Porsche Design presents its first mobile phone
The Porsche Design Group (Porsche Lizenz- und Handelsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG) of Stuttgart, Germany, and French-based Sagem Mobiles (Safran Group) are presenting the first Porsche Design Mobile Phone, the P’9521, at the Red Dot Design Museum in Essen. Both firms signed a license agreement back in May 2006.
The new mobile phone combines sophisticated, purist design with high-quality natural materials such as aluminum and mineral glass. The casing is milled out of a solid aluminum block – a unique production method for mobile phones. With this product, Porsche Design has remained loyal to its clear design language and has utilized sophisticated material.
The typography, styling and colors of the menu emphasize the mobile phone’s very functional character. A double hinge made from aluminum enables the screen to be rotated through 180° –
thus allowing the phone to be used as a digital camera.
The P’9521 features a fingerprint reader, which clearly identifies the user and thus ensures secure access to personal data. In addition, individual fingerprints can be assigned to particular numbers or phone functions, making operation particularly easy. The standard PIN code can also be replaced by a fingerprint. The know-how for this technology was delivered by Sagem, which has expertise in the field of biometrics.
The Porsche Design Mobile Phone P’9521 offers the following functions:
§ Photo/video: The P’9521 features an auto-focus video and still camera boasting 3.2-megapixel resolution, integrated flash and digital zoom. The rotating screen makes it even easier to use, whilst its AM-OLED technology ensures very high quality colors, exceptional brilliance and a perfect view from every angle.
§ Music: The P’9521 boasts an MP3 player and three speakers for ringtones and voice playback in stereo quality sound.
§ Internet: Thanks to EDGE technology (Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution), the P’9521 offers very high-speed internet access. The new mobile phone will be available from fall 2007 in Porsche Design Stores and specialist mobile-phone retailers worldwide. The mobile phone will not be sold in the US, Japan or Korea.
德國保時捷設計今推出第一部保時捷的手機P’9521,不同的卓越元素首次注入手機設計之中。P’9521 揉合保時捷一貫簡約精要的設計意念及電子通訊專家Sagem Mobiles提供的精湛科技,為一部內外美兼備的時尚科技產品,並將於2007 秋季在保時捷設計專賣店、香港、馬來西亞及全球流動電話經銷營發售(不包括美國、日本及韓國)。
保時捷P’9521 是首部擁有指紋辨認器的手機,不但能分辨使用者,還可以加強個人資料存取的保安。辨認指紋的功能由生物辨識技術的專家Sagem 研發,可輕易應用在手機號碼辨識或其他功能上,亦可取替日常使用的PIN 密碼, 使用家可享受前所未有的保障。
手機外殼透過獨特的生產方法,由鋁磚壓製而成,故特別耐用,以礦物玻璃製造的顯示屏不易碎裂及刮花。雙鉸位設計令螢幕可一百八十度旋轉,靈活方便,手機由此可變成數碼攝錄機。 手機功能選單的顏色、用字、排列,亦經過悉心安排,務求突顯手機多功能的特質。
攝影/錄像:P’9521 的特點在於擁有自動對焦錄像功能的320 萬像數鏡頭,配備閃光燈設備及數碼變焦功能。使用了AM-OLED 技術的熒幕令影像色彩更鮮明呈現,再配以可旋轉的設計,從不同角度觀看依然清晰悦目。
音樂:P’9521 擁有MP3 播放器及三個為手機鈴聲而設的揚聲器,並有播放高質素立體聲的聲音播放器。
互聯網:有賴EDGE技術(Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution),P’9521可高速存取互聯網資訊。
保時捷設計的手機P’9521在馬來西亞的售價是RM6999(僅手機),全套周邊器材另售RM5999,而且只限預訂。Porsche Design手機P’9521的正面。
Porsche Design手機P’9521的背面,注意,有兩個閃光燈。
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
世界第一部Porsche Design手機P’9521登陸馬來西亞
标签: Porsche Design
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