Our initiative to offer this new service is to ensure Malaysia is at par with the rest of the world.”

MYNIC’s move to offer 2LD’s to the public is in line with the expanding web world and the influx of businesses on the Internet that demands a unique identity to be noticed. Even more so, with companies diversifying and opening up to multiple operations, a generic identity would be more appropriate.

“The 2LD will offer a simple and memorable addressing service that voids the boundaries of industries when looking at a business or activity. The .my addressing service provided by MYNIC will offer Malaysians a chance to create and operate a local unique identity globally,” added Shariya.

The registration for the 2LD will be implemented in two phases by MYNIC - Phase I and Phase II. Phase I will function to assist existing registrants to apply for an equivalent 2LD while Phase II will be open for new registrants to apply for their identity.

Phase I

· Priority entry period : 1st November 2007 – 31st December 2007
· Requirements : Existing third level domain registrant
(those registered by 5.00 p.m. on 26th October 2007)
· Processes : i) Applications will be processed at the end of the
registration period
ii) Applications for 2LD will be processed based on
earliest original registration of the registered existing
third level domain name.

This period will serve as a window of opportunity for MYNIC’s existing third level domain name clients e.g. “”/ “” to apply for a second level domain name (2LD) e.g. “”. No other variations will be allowed e.g. “”. Existing third level domain names can be retained by clients.

Phase II

· Registration period : March 2008 onwards
· Requirements : Open to public
· Processes : i) On first come first served basis.
ii) Registration will not be restricted to one
identity per person.

Each individual will be allowed to register as many 2LD’s as he/she desires as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of trademarked names and registered company names in Malaysia.

The shorter .my identity will serve as an additional name for individuals, organisations and businesses. The third level domain names will continue to be available for registration. A unique identity once created acts as a long term investment in opening up new markets as well as keeping in contact with existing ones in a faster and more efficient manner.

All registration received by MYNIC will be processed in line with our terms and conditions and applicants must enter into an agreement with MYNIC based on those conditions.

Registration fees for a 2LD domain name is at a suggested retail price of RM 120.00 a year.

All applications will be processed through MYNIC’s authorized resellers.
List of MYNIC resellers is available at:

For more information on 2LD registrations, please visit : or email MYNIC at or call 03 8991 7272 or fax 03 8991 7277.

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