
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Kaspersky Lab Responds to SOS of Small Businesses with Kaspersky Small Office Security 2

So Simple It Can Be Managed from 1 PC, So Powerful It Gives Full Security Protection

PETALING JAYA, October 4, 2012 - As cyberthreats increase exponentially and the intent of attacks and schemes becomes more financially motivated what can small businesses that lack in-house IT security expertise do to reduce their risk and increase their productivity?

Kaspersky Lab, a leading developer of secure content and threat management solutions announced the release of the second version of Kaspersky Small Office Security (KSOS 2), a solution specially designed in response to the SOS cry from small businesses of five users and above that may not have a dedicated IT personnel but need a high level of customizable security.

The updated solution is so simple to configure that it can be set-up and administered from a single PC without prior training and provides optimal security for small business computer infrastructure and data, with minimal impact on system resources while being affordable even for companies with tiny IT budgets.

Why SoHos need KSOS 2 

According to research done by B2B International in collaboration with Kaspersky Lab, 41%[1] companies surveyed globally are not prepared for cyber-threats and 31% of its IT specialists are not fully aware of today’s Trojans.

This survey serves as a wake up call for small businesses in Malaysia as the sector makes up more than 98% of businesses in Malaysia and in 2011 small businesses contributed about 31%[2] to GDP and 56% to the workforce.

According to Kaspersky Lab SEA Channel Sales Director, Mr Jimmy Fong there has been a disconnect in products available for small businesses and the needs, challenges and resources within these companies themselves which makes the introduction of Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 timely.

“For too long small companies have been offered security products scaled down from enterprise level versions which while providing excellent protection often required a trained IT resource person to manage the network. Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 is specifically developed for small companies offering comprehensive protection and advanced features that can be managed from a single PC even by someone with no training, as it is so simple to use. The KSOS 2 solution is priced within range of even the smallest companies and should be well-received,” Mr Fong said.

“As local SMEs innovate, protecting their proprietary data and intellectual properties from being stolen or leaked becomes as important as keeping their network protected from external malware attacks. Keeping data backed up and secured takes on greater importance. Couple this with the death of IT resource personnel, and it becomes clear that SoHos and SME require a solution that is easy to manage without training, comprehensive, customizable and that gets the job done, making KSOS 2 a perfect choice,” he explained.

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2’s Wider Distribution

“We are making it easier for small businesses to get Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 by widening our distribution channel through the B2B channel, as small businesses in this region usually purchase based on recommendation and advice from distributors. The first edition was only offered online, a model that worked well in Europe and the United States, but was not as popular in the South East Asian region. With the new distribution model we expect to see healthy demand for the Kaspersky Small Office Security 2,” Mr Fong detailed.

What’s New in Kaspersky Small Office Security 2

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 delivers award-winning antivirus and Internet security adding server protection, back-up, encryption, web-use policy and password management for critical small business safety. The solution protects servers and workstations running on Windows OS, which is the operating system of choice for many small businesses.

Back-Up Tools

“Flexible backup tools, which have been integrated into the product for the first time, help to prevent the leakage of financial data, client information and other valuable records in the event of computer failures and employee errors. Any file that was lost or erroneously modified can be retrieved from the storage with just a couple of mouse clicks,” Mr Fong said adding that the backup feature offered protection against human error as well as software and hardware problems.


“It is not just external threats, small businesses also need to be prepared for leakage and loss of information from within. KSOS 2 includes an effective encryption system: all confidential corporate information can be encrypted using a strong algorithm to provide reliable data protection which can be securely transferred using a USB device or email and can be opened provided the correct password is inserted,” he said.

Password Manager 

Kaspersky Small Office Security 2’s includes a Password Manager to keep the user’s digital identity secure, while a tune-up feature optimizes the system’s performance.

“With Kaspersky Small Office Security 2, the entire small business network can be managed from a single networked PC. Using the administration console, the security status of any corporate computer can be checked, detected problems can be resolved remotely, the Wi-Fi can be monitored and recommendations can be received on fixing vulnerabilities. Additionally, product license management, backup tasks and malware scanning of one or more computers can all be performed without the user having to leave their desk through wizards. This is what we mean by ease of use – no training required,” Mr Fong explained.

Get off Facebook and Back to Work! 

The University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business and Network Solutions carried out a survey in 2010 that revealed that employees at small companies spend up to 24% of their working hours on social networks.

Mr Fong pointed out that the loss of productivity due to time spent on social networks would be especially evident in small businesses.

“With KSOS 2’s Web Policy Management feature employers can make their team more productive by setting internet, computer and messaging policies that can help employees focus on work rather than be distracted through social networks. It can also be useful for preventing confidential data disclosure,” he said.

 “We have developed this product specifically to cater for the needs of smaller businesses, some of which may not have a dedicated IT specialist,” said Mr Jimmy Fong. Kaspersky Small Office Security 2 ensures complete protection, uses only negligible system resources and requires minimal system management time. The updated solution offers affordable protection without the need to be an IT expert.”

Manage to Manage

“It is all about efficiency and manageability. Employers can now control file downloading in order to manage their internet connection bandwidth, block pages with inappropriate contents and ensure that all policies are compliance to legal requirements,” he added.

