Need assistance? They’re all EARs!
Kuala Lumpur, 14 November 2011 – With a reported 1,022 vehicle accidents and 19 rapes happening daily in Malaysia, emergencies and crimes are statistically on the rise in our country. Now, there’s a solution to help manage that and keep people safe on and off the road, thanks to Emergency Assistance & Response Services (EARs), now available nationwide.
EARs is a nationwide personal safety and automotive assistance service, ready to aid anyone who find themselves lost, stranded or in need of emergency personal or automotive help. EARs also comes packaged with a free iPhone application affectionately known as the “EARsAlert2”, which allows users to seek for help at the touch of a button. The technology was developed since 2009 and this revamped version has now been fine-tuned to meet different needs, including a 5-second auto alert. The app is now available on iTunes for iPhone users to download for free, and users can play around with the app in demo mode without an account. The app will soon be available for other smartphones.“EARs was conceptualized mainly because I have many friends and family members who have experienced vehicle breakdowns or personal crimes, or who have had their car stolen,” said Edwin Ong, Chief Executive Officer, EARs. “Although there are services for each of the situations I’ve just mentioned, these services tend to work independently of one another, hence I felt the need for an all-in-one total solution for personal and automotive assistance, leveraging on a mobile device which many of us already have.”
A service like EARs also addresses the emotional and psychological needs of individuals who are disoriented by such experiences. Individuals may be in shock or injured, uncertain of their whereabouts or frustrated from having to contact many different parties for help, such as family members and friends, auto services and tow trucks, among others.
EARs simplifies the entire process – just tap on the icon and a signal is immediately sent within 5 seconds to EARs which identifies your name and pinpoints your location via GPS. You will receive a call from an EARs agent within a short timeframe to ascertain your condition and safety, and to confirm what kind of emergency service or assistance you need. The agent will then contact the relevant service providers to assist you. At the same time, EARs will also alert five of your closest contacts to inform them about your situation. If you were involved in an accident, EARs is also able to assist with police reporting, workshop coordinations for repairs and insurance claims, if needed.
In the event of a personal emergency such as a kidnapping case, if the EARs app is launched and the person is not contactable by the agent, the five closest contacts are immediately alerted via SMS and one primary contact is contacted to act upon the situation, armed with important information like location coordinates. These are the people who care the most about you and will definitely be the fastest to respond and do whatever it takes to help you.
A Necessary Service
Emergency services are increasingly necessary as statistics on crime and vehicle accidents keep rising:
• In 2008, there were a total of 373,047 vehicle accidents which resulted in 6,527 deaths.
• In 2009, there was a 15% increase in crimes, totalling 198,622 or 544 reported cases per day. Every day, there was at least one murder, 19 cases of rape, 243 stolen vehicles.
• In 2010, there were 1022 vehicle accidents per day (or the equivalent of one accident every 1 minute and 44 seconds).
“In light of statistics like these, we believe that EARs will bring great peace of mind to many Malaysians,” said Ong. “People can be assured that there’s someone they can call on at any time of the day who will be able to help them, regardless of whether they need a tow truck or personal assistance.”
Besides the average Malaysian, EARs is also available for travellers or people who are renting cars temporarily; Being unfamiliar with their surroundings, they would find this service especially helpful and convenient in the event of an emergency. Kindly log on to to find out more about the full range of services offered by EARs, or to register for the service and stand a chance to win a brand new iPhone 4S! For Malaysians, choose from the Breakdown and Assistance (BRASS) plus Personal Alert (PAL) combined packages at only RM75 per year or RM10 per month. You can also try out the service by registering for a one-week membership at only RM5 by sending a text SMS “ON EARS 5” to 36660 for immediate sign-ups! For non-Malaysians, please visit our website for more information on how you can benefit from EARs as well.
吉隆坡11月14日讯 -记录在案的数字显示,马来西亚每一天平均发生1千零22宗车祸及19宗强奸案,而我国紧急事故与犯罪案件的统计数据亦不断上升!现在,随着Emergency Assistance & Response services,以下使用英文简称 EARs) 把脉络拓展到全国各地,无论是开车或身处我国任何地方的大马民众,现在终于有了一套能对应安全威胁的全备方案。
EARs是一套顾及个人安全与行车援助的全国型完备服务,随时随地替迷路、受困的民众或车辆提供支援或救助。EARs的服务内容,也涵盖免费的 iPhone应用程式“EARsAlert2”,让用家只需启动一个按键,就能在瞬间获得最需要的紧急救援。自2009年开始推出的科技,已进阶提升至当今能迎合更多面需求的智慧版,当中就包括了革新的“5秒钟警报系统”。iPhone使用者可在 iTune免费下载,而且用家不需开设户口,就可以透过示范模式灵活使用。此应用程式即将推出适合其它智慧手机使用的版本。「发起EARs脉络的概念,主要来自身边亲友的个人经历,他们在车子忽然故障、被偷或者人身安全受到罪犯威胁时,几乎都觉得慌乱无助。」EARs公司首席执行长 Edwin Ong说明。「虽然坊间有因应上述各种紧急状况而衍生的援助服务,它们的服务方针和内容,似乎只锁定一种状况。因此,我认为有必要为大家献上全合一的完备方案,再借力于几乎人手一台的智慧手机发挥功能。」
EARs可以轻松把整个境况简化!只需轻触屏幕上的『警报』图标,求援信息就会在5秒钟内自动发送到EARs系统,即刻辨识出您的身份,并且透过GPS (卫星导航系统) 锁定您的位置所在。随即,您会收到EARs行动特务的来电,先确认您的境况和安全,再调配您所需要的紧急服务或援助。此特务也会马上联络相关的服务人员前来解困。另外,您事先设定的5个紧急联络人,也会同时接到通知,道明您的状况。若是交通意外的话,EARs的行动部队在必要时,也会于报警、联络修车厂和保险索赔方面,进阶提供援助。
至于被绑架等个人紧急状况, EARs总部一旦接收到用户的『警报』求援信息,却无法联络上用户的话,5个紧急联络人就会马上收到SMS通知,而首要联络人也会接到EARs特务的电话,报告事发时间、地点的地图坐标等关键资料,以便这些最关心您的家人或亲友,马上采取对应的救援行动。
• 在2008年内发生的交通意外,共有37万3千零47宗,死亡数字达 6千5百27人。
• 2009年的犯罪率飚升 15%,达 19万8千6百22宗;即记录在案者,平均每天 5百44宗。其中,每天至少1宗谋杀案、19宗强奸案,以及243宗偷车案。
• 2010年的交通意外每日平均数是 1千零22宗 (即每1分钟44秒就发生1宗车祸)
有关EARs服务项目的详情,敬请上网浏览;现在上网注册使用EARs的服务,还有机会赢取1台全新的 iPhone 4S!大马国民可以拥有的『行车故障与援助』(Breakdown and Assistance, 简称 BRASS) 外加『个人警报』(Personal Alert) 综合配,只需区区 RM75的年费或者 RM10的月费。有意试用服务者,也可以注册使用1星期配套,收费只需 RM5,手机族更可以透过掌中的智慧精灵,输入 “ON EARS 5”发送至 36660完成注册手续。至于需要此人身与行车保障的非国民,敬请上网了解服务内容与注册详情。
Monday, November 14, 2011
标签: EARs
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