
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Hitachi Data Systems Unveils Industry’s First Integrated File Sync and Share for the Enterprise

HDS Brings Enterprise Security to the Mobile Workforce; 
New HDS Cloud Solutions Reduce TCO by 60% and Backup Space Needed by 30%

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — May 23, 2013 — Hitachi Data Systems Corporation (HDS), a wholly owned subsidiary of Hitachi, Ltd. (TSE: 6501), today unveiled at an exclusive media briefing in Kuala Lumpur new solutions and services that allow enterprises to adopt cloud computing more readily, enable their mobile workforce more securely and reliably, and provide a better IT experience to their end users.

Sunil Chavan, Director, Software Group & Cloud Solutions, Asia Pacific, HDS at the Launch of HCP Anywhere.

The Hitachi Data Systems family of cloud services and solutions offer new options to help manage the multiple demands of IT. These demands include explosive growth of unstructured data, user expectations to access information from anywhere, and the requirement to ensure security, simplicity and protection of all data wherever it lives. With today’s new HDS offerings, customers can achieve the cost and flexibility benefits of the cloud by reducing capex and opex:

- Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere: The industry’s first integrated file sync and share solution that is built, sold and supported for the enterprise entirely by a single vendor. It bring secure mobility to the enterprise – it lets users access data and collaborate on any device, from any location at any time and easily share files. And IT keeps the data within its control, security and compliance practices, unlike consumer-grade file sharing services which have struggled to gain the confidence of enterprise IT groups. HCP Anywhere is built expressly for the enterprise and jumps ahead of industry alternatives in ease of implementation and control of important, but rarely discussed issues of encryption, key ownership and terms of service.  

- New version of Hitachi Content Platform (HCP): One seamless cloud storage platform for data protection, enterprise mobility and content cloud, it features the most advanced metadata management in the market and sets a foundation for big data and analytics.

- Hitachi Cloud Services Connection (HCSC): Public cloud offering built on HDS cloud infrastructure and solutions and managed by HDS for partners to resell.

“Although consumer file sync and share options have been available for some time, options for enterprises are still emerging,” said Terri McClure, senior analyst, ESG. “With this new cloud package, HDS is leveraging its enterprise solution provider strengths at the core and has done a nice job providing a consumer-like experience at the edge. Its new HCP Anywhere application and platform should be particularly appealing to security-conscious end users who need to lock down access to business data and leverage additional cloud capabilities and support to satisfy end user requirements for data access across multiple devices. HDS already has a reputation of trust with this customer base and the economics for its file sync and share are very compelling. With all the back-end integration, self-service and controls HDS offers today and plans to add, HDS appears to be bringing a serious enterprise sync and share solution to market.”

“Our unique approach to cloud allows our customers to choose the best possible solutions to address their needs, at their own pace, and in a way that makes sense for their business,” said Sunil Chavan, Director, Software Group & Cloud Solutions, Asia Pacific, HDS. “Our cloud portfolio does more than just solve the challenges customers face today – it sets them up for what is coming next. Trends like big data, bring your own device, next-generation file services, secure clouds, distributed IT, and metadata-driven automation, management and analytics are quickly becoming pervasive. The products and services we are announcing today allow enterprise organizations from verticals such as financial services, manufacturing, telecommunications and the government to use cloud and file sharing in ways that were never before possible. It is with these new offerings that customers can further innovate with information as the IT industry continues to evolve.”

HDS delivers secure, flexible, scalable and easy-to-manage private, hybrid and public cloud infrastructures that enable businesses to lower total cost of ownership, meet service level agreements, and improve operational efficiency. At the heart of HDS cloud solutions are a set of proven, cloud-enabled platforms that support the unified, virtualized and distributed environments common in organizations today. Together, HDS cloud solutions based on HCP enable organizations to experience some of these benefits:

Reduce TCO by 60%.
Reduce space needed for backups by 30%.
Create a 2 year deferral on new storage purchases.
Enable 5 times more terabytes managed per administrator.

Customer and Partner Supporting Quotes
- Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Australia: “At the Garvan Institute we focus on understanding the role of genes as well as molecular and cellular processes in health and disease. Secure collaboration on large data sets is critical for developing future cures. We’re excited to explore the productivity and innovation benefits that HCP Anywhere can bring to our researchers by extending our information infrastructure directly to mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and even smart phones to deliver pioneering research into some of the most widespread diseases affecting our society today.” – Dr Warren Kaplan, Bioinformatics specialist, Centre for Clinical Genomics

- ACW Services, Hong Kong: “There is definitely a move in the industry toward cloud services, and by partnering with HDS we have launched a cloud service quickly with our own branding through Hitachi Cloud Services Connection. The combination of HDS facilities, infrastructure and service management with our sales, marketing, reseller and ISV recruitment quickly and easily helps our customers into production.” – Andy Lau, Managing Director, ACW Services

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