
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gmail users hit by phishing chat attack, Sophos reports

Bad 24 hours as instant messaging phishing campaign follows blackout

Singapore. February 26, 2009 – IT security and control firm Sophos is warning Gmail users to be on their guard against phishing attacks following news that the email system has been the target of a campaign that spread via the Google Talk instant messaging chat system.

Samples intercepted by SophosLabs reveal that the unsolicited instant messages urge users to “check out this video” by clicking on a link via the TinyURL service. The link, however, directs users to a website called ViddyHo - which asks surfers to enter their Gmail usernames and passwords. Sophos experts warn that the hackers behind ViddyHo could then use the details they have stolen to break into accounts, steal sensitive information and commit identity theft.

“We’re all used to receiving suspicious communications via email, but these attacks arrived via the instant chat system built into Gmail. As a result, more users may fall unwittingly into the trap,” said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos. “If you think you might have been duped, make sure you change your Gmail password immediately otherwise your entire address book and all your correspondence, including information that you may have archived about other online accounts, will quickly become rich pickings for the hackers.”

Sophos research shows that 41 percent of computer users have the same password for every website they access. It is therefore crucial for victims of this attack to change their passwords on any site where they are using the same password as on Gmail.

“The message is simple. You should always be wary of clicking on unsolicited links whether received over email or IM, and be extremely careful whenever a website asks you to enter your username and password for another site,” continued Cluley.

TinyURL has now blacklisted the site, meaning that the link will no longer work. However, there is nothing to stop the hackers using other URL shortening sites or setting up alternative phishing sites to try and steal from the unwary.

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