
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Leading Analyst Firm Positions Oracle in Leaders Quadrant in Operational Risk Management Software for Financial Services Report

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, July 2, 2008 — Oracle and i-flex solutions – which recently unveiled plans to change its name to Oracle Financial Services Ltd. – announced that they were evaluated and positioned in the Leaders quadrant of the recent Gartner report, “Magic Quadrant for Operational Risk Management Software for Financial Services.” 1

· The Gartner Magic Quadrant positions vendors within a particular quadrant based on completeness of vision and their ability to execute on that vision.

· Oracle’s Reveleus Operational Risk solution provides in-depth insight across the enterprise to effectively identify, monitor, and manage operational risk within a comprehensive Governance Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework.

· Reveleus Operational Risk provides a full-range operational risk framework across assessment, process mapping, workflow management, key risk indicators (KRIs) and loss event capture, including data management and extract, transform and load (ETL) tools for quantitative operational risk and compliance management.

· Through integration of its Mantas product, Reveleus also can provide surveillance and behavior detection related to anti-money laundering (AML), know-your-customer, fraud and trading compliance.

· According to Gartner, “This (Leaders) quadrant tends to be occupied by vendors with software applications that are addressing qualitative as well as quantitative aspects of ORM (operational risk management). These vendors have achieved a high level of market acceptance and enable a consistent view of operational risk across the organization as compared to separately designed and implemented risk calculation engines or audit, control and compliance reporting tools. Such vendors approach operational risk more comprehensively and holistically across the enterprise and link operational risk to CPM. They have robust organizational structures and professional services resources.”

Supporting Quote
· “Financial institutions internationally are using Reveleus GRC solutions to help achieve quantifiable benefits, ranging from simple cost efficiencies to improved share price, that are driven by reductions in perceived risk from investors,” said S Ramakrishnan, CEO for Mantas and Reveleus. “We believe Reveleus’ placement in the Leaders quadrant underscores the value we provide in helping organizations achieve business objectives while also protecting their assets and reputations in the highly competitive financial services industry.”

Supporting Resources
Gartner Magic Quadrant for Operational Risk Management Software for Financial Services, 2008, Full Report

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