
Monday, May 27, 2013


Corporate Service Corps Team to help local organisations enhance competitiveness in the global marketplace

MALACCA, MALAYSIA – 27 May 2013: IBM today announced that its ninth Corporate Service Corps (CSC) assignment in Melaka, Malaysia has begun.

A team of 12 volunteers from IBM, identified as high achievers and potential leaders from all over the world, arrived in the state to begin work on projects that will help local organisations from various industries to develop and enhance necessary skills required to grow in the global marketplace.

Hailing from Germany, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Austria, France, India, United States and Canada, the team will divide into four sub-teams to work on different projects during the month-long assignment. The projects will involve the Malacca State Health Department, Malaysian Health Promotion Board (MySihat), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) and the World Youth Foundation.

The 12 IBM CSC participants with representative from Melaka State Health Department, Malaysian Health Promotion Board, GanMBAR (Gabungan NGO Melaka Bebas Asap Rokok), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, and World Youth Foundation.

Working with the Malacca State Health Department, the team will help develop a strategic blueprint to enhance the engagement of stakeholders, as well as the planning and management capability of the department.

In the project with the Malaysian Health Promotion Board (MySihat), the team will review the Smoke Free Melaka Strategic Plan 2010-2015. The team will help develop an integrated action plan that will enhance and refine the roles of the various stakeholders with the aim to achieve the goal of a smoke free Melaka, and international recognition from the World Health Organisation.

The team working with the World Youth Foundation will develop a content and communication strategy and system for the organisation that will help deepen the engagement, empowerment and education of the youths.
CSC Melaka Team.

The project with UTeM will involve assisting in faculty research and curriculum review. The team will share their experience and opportunities besides contributing to the review and future planning for research. They will help develop a strategic plan for the faculty ICT programme for the next five years.

“The CSC programme combines the tenets of transformational leadership, value-based culture, and a global mindset that Malaysian organisations are seeking to embrace in order to achieve their aspirations of becoming successful global players,” said Paul Moung, Managing Director, IBM Malaysia. “We believe that through programmes such as the CSC, we can help organisations reach, benefit, and make a difference in the communities and environment they operate in.”

Mr. Moung added that the programme is aligned to IBM's commitment to add value to clients, organisations and government bodies involved in shaping smarter cities throughout Malaysia.

Smoke-free Melaka Team: L-R: David Brown, Alba Selene Chavez Rincon, Danilo Tedeschi.

Since its inception in 2008, the IBM CSC programme has deployed more than 80 IBM volunteers across Malaysia in Penang, Johor, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and Kuantan to  support a broad range of business, non-government and government organisations, and work on high-impact projects.

The CSC provides IBMers with high quality leadership development while delivering proven solutions for communities and organisations in emerging markets. The programme empowers IBM employees as global citizens by sending groups of 10 to 15 individuals from different countries with a range of skills to an emerging market for four-week community-based assignments. During the assignment, participants work on community-driven economic development projects that impact business, technology and society. The programme has sent 1800 participants in over 170 teams to more than 30 countries around the world.

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