
Friday, December 23, 2011

Malaysia Made Dual SIM Android Smartphone G.Fone Deuce II Is Available!

G.fone is set to once again ignite the interest of the local handset community as we unveil our latest and newest, affordable Android smartphone. We will live up to our promises of delivery products at extremely competitive prices.

Following our release of Deuce, a 3G Dual SIM Android phone in Malaysia, G.fone further strengthens our true Dual SIM capabilities in our collection of smartphones with the introduction of Deuce II.

For Deuce II, users get a refined user interface in 3D and access to more than 100,000 of available applications through its Android 2.3 Gingerbread platform. It is powered by a Qualcomm MSM 7227-T 800Mhz processor and sports a 3.5” HVGA capacitive touch panel.

Other features include a 5MP Camera with Auto Focus & LED Flash, WiFi and GPS capabilities. Functioning also as a portable WiFi hotspot, Deuce II shines at a price of RM739.00.

With true Dual SIM capablities, it offers enhanced smart social experience while enjoying inter-
network connectivity.

The New Year is just a few days away, get the BEST Priced Dual SIM Andorid, G.fone Deuce at
RM599 or the 1st Dual SIM Android with 3D User Interface, Deuce II at RM739. If you are looking for affordable gadget gift, you might want to consider G.fone's Android Smartphones.

Check them out at the nearest location near you, visit


• 全新G.Fone Deuce II智能手机在马来西亚闪亮登场

一机双卡。全新的G.Fone Deuce II G1345 Android智能手机,完美结合商业和个人用途。易于管理软件平台,降低漫游资费。不必再同时携带两台手机,也大大节省话费,轻松自如。

“G.Fone Android智能手机由Vismart Sdn Bhd. 特许经营,它是本地手机市场冉冉升起的一颗新星;我们计划建立专门的零售渠道,为顾客提供贴心的个性化服务。借助Android平台,G.Fone创造出独一无二的产品,”Ken Ang,手机事业部经理如是说。

G.Fone Deuce II造型简洁,配以细长的圆弧形状,适合单手把握。触摸式3.5” LCD屏幕,强大的5MP摄像头,拥有自动对焦功能,拍摄画面清晰。造型优雅,功能强大。Android 2.3平台为用户带来很多新的惊喜,如“智能管理”能够增强应用软件的功能,提高系统的动态稳定性,网页浏览更快速。


G.Fone Deuce II让您体验创新的智能输入功能,信息输入更简单,记忆识别软件可以自动查询您的联系人列表。嵌入的智能输入软件支持多种语言。智能识别输入的字符串,文本输入更简单、更方便。

新增无限网络共享功能。Deuce II可以配置成无线AP路由器,或者使用Wi-Fi连接到多种无线设备,同步共享高速因特网。绝对不会丢失重要的设备和联系人列表,因为Deuce II的“PC 同步工具”能够通过USB接口将数据无缝同步到您的PC或者手提电脑。也可以利用这种功能组织、编辑和备份您的联系人列表、信息、音频和视频文件等。

G.Fone Deuce II G1345 Android智能手机目前的建议零售价是RM739。了解更多详情,请访问

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