GoPlayPlay Day in conjunction with V2 Cyber Café grand opening has concluded successfully with lots of joy and fun. The event filled the excitement in everyone’s weekend with breathtaking lion and dragon dance, exciting tournaments of ZHENGTU, MOYU and JIN ONLINE, fascinating singing performance brought by talented contestants of MEETOTO and delicious buffet meal, all brought by GoPlayPlay and V2 Cyber Café. Started at 1130 am on a sunny day, a series of lion and dragon dance started after the opening ceremony which marked the prosperous opening for the whole day event. At the same time, buffet lunch was served to all the guests who attended this event. Next, V2 Cyber Café was formally opened for access for free online surfing and game playing for the whole day.
With the appearance of our stunning ZHENGTU Goddess and MOYU Paladin, guests and GoPlayPlay players were caught by their beauty and took photos with these two marvelous Cosplays.
As the kick-start of our GoPlayPlay Day, MEETOTO Young Guys and Young Girls Singing Contest was held with the participation of talented singers seeded from MEETOTO. Their vocals and quality of performance surprised the guests, passing crowds and even the judges. After two rounds of firing battles, three contestants made it to the final and faced the final challenge. Although the decision was difficult, but Mr. Dawson who joined Astro Talent Quest 08 (made it to the Top 20 Finalists) won the Champion, followed by the gorgeous looking secondary school girl, Xiao Ye and Mr. Wei Xiong, a loyal fan of Nicholas Teo.
Next, monster hunting and leveling competition of ZHENGTU, MOYU and JIN ONLINE continued to heat up the atmosphere with the attendance of newly recruited and existing gamers came from everywhere, even outstation just to support this event. As the only and latest Malay online game in Malaysia, JIN ONLINE not just attracted Malay gamers to join the competition, Chinese and Indian gamers also came and participated.
With these events, attractive prizes such as GoPlayPlay top-up cards, t-shirts, MEETOTO Premier Tissue and other merchandises were given out to those who stood out from the competition. Finally, GoPlayPlay Day ended with the prize giving ceremony of MEETOTO Young Guys and Young Girls Singing Contest.
A group was photo taken with the contestants, together with GoPlayPlay team which marked a memorable ending for all.
If you are interested in knowing our future events, do log onto狗貝貝慶V2 Cyber Café開張盛典派對圓滿結束
狗貝貝慶V2 Cyber Café開張盛典派對在歡樂愉快的氣氛下圓滿結束了。全場活動充滿了節日般的快樂與氛圍。精彩的舞獅舞龍開幕表演,緊張刺激的《征途》,《魔域》与《Jin Online》遊戲競賽,实力旗鼓相当的《Meetoto》歌唱挑戰賽,再加上美味的自助餐 - 這就是狗貝貝攜手V2 Cyber Café带给大家的周末遊戲生活圈。
早上11時30分,在充滿著熱情的艷陽天中,本次歡樂派對正式開始了,在V2 Cyber
Café邀請的特邀嘉賓進行了剪彩儀式之後。充滿了華人民族特色的舞龍舞獅表演就立即開始了。同時由於臨近午餐時間,V2 Cyber Café貼心為光臨現場的客人們準別簡單美味的自助餐。在精彩的民族表演之後,V2 Cyber Café正式對现场所有玩家開放了。現場人潮里最搶眼的莫過與狗貝貝旗下網遊《征途》天仙以及《魔域》異能者两位Cosplay角色扮演了。現場的鎂光燈閃爍不停,玩家們也紛紛合影留念。
最先為狗貝貝派對拉開序幕的是《Meetoto Young男Young女歌唱挑戰賽》,作為貫穿全場活動的重要賽事,所有參賽者都發揮了超強的實力,全力向《Meetoto》明日之星的榮耀發起沖級。參賽者們動聽的歌聲不但讓現場觀眾為之驚艷,更是讓評審們難以取捨。經過两場激烈的選拔赛之後,最終的三位參賽者脫穎而出进入最後的PK賽。最終本次《Meetoto Young男Young女歌唱挑戰賽》的三甲終於產生了。冠军是Dawson,亚军是小叶和季军是伟雄。
在《Meetoto》歌唱挑戰賽進行的過程中,緊張刺激的狗貝貝遊戲大賽也同時拉開了帷幕。《征途》升級爭霸賽、《魔域》打怪爭霸賽、《Jin Online》升級爭霸賽分次開戰了!這些賽事不但吸引了本地玩家的熱情參與,也有其他州屬的玩家紛紛趕來參與這次狗貝貝網遊盛會。《Jin Online》的活動不但得到了馬來同胞的熱情支持,華人及印度同胞也紛紛下場,同臺競技。經過不同時間緊張刺激的比賽,最終所有的比賽都圓滿結束,并在最後的頒獎典禮上接受了狗貝貝家族送出的豐富獎品。狗貝貝充值卡、狗貝貝主題T-Shirt, 《Meetoto》图案Premier Tissue, 狗贝贝旗下网游的周边产品等等,讓玩家滿載而歸。
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Friday, August 8, 2008
GoPlayPlay Day at V2 Cyber Café Concluded
标签: iG-Interactive
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