
Thursday, July 31, 2008

HAI Launches Developer Support Program and Website

New Orleans, LA - July 30, 2008. Home Automation, Inc. (HAI), leading manufacturer of integrated security andhome automation products since 1985, has launched a Developer Supportprogram that includes a website and Developer Community online forum.The Developer Support website and forum will be accessed via login.

Allinterested Developers looking to develop solutions using HAI controllers orthermostats are encouraged to register.

The site will consist of.HAI Programming Protocols for Serial and Ethernet Connections..Software Development Kit (SDK), documentation, and examples.Advanced access to HAI Downloads, including installation manuals andhigh-resolution logos and product images.Dealer level access to the HAI Knowledge BaseInterested Developers register for the program by filling out the onlineform available on the public website.

Applications will be reviewed andapproved by Scott Dudoussat, HAI Director of Technical Services, within twobusiness days."HAI is proud of the openness of our architecture," explains Scott, "We havea history of working with developers to generate applications that work withour products and this program is a natural and more official extension ofthat. We want to build a community for these developers for them to shareproblems and solutions in a creative and supportive environment."

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