
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Castrol EDGE Launches “Hunt for the Strongest” Augmented Reality Mobile App Game as the Next Stage of the “Experience the Strongest” Campaign Commence

Contestants Will Battle It Out for the Grand Prize - An All Expense Paid Trip to UEFA EURO 2012™

Kuala Lumpur, 8 November 2011 – Castrol, the world’s leading premium lubricant specialist has launched the ‘Hunt for the Strongest’ mobile app game as the second stage of their Castrol EDGE ‘Experience the Strongest’ campaign hits the road. In this game, contestants will be pushing themselves to the limit for a chance to win the grand prize of an all-expense paid trip to Poland next year to watch the UEFA EURO 2012™, live!

The ‘Experience the Strongest’ consumer campaign rolled out in early October 2011 through an innovative multi-platform campaign designed to inspire confidence in Malaysians to find their own strength and be the strongest they can be. The campaign is driven by the new and improved Castrol EDGE, now engineered with Titanium Fluid Strength Technology™, making it the strongest and most advanced performance oil yet from Castrol.

Mark Ng, Marketing Director of Castrol Malaysia & Singapore, said “Today’s modern engines operate under higher pressures than ever before and needs an oil that is able to withstand immense pressures of up to 10,000kg per square cm; that’s equivalent to the pressure exerted by two elephants standing on top of a stiletto!

The new Castrol EDGE with Titanium Fluid Strength Technology™ has been proven to be up to 40% stronger* than a leading competitor and stronger for up to 35% longer**, an oil so strong that Castrol had to engineer tests to prove it. It is designed to continuously respond & adapt to an engine’s ever changing needs to deliver maximum performance even under extreme conditions, giving drivers the confidence and freedom to drive how they want, when they want.”
Ng added, “The second stage of the ‘Experience the Strongest’ campaign named the ‘Hunt for the Strongest’ is a unique first-of-its-kind location-based mobile app game utilizing Augmented Reality technology that will see cities in Malaysia being turned into a living virtual board game. Contestants in this hunt will be battling it out to win fantastic prizes including an all expense paid trip to Poland to watch the UEFA EURO 2012™ live. The hunt is a cat and mouse experience where contestants will be locating, tracking, running, chasing and collecting their way to success. The game, which will run for three weeks, will surely test the mental and physical strength of the contestants.”The “Hunt for the Strongest” location-based mobile app game is an Augmented Reality experience for consumers to use their smartphones in a way they have never used it before. The hunt requires contestants to download the application onto their smartphones and seek out the ‘missing’ Titanium Fluid Strength Technology™ Elements scattered around Malaysia.
Contestants will start out as the ‘hunter’ for the missing Elements, which will sporadically appear at different locations around Malaysia. However, upon capturing it, they immediately become the ‘hunted’ as they run from the other hunters trying to steal the Elements. If they manage to outrun the other hunters after a period of 15 minutes, the Titanium Fluid Strength Technology™ Element will be stored as permanent Strength points. To prevent the other hunters from snatching the Elements away within the 15 minutes time period, one can actually locate any new Castrol EDGE engineered with Titanium Fluid Strength Technology™ pack to scan the pack barcode in order to automatically confirm the capture of the Element immediately and instantly stored as permanent Strength points .At the end of the three week period, those with the most number of Strength points will be rewarded handsomely. Over 100 prizes are up for grabs including Sony Bravia 40” LED TV with Blu-ray Disc™ Home Theatre System, iPad 2, Microsoft Xbox Kinect, Macbook Air laptop, iPod Nano, shopping vouchers, Castrol EDGE oils and of course, the grand prize of an all expense paid trip to UEFA EURO 2012 in Poland next year. To learn more about this first of its kind Augmented Reality mobile hunt, check out or visit

*In a test of the oil’s strength across a variety of engine speeds, the Castrol EDGE range average metal to metal contact is 40% lower than a leading competitor.
**We asked a third party laboratory to test the Castrol EDGE range using our Maximum Endurance Test and on this test Castrol EDGE was proven to be on average 35% stronger for longer compared to a competitor brand from another major lubricant supplier.

