
Wednesday, July 23, 2008


AXCESS MyTicket Hub signs on with Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft and Telekom Malaysia as technology partners

Kuala Lumpur, 22 July 2008 – AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd, service provider of the only one-stop express bus ticketing system in Malaysia, AXCESS EZBUS (EZBUS), signed an agreement today with Hewlett-Packard (HP), Microsoft and Telekom Malaysia (TM).

Officiated and witnessed by Yang Berhormat Dato’ Noh Bin Haji Omar, Minister of Entrepreneur and Co-operative Development, the event announced EZBUS’ 24x7, nationwide availability. Also present at the event were Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Markiman Kobiran, Chairman of the Commercial Vehicle Licensing Board (CVLB), Danny Lee, Hewlett Packard’s Country General Manager (Personal Systems Group), Yasir Yousoff, Microsoft Malaysia’s Chief Marketing and Operating Officer, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Adnan Rofiee, TM Retail’s Chief Operating Officer, Salina Jaffar, Executive Director of AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd, John Yap, Chief Executive Officer of AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd and Khirel Anuar Ismail, Corporate Business Development Director of AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd.

EZBUS is a revolutionary computerised ticketing system that aims to improve how express bus tickets are purchased by offering three key avenues namely online, by phone and via strategically located kiosks.

The agreement signed together with the three technology partners, marks AXCESS MyTicket Hub’s commitment to provide an integrated EZBUS ticketing system to the public with a strong technology backing from trusted partners.

“With the smooth testing of the EZBUS system during after our soft launch earlier this year, we are now confident that the EZBUS system is fully operational with the proper hardware, software and telecommunications infrastructure,” said Salina Jaffar, Executive Director of AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd. “Moreover, working with the best in their fields, like HP, Microsoft and TM, the public are assured that proper measures have been taken by utilising the best-suited technology to ensure that the EZBUS system operates seamlessly.”

“Each partner plays an essential role in ensuring that the public benefits from the convenience of buying express bus tickets and the bus operators have the necessary data and support to improve and increase their sales, in line with EZBUS’ tagline ‘Buy tickets any way you like’ ” Salina added on.

Powered by HP’s backend robust blade servers, the system is optimised for performance as well as highly redundant to ensure the absolute minimal downtime while ensuring the EZBUS system to be highly scalable. Also with the utilisation of HP’s Thin Client technology as the front-ends, the system requires minimal preventive maintenance and is practically self-healing.

“As a leading IT vendor, HP is excited to announce that AXCESS EZBUS will be enjoying the latest HP innovative technology solutions, which are designed for energy savings and optimal performance and maximum uptime,” said Danny Lee, Country General Manager, Personal Systems Group, Hewlett-Packard (M) Sdn Bhd.

The EZBUS system is also built on the latest .NET architecture and best practices provided by Microsoft, utilising Microsoft’s latest version of its reputable Database software SQL. This allows the system to leverage on the business intelligence built into SQL 2008 server where it can extract information such as demographics providing a correlation between public buying patterns against time of purchase among others which are useful for the bus operators in their marketing and analysis of their business.

“Microsoft is proud to be a part of this groundbreaking initiative by AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd and the use of Microsoft SQL Server will provide the highest levels of security, reliability and scalability for business-critical applications such as EZBUS,” said Mr Yasir Yousoff, Microsoft Malaysia’s Chief Marketing and Operating Officer.

EZBUS is connected by Telekom Malaysia’s vast infrastructural backbone with the use of Streamyx, which fully utilises the advantages of the MyIX initiative by ISPs in Malaysia ensuring optimisation of speed when it comes to the locally routed Internet traffic.

Dato’ Adnan Rofiee, Chief Operating Officer of TM Retail said, “This collaboration is another milestone for both TM and Axcess MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd. With the Axcess ticketing system accessible online, the public can now purchase the tickets conveniently from the comfort of their homes or from anywhere at anytime. TM is proud to play a key role in assisting entrepreneurs to develop its IT infrastructure for an e-commerce network among the merchants and customers. We hope our efforts will result in an increase in IT usage and contribute towards the government’s aspirations to propel more businesses into e-commerce. Our Internet connectivity will facilitate the electronic payment for Axcess online ticketing transactions as part of our efforts to promote technology adoption amongst the SMEs.”

Apart from purchasing tickets online, the EZBUS system also allows the public to purchase their express bus tickets via phone and also from kiosk’s located across the peninsular. The system will now cut down on the need for the added inconvenience of going to bus terminals and purchasing bus tickets in advance. It will also legalise and standardise the ticketing process with its seamlessness, which in return saves the public’s time and money.

Another key attribute of EZBUS is that it allows anyone from anywhere in the world to purchase bus tickets online. Tourists planning to visit Malaysia can now plan their journey with ease in advance. Taking its cue from the airline industry, where online ticketing has proven to be an indispensable tool, having a convenient ticketing system will encourage tourists to explore Malaysia by road, allowing them to visit smaller towns to experience holistic Malaysian hospitality and culture.

