
Friday, May 23, 2008

ICT Vital To Economic and Social Development

Benefits of ICT Could Be an Aid to Issues Such As the Global Rice Crisis

21 May, Kuala Lumpur – Dr. Johnsee Lee, leader of Taiwan delegation for WCIT 2008, reinforced the importance of ICT during The Great Debate, a one hour lively debate which was moderated by CNBC Anchor, Arnold Gay. Dr. Lee was part of a panel of distinguish speakers that included Dr. John Gage, Chief Research and Director of the Science Office at Sun Microsystems and Professor Howard A Schmidt, Eminent Cyber-Security Expert to discuss various aspects of ICT.

During the debate, the panel of speakers discussed several issues such as the value of ICT, Cyber Security and Green ICT. Even though it was named The Great Debate, the panel displayed a general consensus on the various issues, reinforcing their shared belief that ICT will be of a positive impact on global economic and social development.

Dr. Lee, who is also the President of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), the largest industrial technology R&D organization in Taiwan, was quick to highlight the importance of ICT even when posed with the question on the value of ICT as the world faces a severe rice shortage. “Having food on the table is definitely important; it is the basic to survival. The magnitude of the shortage is definitely acknowledged, however as we address the issue of food shortage, we must not discount the fact that ICT could be of benefit even to this crisis.

“As the world addresses the issue, concurrently, we should also be exploring how ICT capability could provide long time sustainable living especially for those in the developing countries as it is a key enabler of education and information, “he added.

Dr. Lee’s view is supported by both Dr. Gage and Professor Schmidt who reinforced the view that ICT is a key tool to education and information, vital for economic and social development.

Another issue that was discussed during the debate was Green ICT. Dr Lee said “We at ITRI have spent much time and investment on Green ICT; we are aggressively researching to develop even more energy efficient chips. We also practice aggressive recycling where possible. However, it is important to highlight that we, as global citizens, should all take on a proactive approach towards sustainable development even for the ICT industry.”

Dr Johnsee Lee led a 50 member strong Taiwan delegation which consisted of industrial and research representatives from Chunghwa Telecom, the Information Service Industry Association of the ROC, Tatung, and ITRI to the WCIT 2008.

The theme for the Taiwan showcase at WCIT 2008 is Smart Living. During the 3 days global forum, ITRI, the Institute for Information Industry and Chunghwa Telecom received much interest for their showcase of 10 advanced ICT applications from foreign delegates. The Taiwan Pavilion was awarded the Grand Prize for Best Country Pavilion by PIKOM at WCIT 2008.

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