
Friday, November 18, 2011

Kingston Launches its Fastest USB Flash Drive

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – November 18, 2011 – Kingston, the independent world leader in memory products, today announced the Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 3.0. The DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 is designed for enthusiasts and gamers, and features the fastest speeds and largest capacities that Kingston has to offer in a USB Flash drive.

Its high-speed eight-channel architecture provides USB 3.0 data transfer rates of up to 225MB/s read and 135MB/s write. Users can save time associated with opening, editing and copying large files and applications between devices. The fast write speeds also allow users to work on large files or applications directly from the USB 3.0 drive without performance lag.“Enthusiasts have long known HyperX as the memory of choice for overclockers and power users who need the most performance from system memory,” said Nathan Su, Flash memory Sales Director, APAC Region, Kingston. “The new DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 USB Flash drive continues this tradition. With the fastest speeds and largest capacity, this storage device is the perfect solution for users who require high performance and carry a lot of data.”

The DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 is available in 64GB, 128GB and 256GB capacities. The 256GB capacity can store approximately 10 Blu-ray Discs (25GB each), 54 DVDs (4.7GB each), 48,640 MP3s (4MB each) or 13,473,684 Microsoft Word files pages with various formatting and basic graphics.

With a durable and sleek design, the Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 is a terrific portable storage solution for gamers, enthusiasts, early adopters and high-end consumers who require the best performance and highest capacities to carry their digital library. Faster speeds and higher capacities enable users to quickly store their digital files and keep it with them at all times, in HyperX style.

DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 features a metal and rubberized casing with a reinforced key ring hole for daily use. It allows users to keep it with them at all times, as it can be easily attached to a key ring or lanyard.

A video of the device can be found at

DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 is backed by a five-year warranty, free technical support and legendary Kingston reliability. For more information, please visit

功能再升级 Kingston闪存盘增值不加价

• 免费urDrive软件简化数据管理
• 增强个人电脑安全性
• 方便安全的网络浏览体验
• 老幼皆宜的游戏


Kingston亚太区Flash Memory业务总监苏治源表示:“一直以来,闪存盘扮演着数据携带、存储及传输的角色,而领先业界的Kingston将率先改变消费者与这些设备的互动方式。urDrive让各年龄层消费者重新体验与闪存盘的全新互动。”

通过预装的Norton PC Checkup软件,urDrive可增强个人电脑的安全性。其中包含的诊断工具可扫描病毒感染(包括木马、蠕虫及广告软件)和造成系统缓慢与具有潜在风险的数据。而通过内置的Maxthon 3浏览器,urDrive能够进一步提升用户的数字体验:Maxthon 3拥有同类软件中更加出色的启动速度和架构,为用户提供便于携带且安全的浏览体验。所有暂存数据、浏览记录和cookies都是存储于闪存盘中,确保浏览记录不被其他人获取——使用公用电脑时,这点尤其重要。

Norton消费者服务部门总经理暨副总裁Kevin Chapman表示:“消费者的电脑使用习惯已经改变,而urDrive为移动存储设备开创了新鲜、多功能和与众不同的全新时代。Norton PC Checkup与urDrive的整合,将在使用者以一种十分新颖且有趣的方式体验存储设备里的内容时,提供额外的安全保护及性能分析。我们对于能成为新一代闪存盘的交互式体验的一部份感到自豪,不论使用者在哪里,Norton PC Checkup都能让他们全无后顾之忧地使用移动存储。”

Maxthon总经理暨产品主管Karl Mattson表示:“Maxthon 3 能够为urDrive使用者提供真正安全与便携的浏览体验,现在有了urDrive,无论你到哪里,所有浏览记录、书签和设置都会和你形影相随。”

urDrive适合所有年龄的消费族群,无论在工作、家中或是旅行时都可以使用。例如商务专业人士能够轻松在公司或家中读写闪存盘里的数据,或是利用专属的免费在线存储空间进行备份,这项服务能够在闪存盘与云端之间进行同步和备份。就家庭娱乐而言,使用者可通过urDrive获取EA和PopCap的最新休闲游戏。Fooz Kids儿童安全网络应用程序让繁忙的母亲不再担心孩子浏览的网页内容。旅行者可以随时随地查看、管理以及分享他们在旅程中不断增加的照片与视频,也可存放如护照等重要文件的扫描件。

urDrive将免费预装在Kingston入门级闪存盘DataTraveler 101G2、108 以及109中,未来也将在DTIG3中预装。消费者除了可选择不同的产品设计外,容量也有4GB至32GB等多种选择。

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