
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MOYU Event in NAPEI Education Fair Completed Successfully!

“Fly with Wings of Paladin” completed its journey successfully in Mid Valley Exhibition Center (MVEC). Not only was the event strongly supported by existing gamers, our free test play area was also fully crowded with fair visitors. MOYU Wings of Paladin giant backdrop caught the attention of many passer-bys. Free MOYU posters were given away to all registered gamers. Due to the stunning visual effect and breathtaking combat skills, even Malay gamers were attracted to MOYU. To quench the thirst of Malay crowd, the Malay version of MOYU, JIN Online ( was also introduced through the selling of JIN Online Starter Packs over the two days event.

Besides the free play on MOYU, registered gamers also received free Magic Stones (In-game Credit) and rewarded with a card size photograph taken with GoPlayPlay Photo Shooting Board. With the guidance and enthusiasm of GoPlayPlay squad team, the visitors learnt the features and game play of MOYU in a fast pace. To give the attraction an extra boost, any gamers who managed to introduce 2 more gamers to register MOYU is entitled a chance of Lucky Draw each, which would win themselves a cute DuDu doll (Moyu’s Favourite Pet), MP3 player, GoPlayPlay Top Up card, Meetoto Premier Tissue, GoPlayPlay limited edition T-Shirt and also hampers.

Many questions were asked by the new gamers and were well taken care by GoPlayPlay squad team to ensure the highest understanding and satisfaction on MOYU.

Among all the questions asked, the most common was: “Is it Free to Play?”, “Is it Free to Register?” Of course, it is a Free for Life and even PayU2Play online game. Once registered through our official website and installed the game, anyone can explore the world of MOYU without a penny.

If you are interested in MOYU upcoming events and activities, do feel free to visit for more information. We will always improve our events to be more attractive and comprehensive. Therefore, we also need everyone support. Hence, do come and support us during our events!


“異能之翼,飛向魔域!” 狗貝貝特工隊於6月21及22日攜《魔域》參加谷中城的會展活動已經圓滿結束了。這一次的會展中,《魔域》不但得到了新老玩家的全力支持,而且熱情玩家所帶來的人潮更是擠滿了《魔域》的免費試玩區。在本次會展《魔域》的攤位中,最吸引玩家同時也最爲搶眼的莫過於《王者之翼》的全新職業 – 異能者的精美巨型掛報了。同款的海報同時也受到各為公衆的喜愛,頻頻向狗貝貝特工隊索取。除此之外,《魔域》那絢麗的遊戲畫面和技能戰鬥也吸引了在場的馬來同胞。雖然《魔域》以華文為媒介語,但是爲了迎合馬來同胞,《魔域》也已經推出了馬來版本 – JIN Online (。現場也有銷售《魔域》及JIN Online的新手包,讓玩家把這款好玩又刺激的網游帶回家。


豐富的獎品包括可愛的嘟嘟布偶(《魔域》法师型-年兽), MP3 播放機,狗貝貝充值卡,Meetoto精美圖案Premier Tissue, 狗貝貝限量版T-Shirt和狗貝貝精美禮包。


如果大家對《魔域》接下來的活動有興趣,歡迎瀏覽《魔域》的官方網站,獲取更多的活動資訊。狗貝貝特工隊舉辦的每一場活動都會更加精彩及好玩, 同時也需要各位玩家的熱烈支持,所以千萬別錯過我們每一次的活動哦!

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