
Thursday, October 9, 2008

APC’s InfraStruXure Central, Change Manager and Capacity Manager Enable Comprehensive Datacenter Management with Predictive Simulation and Modeling

APC’s New Management Suite Provides Support for Multi-Vendor Environments

Malaysia, 7 October 2008 – APC by Schneider Electric, a global leader in integrated critical power and cooling services, today announced a new version of APC InfraStruXure® Central, Capacity Manager and Change Manager, the next evolution of its Datacenter Physical Infrastructure Management suite of applications. The suite consists of design, operations and monitoring capabilities providing comprehensive management of the datacenter physical infrastructure. Datacenter Physical Infrastructure Management solutions manage power, cooling, physical space and security in dynamic datacenter environments.

For the first time, APC’s InfraStruXure Central supports multi-vendor physical infrastructure equipment including a formal validation program to actively develop and publish support for non-APC equipment. Detailed information of all physical infrastructure devices can now be consolidated in this one monitoring application, enabling quick assessment and intelligent decision-making on issues threatening IT system availability. APC’s Change Manager application provides inventory management and workflow tools to enable data center operators to map the IT and physical infrastructure equipment that is located within the data center. When combined with Capacity Manager, these applications provide data center operators the ability to perform predictive simulation and modeling of the physical infrastructure – evaluating ‘what-if’ scenarios before they occur.
“Maximizing data center energy efficiency while providing high availability requires measuring and monitoring the physical infrastructure to as granular a level as possible,” says JC Ong, Country General Manager, APC by Schneider Electric. “APC’s datacenter management suite utilizes real-time data and a common database, which means that data center decisions can be made based on facts and not merely based on nameplate data typically used by stand-alone inventory management tools.”

Growing trends toward higher power densities, driven by technology such as virtualization, demand the need for data center operators to seamlessly move between monitor, design and operate activities. APC’s new datacenter management suite provides all of this functionality from a ‘single console’ guaranteeing operators are working from the most current data.

“Our clients have a significant need to monitor and measure power usage within their data centers.” says Michelle Bailey, Research Vice President for IDC’s Datacenter Trends program. “Power and cooling is the number one issue for datacenter managers today as they face huge challenges in predicting the impact from the ever growing number of installed systems in their new and aging datacenters. Inventory and change management has become an operational hurdle that can impact the ability of IT organizations to guarantee service level agreements and respond to the business. A comprehensive product, such as APC’s datacenter management suite allows operators to visualize, predict and constantly evaluate their priorities for running a high density data center at the facility or remotely.”

APC’s datacenter management suite includes the following enhancements:
· Scalable to 4025 Devices – on a public or private network
· Multi-Vendor Support
· Design recommendation engine based industry best practices
· Placement advisor for IT equipment
· Comprehensive power path mapping
· New low cost entry level platform
· 3-Phase UPS load balancing and analysis
· New interface with user defined charts and graphs
· Localized in 10 Languages
· Mass configuration and firmware updates for APC devices
· Optional surveillance application for increased visibility in the data center

InfraStruXure Central ships as an appliance available at three price points each with increasing scalability. All appliances are pre-loaded with Change Manager and Capacity Manager modules, which users enable by purchasing license keys. APC also provides a complete set of services to support customers; including installation, deployment, configuration, and consulting services. Specialized training and education services are also available.

For more information about InfraStruXure Central, Change Manager, and Capacity Manager please visit or call +603 55695295.

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