
Wednesday, August 20, 2008


SABAH, 19 August, 2008 – MIMOS, Astronautic Technology (M) Sdn Bhd (ATSB) and Yayasan Sabah recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore information and communications technology (ICT) opportunities for the State of Sabah.

Under the MoU, the three organisations will work closely to identify, select, nurture and monitor suitable potential technology recipients in Sabah, for the adoption of MIMOS’ technology platforms to facilitate the commercialization process, aimed at growing globally competitive indigenous industries towards an innovation-led economy.

L- R : TAN SRI DATU KHALIL BIN DATU HAJI JAMALUL, J.P. Director of Yayasan Sabah exchanging the signed documents with Dato’ Abdul Wahab Abdullah, CEO & President, MIMOS. Looking on are (L-R) Hj. Fadilah Yusof, Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and Datuk Dr. Maximus Ongkili, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.

MIMOS, a strategic agency under the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, is spearheading the development of the technology eco-system to address market needs and demands, through the transfer of frontier technologies from its laboratories to the local industries for commercialisation.

Technology transfer is a MOSTI initiative under its Technology Licensing programme, in line with the national mission to increase the country’s commercialization rate to at least 10% from research and development (R&D) initiatives undertaken by the public sector, as outlined in the Ninth Malaysia Plan (9MP).

The indentified technology recipients will also benefit from funding and market access assistance for the commercialisation of MIMOS technology platforms, from MIMOS, ATSB and Yayasan Sabah.ATSB is a pioneer of small satellite business aimed at being at the forefront of space technology development; while Yayasan Sabah is responsible the socio-economic development of Sabahans.

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