
Monday, June 16, 2008


The WRT54G2, WRT160N and WRT310N Sports Sleek New Industrial Design and Ships with the Linksys EasyLink Advisor
Mr. Tang Boon Ping, Linksys Regional Sales Director, Asia
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – June 11, 2008 – Linksys®, a Division of Cisco, the leading provider of VoIP, wireless and networking hardware for the consumer and small business environments, today announced three new routers in Malaysia. The new range features the Wireless-G Broadband Router (WRT54G2), the Ultra RangePlus Wireless-N Broadband Router (WRT160N) and the Ultra RangePlus Wireless-N Gigabit Router (WRT310N).
These new routers are the first models available in Malaysia that feature a stylish new design and come with improved usability features such as the Linksys Easylink Advisor (LELA), which helps simplify the set-up of the network, and helps assure that all devices and connections are stable and secure.

“The new range of routers showcases the way in which Linksys is taking Wireless-G and Wireless-N to new levels of design, performance and ease of use. We believe that the sleek new router design is sympathetic to modern living whereas traditional routers have been hidden in a cupboard or behind a curtain,” said Tang Boon Ping, Linksys Regional Sales Director, Asia. “But it is not only the design that make these products attractive – installing a home network with the wireless router or connecting additional devices is simplified with our new Linksys EasyLink Advisor including the improved set-up wizard.”

New Form Factor
Designed to take the router out of the study and into the living room, the WRT54G2, WRT160N and the WRT310N all come with a shiny finish, alluring curves and slim profile which refreshes and revamp the industrial design on Linksys router models. These products were created to fit in virtually any home.

This new emphasis on design is not just a bold statement on form, but also an evolution of the functional aspects of the router. The new sleek design features an internal antenna technology which integrates the antenna into the router body without compromising signal coverage.

Linksys took an extensive approach to developing the new industrial designs. Detailed market research was conducted to reveal consumer preferences for design. Out of the over 160 designs that were reviewed, consumers showed preferences for sleek, contemporary designs which illustrated high performance and blended seamlessly with trendy homes or high trends office environments.

LELA: so far for techno talk!
Besides the new design, the WRT54G2, WRT160N and the WRT310N are shipped with the Linksys EasyLink Advisor (LELA) application, which is a technology advisor that helps setting up, managing and connecting additional products to the network. This simple-to-use software package is designed to take away the technical hassle setting up wireless network and helps keeping the network highly secure and connected.

LELA will automatically check for updates for all Linksys products on the network, and can securely configure other connected devices and computers. The intuitive interface can help simplify set-up and maintenance of a home network – making it easier and more accessible than ever before!

Users without networking experience can appreciate how LELA can help scan the network for issues, troubleshoot and attempt to resolve any potential conflicts. No more techno talk or passwords required.

Security with a push of a button
Helping to keeping a network safe and secure can be configured with just one simple button on the WRT54G2, WRT160N and the WRT310N. The WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) feature is designed to help make securing wireless devices easier. Simply push the WPS button on the router and on another WPS-enabled wireless device to automatically create an encrypted wireless connection between them.

Pricing and Availability
The WRT54G2, WRT160N and WRT310N will be available in mid June 2008 from authorized distributors, key retailers and value-added resellers. The manufacturer’s sales recommended prices are as follows:

· WRT54G2 - RM175
· WRT160N - RM320
· WRT310N - RM469
LINKSYS 推出下一代无线路由器
WRT54G2、 WRT160N与及 WRT310N无线路由器呈现时尚工业设计,并附带Linksys EasyLink Advisor 软件
马来西亚吉隆坡2008年6月11日讯 – 为消费者和小企业提供VoIP、无线设备和网络硬件设备的领先供应商、Cisco旗下子公司 Linksys®,今日推出三款全新無線路由器。该系列产品分别是无线-G寬頻路由器WRT54G2、Ultra RangePlus無線-N寬頻路由器WRT160N及Ultra RangePlus吉比特(Gigabit) 路由器WRT310N。 这全新系列路由器是马来西亚前所未有的先驱式设计,呈现现代新的风格,兼备改善的可用性特征,例如Linksys Easylink Advisor (简称LELA)软件。LELA软件协助简化网络设置流程,确保所有设备和连接稳定及安全。
Linksys亚洲区域销售董事董文彬指出:“全新推出的路由器印證Linksys在產品設計、性能及方便程度上,正把無線-N及無線-B提升至更高層次。我们深信,这类曲线光亮的路由器设计将与时尚的生活方式融为一体,摆脱通常被隐藏在橱内或窗帘背后的传统路由器的形象。”他接说:“除了时尚的外形设计之外,新路由器系列的另一大吸引力在于提供Linksys EasyLink Advisor软件界面及新改良的设置向导,简化家庭网络设备在设置无线路由器或连接额外终端设备的流程。”
为了让路由器不再隐藏在工作室而堂堂正正地摆设在客厅里,Linksys为WRT54G2、WRT160N 及 WRT310N无线路由器的设计改头换面,达到拥有光泽的表面抛光、妩媚诱人的曲线、及苗条纤细的轮廓,全然更新改装Linksys路由器模型的工业设计。
Linksys 以广泛的实施步骤开发该全新的工业设计,包括进行详细的市场调查以找出消费者对路由器设计的偏爱。在检阅逾160种设计的过程中,消费者倾向于曲线光亮、拥有高尚风格及高功能的路由器设计,而该设计能够融合现代时尚的住家或高等风格的办公室环境。
除了崭新的外形设计,WRT54G2、WRT160N 及 WRT310N无线路由器还附带Linksys EasyLink Advisor (LELA)应用程序软件。LELA就有如一个技术顾问,大大助了消费者一臂。这个容易掌握使用的软件可解决在设置无线网络时遇到的技术问题,并确保网络高度安全及稳定的连接。
LELA会自动检查所有在网络上有关Linksys路由器升级的提示,安全配置相互连接的设备和电脑。通过简单提问的方式,它简化家庭网络设备的设置与维修,使网络达到更简易使用的境地!没有网络经验的用户更可依靠LELA检测网络上可能妨碍正常安装的问题、寻找故障、并试着消除所有可能出 现的障碍。不必复杂的网络专业术语,也无需输入密码。
通过WRT54G2、WRT160N 及WRT310N无线路由器,只需一个按键就可设置网络安全。Wi-Fi新认证简化安全设置Wi-Fi Protected Setup(WPS)能够快速且简单地为网络Wi-Fi设备启动安全功能。只需按下路由器及另一架无线设备的WPS按键,就可达到立两者之间的加密无线连接。
全新系列产品WRT54G2、WRT160N 及WRT310N將於 六月中透過授权的经销商、主要零售商和增值转售商發售。制造商提议的销售价格如下:
· WRT54G2:RM175
· WRT160N:RM320
· WRT310N:RM469

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