The online system will now allow bus operators without an existing computerised system to enhance and upgrade their business module. Moreover, the system is able to capture customer data and buying trends which offers bus operators a good opportunity to build a relationship with their customers, something they may have found difficult to do in the past.

To date, AXCESS MyTicket Hub has signed on with 14 bus operators and 18 higher learning institutions to have this EZBUS system installed in their respective ticketing centres. With this ticketing system in place, the public can now enjoy and fully utilise the convenience of purchasing their bus tickets from anytime, anywhere and anyhow.

To purchase tickets online log onto; by phone, call the AXCESS hotline at 03-7711 5000; walk into any AXCESS outlet or kiosks located conveniently on selected campus’ and shopping centres or even walk to bus terminals and purchase tickets over-the-counter.

AXCESS EZBUS系统全力提供公众的旅游便利

AXCESS MyTicket Hub与Hewlett-Parkard、微软与大马电讯联手签署成为科技伙伴

2008年7月22日,吉隆坡讯 – AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd,为马来西亚首创一站式的长途快巴售票系统服务,AXCESS EZBUS (EZBUS)之供应商,今天与Hewlett-Parkard (HP)、微软与大马电讯 (TM) 三大科技巨擘签署协议书以象征此系统正式启跑。

这项签署仪式获得企业与合作社发展部部长,Yang Berhormat Dato’ Noh Bin Omar主持仪式及见证。其它与会高官包括商业车辆注册局(CVLB)主席 - Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Markiman Kobiran,Hewlett-Parkard全国总经理(个人系统组) - Danny Lee,微软马来西亚行销与营运首席专员 - Yasir Yousoff,大马电讯零售首席营运专员 - Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Adnan Rofiee,AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd执行董事 - Salina Jaffar,AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd首席执行官 - John Yap以及AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd企业业务发展董事 - Khirel Anuar Ismail。


这项协议书是与三大科技伙伴联合签署以象征AXCESS MyTicket Hub全心承诺,借着商誉卓绝的合资伙伴作为强劲的科技后盾,提供公众人士整合式的EZBUS售票系统。

“自从今年初非正式推出以前,EZBUS系统顺利地通过试测期。我们满怀信心EZBUS系统将透过适当的硬件、软件和电讯等基础建设而全面运作,”AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd执行董事,Salina Jaffar说道。“除此之外,能够与各领域的巨擘精英合作,例如HP、微软和大马电讯,公众人士可确保一切的措施将运用最顶尖的科技以保证EZBUS系统顺利无阻地为民服务。”
“每一个合作伙伴皆扮演举足轻重的角色务求公众人士从简易方便的长途快巴售票中获益,同时巴士营运公司亦可由此获得相关的数据和支持,以进一步改善与提高其营业额,我们所做的一切旨在印证本公司的标语 – ‘随时随处随心购票’”Salina补充说道。


“身为著名的IT商家,HP充满欣喜地宣布,AXCESS EZBUS将会享有最先进的HP革新科技方案,这些方案乃精心设计可有效节省电源,性能卓越并提供至高的操作时间,”Hewlett-Packard (M) Sdn Bhd个人系统组的全国总经理,Danny Lee说道。
EZBUS系统亦设有最先进的.NET内部结构以及微软最新版本的非著名数据库软件SQL所提供的最佳措施,可提升此系统并将商业情报置入于SQL 2008伺服器,从中提取重要数据例如以大众购买模式与购买时间的关连性而构成的统计图及其它等等,这一切对巴士营运公司来说,深具意义,能协助他们有效行销和分析业务。

“微软深感荣幸能够成为AXCESS MyTicket Hub Sdn Bhd这项惊天动地创举的一份子,同时借着运用SQL 2008伺服器将可提供最高水平的保安措施,安全可靠与可量测性以便迎合商业紧急的运用,像EZBUS一样,”马来西亚微软的首席行销与营运专员,Yasir Yousoff先生解释道。


大马电讯零售的首席营运专员,Dato’ Adnan Rofiee说道,“我们深感荣耀成为AXCESS MyTicket Hub这项合作计划的一份子。由于Axcess EZBUS系统可轻易上网并拥有需要认证的固定IP作为后盾,因此公众人士可确保能够稳当进入网站而确定购得车票,与此同时,它让拥有EZBUS系统的巴士营运公司在需要时,遥控其公司的电脑。在我们看来,这项合作计划扮演着重要的角色以领导全民迈向“数码生活”,同时更配合政府的全国寛频议程以向公众灌输ICT的好处。”




迄今,AXCESS MyTicket Hub已与14家巴士营运公司以及18间高等学府签署协议书以便将这项EZBUS系统设立在个别地点的售票中心。借着妥善设置的售票系统,公众人士如今可尽情享受和充份善用购票的便利,不论在任何时候、任何地方、任何方式。

要进行网上购票需登入,电话购票联络AXCESS热线03-7711 5000,亲临特选校园的任何AXCESS商店或柜台,您甚至可前往巴士总站并在售票柜台购买您需要的车票。

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