
Monday, November 5, 2007

QucomHaps Malaysia將引入俄羅斯Geophysica飛機作示範


KUALA LUMPUR, 5 November 2007 - QucomHaps Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. ("QHM") todayannounces that their Irish-based parent company QucomHaps Holding Limited("QucomHaps") has signed an agreement with Federal State Unitary Enterprise"Rosoboronexport", a Russian State authorised intermediary agency for exportof various products, technologies and services, to bring in a Russian-builtaircraft for the first ever demonstration of the HAPS (High AltitudePlatform Stations) broadband communication technology in Malaysia.

The said agreement signed earlier in mid-October 2007, signifies QHM'sintention for a full-fledged flight and equipment demostration with the M55"Geophysica" aircraft installed with telecommunications equipment. The saidagreement falls under a six-part umbrella contract between QucomHaps andRosoboronexport to supply 48 planes to the first phase in QucomHapsoperating countries, where Malaysia is one of them, over the next threeyears.

Abdul Majid Abdullah, Managing Director of QucomHaps Malaysia shares on theHAPS demonstration slotted to take place in March 2008, "For the moment, oneM55 Geophysica aircraft will be brought in specially for this exciting HAPSdemonstration, which will show the commercial viability and technicalfeasibility of the HAPS technology. It will further reveal how HAPS could bethe fastest (to deploy), most reliable and cost-effective way to expandMalaysia's broadband aspiration."

The agreement between Qucomhaps and Rosoboronexport is a step closer in QHM's bid to offer HAPS as the most viable and cost effective alternativesolution to telecommunications services providers to provide instantaneous,nationwide broadband and cellular coverage by complementing their existingterrestrial and satellite infrastructures.

"The M55 will be flown in by Russian pilots, starting its journey fromMoscow, scheduled on 20th February 2008. The plane will transit via Baku inAzerbaijan, Muscat in Oman, and Chennai in India before its scheduledarrival in Kuala Lumpur on 24th February 2008," adds Abdul Majid.

He expresses confidence that Malaysia is ready to embrace the HAPStechnology to extend and facilitate broadband reach in the country, "Withthe government's backing to forge ahead with new technology, we believe thisdemonstration will attest to the existing possibilities HAPS technology willbring to this country."

Note: *HAPS refers to the use of aircraft hovering at stratospheric levels(ie. 20 kilometers from the ground) to provide instantaneous, nationwidebroadband connectivity (i.e. at bandwidth speeds of 512kbps) at cost levelssignificantly lower than anything commercially available today. For HAPS towork, it requires a network of ground transmisson gateways for its backhaulinfrastructure. Five (5) single-seater stratospheric aircrafts will be onflight relays at any one time, to allow 24x7 broadband coverage for theentire Malaysia (two aircrafts for Peninsular, and three for Sabah andSarawak).

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