
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pacnet Showcases Fourth Generation Technology at New Global Customer Service Center in Malaysia

New 150-seat facility with multi-lingual support features groundbreaking technology making Malaysia home to one of the most advanced customer interaction centers in the world

KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, 11 March 2009 – Pacnet today officially launched its new global customer service center in Kuala Lumpur as part of the company’s strategy to set industry-leading standards in customer service for the region and beyond.

“Pacnet’s investment into this state-of-the-art customer service facility is aligned with our corporate strategy to raise the bar in customer service within the region and around the world,” said Bill Barney, Pacnet’s Chief Executive Officer, at the opening ceremony. “Our decision to place this new facility in Kuala Lumpur also represents our commitment to support Malaysia’s vision of becoming a regional hub for international connectivity.”
L-R YB Dato Joseph Salang, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy, Water & Communications and William Barney, CEO, Pacnet

As the government of Malaysia continues to drive forward initiatives to increase and improve broadband penetration across the country and internationally, Pacnet is well positioned to play a significant role in providing Malaysia with next generation international connectivity.

“We value Malaysia as an important market with great growth potential. Pacnet looks forward to shortly receiving our Network Services Provider (NSP) License, which will put Pacnet in a position to further offer high quality, cost efficient choices to businesses,” Mr Barney added.

Officiating the opening ceremony of the new facility was Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications, Y.B. Dato’ Joseph Salang Gandum.

“Pacnet's unique proposition to Malaysia is its sole ownership of the private subsea cable system EAC-C2C. Full control over this network enables Pacnet to deliver complete redundancy and service diversity which is mission critical to businesses requiring connectivity to and from Malaysia,” said Datin Norhizan Ibrahim, Pacnet’s Malaysia Country Manager.

L-R- Denis Garner, Senior VP of Customer Service, Pacnet, YB Dato Joseph Salang, Deputy Minister, MEWC and William Barney, CEO, Pacnet.

At the heart of the Kuala Lumpur customer service center is a fourth generation IP-based customer service platform which supports multimedia interactions and enables Pacnet’s customer service staff to interact with customers through a combination of voice calls, video-enabled instant messaging with push-and-pull Web page collaboration and file sharing capabilities, as well as via email.

“Through our new all-IP customer service platform that is being deployed throughout all our customer service centers, we will be able to facilitate one-to-one interactions and equip our call agents with all information required to handle a call at their fingertips. This will allow us to respond faster to any enquiry or incident,” said Denis Garner, Senior Vice President of Customer Service.

The new customer service platform is also being rolled out to Pacnet’s regional call centers in Singapore, Thailand, India and China. It will enable Pacnet’s call center management to have real-time visibility over its entire customer service operation regardless of location, as all locations will be managed as one virtual call center.

“Not only will we be able to deliver industry-leading customer service levels, we also expect to realize operational cost savings by operating a virtual agent cluster that provides any call queue with a critical mass of agents to pick up and process the call,” added Mr Garner. “And by using advanced IP-based technology, we can literally have our customer service officers work from anywhere in the world - and yet deliver the same quality of service.”

Datin Norhizan Ibrahim, Pacnet Country Manager, Malaysia.

“Beyond just addressing traditional customer service requirements, the new platform will also be used for training and ongoing service improvement by utilizing a total interaction recording system that allows quick reviews by our quality team,” he said.

He added that the flexible new platform can accommodate any unique processes that must be followed when a call lands at any center and has a screen-pop technology that allows customization of the information for each individual customer.

“The key here is that the system can easily adapt to requirements of any new business or product set,” Mr Garner said. The new 150-seat customer service center, located in Menara IGB in Mid Valley, Kuala Lumpur, provides 24 x 7 x 365-days customer service and incident management to customers worldwide in multiple languages including English, Mandarin, Thai, Japanese, Cantonese and Korean.



马来西亚吉隆坡,2009年3月11日 - 亚太环通(Pacnet) 于吉隆坡新建成的全球客户服务中心, 今天正式投入服务,是该公司为区内外业界订立领先标准的策略之一。

亚太环通行政总裁Bill Barney于开幕典礼表示: 「亚太环通投资这最先进的客户服务设施, 与本公司鋭意提升亚太区以至全球客户服务水平的策略一致。我们选择于吉隆坡建设此崭新设施, 目的是为达成协助吉隆坡成为区内国际连系枢纽的承诺。」


Barney先生补充说:「我们十分重视马来西亚这个发展潜力巨大的市场,亚太环通希望于短期内获取网络服务供货商 (NSP) 牌照,以进一步为企业提供多元化、优质及具成本效益的服务。」

新设施开幕典礼很荣幸邀请到马国的能源、水务及通讯部副部长Y.B. Dato’ Joseph Salang Gandum 莅临主持。

亚太环通马来西亚总经理Datin Norhizan Ibrahim说:「亚太环通的 EAC-C2C 网络是亚太地区规模最大的私有海底电缆系统,这对马来西亚而言别具意义。此网络的完整控制权,令亚太环通能实现完全冗余的保证和服务多元化,这对于需要与马来西亚保持网络连接的企业而言十分关键。」


亚太环通客户服务高级副总裁Denis Garner表示: 「我们在所有客户服务中心部署新的全IP客户服务平台,从而实现一对一的互动联系,并能使客服人员轻易取得及处理客户来电所需的信息,令我们可更快捷地响应任何查询。」




位于吉隆坡Mid Valley的全新客户服务中心拥有 150 席, 客服人员以英语、 普通话、 泰语、 日语、 广东话和韩语等多种语言为世界各地的客户提供 24x7x365 全天候的客户服务和事件管理。

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