Pricing and Availability
Types of license pack available will be
Price for 1 year license pack (RM)
Price for 2 year license pack (RM)
5 workstations
5 workstations + 1 file server
10 workstations + 1 file server
15 workstations + 2 file servers
25 workstations + 3 file servers
迎合中小型商务自保需求,Kaspersky Lab进阶推出网络方案 KSOS 2

八打灵再也10月 9 日讯 -与日俱增的网络威胁、病毒袭击,以及冲着用户钱财而来的诈欺行为,已让网民们益发担忧;组织内部尚未聘用IT安全专人的中小型商务机构,又该如何降低受害的风险,同时提高生产率呢?

 网络安全内容及威胁管理方案的翘楚级开发商 Kaspersky Lab (卡巴斯基实验室)欣然宣布,已经发售其第2版的 Kaspersky Small Office Security (『小办公室保全』,以下简称 KSOS 2)。此保全方案的研发对像,贴心锁定组织内拥有至少有5台电脑,却苦无专业 IT人员负责公司网络安全的小型商务 (Small Business)。


 为何SoHo族、中小型企业或中小型商务皆需要 KSOS 2的保障呢?

 一项由 B2B International机构与Kaspersky Lab联手进行的市场调查显示,在全球接受问调的企业机构中,近 41%并未针对网络威胁作出任何的准备([1]),而 31%的 IT专员对当今的《Trojans》(《木马》)竟然还未完全了解!

 调查的结果,敲响了马来西亚中小型企业和商务的营运警钟;中小企业的比率,占了大马商界的98%,而且单单在 2011年,中小企业对国民生产总值 (GDP)和劳动力的贡献,则分别占了 31%及 56%([2])。

 Kaspersky Lab 东南亚区管道销售总监方奕文透露,市场能提供的网络保全产品,向来都与小型商务营运上的需求、挑战和资源脱节, 因此,KSOS 2保全方案的推介,可谓适逢其时。

 「一直以来,小公司都只能借用专为大企业开发的保全方案,而且,如此深广的保护功能,一般都需要具备专业知识的IT人员来执行和管理。有鉴于此,透彻了解中小型企业需求和局限的KSOS 2方案,悉心献上周全的保护范围、先进的防御功能、简单的管理模式,以及便捷的使用步骤;售价亦顾及小公司预算金额的KSOS 2,必定会广受青睐。」方先生指出。

 「中小企业都在革新求变中成长,因此,如何保护公司的专利资料、智慧财产,以防泄漏或被盗,就变成与防御恶意软体入侵工作脉络一样重要;加上严重缺乏 IT人力资源的市场趋势,SoHo族和中小型就必须仰赖容易管理、无需训练、周全彻底,而且配置模式得以用户化的有效方案来把关。因此,我们的KSOS 2可谓最完美的选择。」他说明。

 KSOS 2扩大经销商脉络

 「我们会藉由 B2B管道,拓展经销商的脉络,让本区域内的中小型商务,能透过经销商的明确推荐和建议,更轻易地选购KSOS 2。第一代的 KSOS只限于网上分销,这个广受欧美用户欢迎的管道,却难以在东南亚地区奏效。因此,我们预计新的经销模式,能大幅度提升KSOS 2的需求量。」他补充。

 KSOS 2具备哪些新功能?

 除了既有的得奖级防毒和互联网保安功能,新版方案加添了伺服器保护、备份、加密、上网条规及通关码管理等,策略性强化中小商务的内外网络安全。大多数的小型商务都选择Windows (『视窗』)运作的电脑脉络,而KSOS 2则能保护所有Windows系统的伺服器和工作站。

 备份 (Back-up)工具


 加密 (Encryption)

 「除了外来的威胁,小型商务也必须谨慎看待组织内部发生资料外泻或遗失的风险。KSOS 2附加一套有效的加密系统,利用严密的运算法则,提供可靠的保护模式,守卫所有的企业密件;然而,只要相关人员拥有正确的通关码,重要的文件档案就可以简便地透过 USB随身碟 (亦称“手指”)或电子邮件安全传输并开启。」他补充。

 通关码管理器 (Password Manager)

 KSOS 2的 Password Manager能保障用户的数码身份,同时优化整套系统的运作表现。

 「KSOS 2可谓『麻雀虽小,五脏俱全』,只需脉络中的一台桌上电脑,就可以执行全面的管理工作。行政控制台能监视所有电脑的安全状况,而被发现的问题,也可以透过远端或遥控维修来解决;其灵活的功能还可监控Wi-fi网络、建议修复安全弱点的措施。此外,KSOS 2亦可执行产品执照管理、备份工作、多台电脑的恶意软体扫描等,用户只需借用内建的“专家”,就可轻易操纵,完全不必事先的专业训练。」方先生解释。


 (美国)马利兰州(Maryland)史密富大学(Smith University)商业及网络方案系 (Business and Network Solutions)曾经在2010年进行一项调查,其结果发现~小型公司的雇员把 24%的工作时间浪费在社交网站上!


 「有了KSOS 2的 Web Policy Management把关,雇主就能够藉由上网、传讯和电脑使用措施的设置,协助雇员在上班时间专注于工作,有效提升团队的生产率。这个机制也有助于防止机密资料外泻。」他说。

 「我们悉心替小型商务的营运需求,特别是尚未聘用专业IT人员的组织,研发了这套方案。」他重申。KSOS 2标榜能应用微不足道的系统资源及管理时间,执行全面透彻的保护任务。此更新版本也让一般电脑用户能够兼任IT专家的工作。



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