
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Yes 4G launches World’s First Samsung 4G Chromebook in Malaysia

The Samsung 4G Chromebook has built-in connectivity to Malaysia’s largest and widest 4G network, designed to work with Yes IDs

KUALA LUMPUR 22 May 2013 – Yes today launched the world’s first Samsung 4G Chromebook. Developed by Google and Samsung, the 4G Chromebook is another game-changing product in Yes’ innovative portfolio that enables everyone to live, learn, work and play in a simpler, smarter and lighter way.

“Yes is about driving positive change at a national level by delivering to Malaysia one of the most sophisticated 4G networks in the world. Based on this guiding principle, we have been working tirelessly to build the largest 4G network in Malaysia,” said YTL Communications Chief Executive Officer Wing K. Lee. “As a result of our expansive network, many Malaysians already have access to high-speed Internet through our portfolio of innovative devices and services.”

“I am really excited about what the Yes network can be do for this country. Everyone can be connected to the cloud anywhere and anytime. The Samsung 4G Chromebook is the perfect device to use on our network. It brings the power of computing to everyone, ushering in a new era of Cloud Computing,” said Tan Sri Dato' (Dr) Francis Yeoh, YTL Group Managing Director.

Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice President for Android, Chrome and Google Apps at Google reiterated that he is “particularly excited at the pace at which 4G connectivity is being rolled out throughout the country.” He further added, “What's happening in Malaysia can be a role model for many other countries around the world.”
The Samsung 4G Chromebook comes with a built-in 4G chipset that enables seamless and always-on Internet. It is designed from the ground up to work with Yes IDs, providing high-speed mobile Internet connectivity of up to 20Mbps on the Yes 4G network. With nationwide 4G coverage, Malaysia is the ideal market to launch the world’s first Samsung 4G Chromebook.

The Samsung 4G Chromebook is a new type of computing device, designed by Google, to be fast, simple and safe for everyone to use. It boots in seconds and comes with popular Google apps like YouTube, Gmail and Drive, so users can work and play right out of the box. The Samsung 4G Chromebook also comes with 100GB of Google Drive storage that is free for two years. Unlike other computers, it keeps getting faster over time with seamless updates and built-in virus protection.

Perfect for those on-the-go, the Samsung 4G Chromebook is one of the lightest laptops on the market. It is a mere 17.5 mm thin and weighs just 1.1 kilograms, with a 7-hour battery life.

“Over the past few months, Chromebooks have become a part of everyday life for many people -a computer for the kitchen, for when on-the-go, or for sharing with the family,” said Caesar Sengupta, Product Management Director at Google. “Many of you around the world have told us you're eager to get your hands on a Chromebook, so we've been working with our partners to make this possible. Today we're happy to say we're one step closer to making Chromebooks truly ‘for everyone’ - or rather, ‘untuk semua orang’.”

The Samsung 4G Chromebook retails at RM988 with a 24-month RM88 postpaid plan which comes with a monthly data quota of 3.5 GB. The device alone retails at RM1299. It is now available at Yes Stores nationwide and its online store, ( The device is also available to 1BestariNet Yes ID holders through the FrogStore at ( and at Bestari roadshows nationwide for RM988 with a 24-month RM69 plan which comes with a monthly data quota of 3.5GB.

“The Samsung 4G Chromebook will be a first device for many people. It is affordable, secure and always connected to the Internet. No one will be left out of the Internet age,” Lee added.

For more information, visit

Yes 4G在马来西亚推介世上首架三星Chromebook

三星4G Chromebook专为YES IDs而设计,拥有内建芯片,以连接至马来西亚最大最广的4G网络

(吉隆坡22日讯)马来西亚最快的4G移动互联网与通讯供应商——Yes于今日早上10时30分独家推介世上首台三星4G Chromebook。由谷歌与三星联合开发,Chromebook是Yes创新组合中又一崭新产品,旨在让每个人能够更简易、精明与轻便地工作、学习和生活。

YTL通讯首席执行员Wing K. Lee表示,三星4G Chromebook与Yes携手合作,除了将消弭数码鸿沟外,也将让云端计算功能能在马来西亚更普及开来。


“为了提升产品采用度,我们独创与国家汽车制造商普腾(Proton)进行合作,以让高速4G移动网络连接成为最新普腾车款的标准。此外,我们还在长途巴士上安装4G流动WiFi热点,以为全国最大的巴士业者——Konsortium Transnasional Berhad的乘客提供服务。”

三星4G Chromebook内建4G芯片能保证无缝与持续连线的网络。其设计完全是为了配合Yes ID而定做。支持高达20Mbps的数据流量,Yes已是马来西亚最快的4G网络。该网络自30个月出台以来,每月皆被NetIndex评估为马来西亚最快的无线数据网络。

超过4000台的4G基站,覆盖了半岛超过70%的人口,最近还覆盖了沙巴州,Yes让马来西亚成为推介世界上第一台三星4G Chromebook的绝佳地点。轻量级与实惠的Chromebook上网本使用简单、安全及运作快速。

三星4G Chromebook是由谷歌设计的新型电脑,能给大家带来畅快与安全感。它可在几秒内启动、休眠后可立刻恢复运作,并且有多层的内建保安与病毒保护程式。电脑里也安装了谷歌著名的应用程序,如YouTube、Gmail和Drive等,让用户可在拆开包装后即可工作与娱乐。这台云端电脑也让用户免费使用高达100GB的谷歌Drive容量长达两年。与其它电脑不同,Chromebook越用越快,越用越安全。病毒防护也是内建,无需载入或更新。

三星4G Chromebook适合居无定所的用户,因为它是市场上其中一架最轻的笔记本电脑。它只有1.1公斤,约17.5厘米薄,电池寿命超过6小时。

谷歌产品管理董事Caesar Sengupta表示,在过去数个月,Chromebooks已经成为许多人生活的一部分——一部能在厨房里、旅行时,还有家庭生活中使用的电脑。


三星4G Chromebook的零售价为1xxx令吉。其长达24个月的每月付费合同包含了每月xGB的数据流量。若单是购买电脑,零售价则是1xxx令吉。现在大家可到Yes商店、零售伙伴商店或上网到去购买。1BestariNet Yes ID持有者可在FrogStore(以及Bestari的全国展销会上以988令吉购得该电脑,并签购长达24个月每月xGB流量的付费合同。

Wing K.Lee表示,三星4G Chromebook将会是许多人的首台电脑。它实惠、安全还能随时随地使用马来西亚最大最广的4G网络。在这个网络时代,没有人会被排除在外。


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