Castrol EDGE 配合下个阶段之 "体验最强劲者" 运动的启动而推介 "寻觅最强劲者" 增强实况移动应用游戏

参赛者将角逐钜奖 - 一个已付全费的欧洲足总 EURO 2012™ 行程

吉隆坡 11 月 8 日讯 - Castrol,世界顶尖的润滑油专家,已配合其第二个阶段之 "体验最强劲者" 活动而推介了 "寻觅最强劲者" 增强实况移动应用游戏。在该游戏中,参赛者将得竭尽全力挑战极限以赢取钜奖,即在明年前往波兰现场观赏2012欧洲足总锦标赛(UEFA EURO 2012™)的已付全费行程!

该 "体验最强劲者" 消费人活动是于 2011 年 10 月初启动,通过一个创新多平台活动激励马来西亚人对本身力量的信心及致力成为最强劲者。该运动的推动力来自新改良的 Castrol EDGE,现在以钛液力科技创制,而成为 Castrol 前所未有最强劲和性能先进的润滑油。

据 Castrol 马来西亚及新加坡的市场总监Mark Ng 先生透露,"当今的先进引擎必须承受前所未见的高压,因此需要一种每平方厘米能承受高达 10,000 公斤,相等于把两头大象置放于一只细高跟鞋上之巨大压力的润滑油! 具有新钛液力科技的Castrol EDGE 经证实比某竞争品牌强劲 40%* 和耐久高达 35%**,由于它实在强劲,Castrol 必须进行测试以证明。它能持续不断回应和适应一台引擎瞬息万变的需求,以便在极限状况下亦能发挥最高性能,让驾驶者信心十足和随心所欲地在任何时候上路。"

Ng 又说,"第二个阶段之 "体验最强劲者" 运动已命名为 "寻觅最强劲者",它是一种首创且独一无二的地点移动应用游戏,并采用增强实况科技而将马来西亚各城市化为栩栩如生的虚拟棋盘游戏。参赛者必须施展浑身解数以赢取吸引人的奖品,包括前往波兰现场观赏2012欧洲足总锦标赛(UEFA EURO 2012™)的已付全费行程。该寻宝游戏犹如猫捉老鼠,参赛者得在沿途定位,跟踪,追逐和收集始能获得成功。该游戏将举行三个星期,势必考验参赛者的体能和智力。

"寻觅最强劲者"地点移动应用游戏献予消费人增强实况体验,即通过未曾想象的方式来使用他们的智能电话。该寻宝游戏要求参赛者把应用软件下载至他们的智能电话和寻觅迷失在马来西亚各地的钛液力科技元素。参赛者首先得扮演寻宝者的角色,寻觅分布于马来西亚各不同地点的迷失元素。然而,在寻获后,他们将即刻摇身一变成为被捕猎者,并得躲避试图偷窃其元素的其他寻宝者。若能躲开其他寻宝者长达 15 分钟,他们将可贮存该钛液力科技元素为永久力量积分。为了预防其他寻宝者在 15 分钟内偷走有关元素,参赛者可寻觅任何有新钛液力科技包装的Castrol EDGE,并扫描该包装的条码以自动和即刻证实觅得该元素和即时贮存为永久力量积分。

在三个星期的时期结束后,拥有最多永久力量积分者将获得可观回报。有超过 100 份奖品等待赢取,包括附 Blu-ray Disc™ 家庭电影院系统的 Sony Bravia 40” LED 电视机,iPad 2,Microsoft Xbox Kinect游戏机,Macbook Air手提电脑,iPod Nano,购物礼券,Castrol EDGE 润滑油,当然也少不了钜奖,即在明年前往波兰观赏欧洲足总锦标赛(UEFA EURO 2012™)的已付全费行程。欲了解该首创增强实况移动寻宝游戏的详情,请到 查询或浏览

*在一项涵盖各种引擎速度的润滑油强度测试中,Castrol EDGE 系列的平均金属对金属接触面比某竞争品牌低 40%。
**我们委托一家第三者实验室以 Maximum Endurance Test 来测试 Castrol EDGE 系列。在这项测试中,Castrol EDGE 经证实比另一主要润滑油供应商的某竞争品牌强劲耐久 35%。

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