
Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Acer Aspire Series Redefine Touch Computing Experience!

· The new Acer Aspire Series comprise the Acer Aspire P3, R7 and V Series redefine content creation and consumption experience
· These new and improved products are anticipated to revolutionize human touch and computing experience

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 May 2013 – Acer Malaysia today introduces a slew of latest products that bring modern day explorers to a whole new level of touch computing experience. The whole Series is led by the Acer Aspire P3, a new form of performance Ultrabook, together with Acer Aspire R7, a notebook designed for touch and the versatile Acer Aspire V Series. This new line of Acer mobile products highlights Acer’s focus on creating new computing experience through progressive design.

“Touch-centric products are the new trend in computing world now. At Acer, we are devoted to creating products with new innovation to meet our modern day explorers’ computing demands, and inspire them to explore beyond their limits,” said Ricky Tan, General Manager of Acer Sales & Services Sdn. Bhd.

“Together with our long term partners, Microsoft and Intel, we are proud to present to you the new Acer Aspire P3 Ultrabook, Aspire R7 and the improved Aspire V Series that offer users the best in class features with Intel’s advanced technology while running seamlessly on Microsoft Windows ® 8. Our aim is for our users to enjoy new computing experience in content creation and consumption, and performance to achieve more than ever; no matter where they are.”

“Our life experiences are defined by our senses  - by what we see, hear and touch. These human senses are also at the foundation of Intel's vision for the Ultrabook to deliver a nocompromise, must-have computing experience and we congratulate Acer on the launch of its new touch enabled product range,” said Prakash Mallya, Country Manager, Intel Malaysia and Singapore. “Combined with the increased responsiveness of the 3rd generation Intel Core processor with the new Microsoft Windows provide great computing experience for users.”
Acer also today unveiled its latest global advertising campaign featuring the world famous Superstar DJ,  Tiesto and his personal assistant,  Vernon, following the success of the 2012 marketing campaigns which featured  Kiefer Sutherland and  Megan Fox using their Acer devices to explore beyond limits and uncover a different side of themselves. The new advertising campaign complements Acer products with a great story that reflects what people love about their devices and the new experiences they make possible. Acer Malaysia will activate this campaign officially today using different touch points, from Print, Digital, Out of Home, Social Networks, Cinema to retail. Explore the advertisement on YouTube:

Acer Aspire P3
The Aspire P3 is a new form Ultrabook powerful enough to be a primary PC. The new 11.6-inch High Definition display with IPS technology Aspire P3, is a convertible Ultrabook which allows users to use  it uncompromisingly as a notebook, hybrid or tablet effortlessly. Its versatility allows modern day users to relish the powerful mobile PC performance at work and optimum entertainment consumption at home. The Aspire P3 is an excellent option for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) initiatives that are increasingly gaining popularity worldwide.

Acer Aspire R7
Designed to create the best touch and type experience, the Aspire R7 features a repositioned keyboard and a high definition 1920 x 1080 touch screen mounted on a revolutionary  Ezel Hinge that allows it to flip, reverse, lie flat or float – a quad-mode operation. Unveiled just slightly more than 3 weeks ago in New York, the Aspire R7 has already won the Red Dot Award and Computex d&i Award 2013 for its outstanding design.

Acer Aspire V Series
The new slimmer and lighter V Series represents Acer’s largest and most versatile line of mainstream notebooks with numerous V5 and V7 models, available in a variety of colours, screen sizes, resolutions, graphic capabilities and performance.

Some of the Acer products presented today will be available for purchase immediately and some slightly later in June at major Authorized Acer Resellers nationwide. For more information, please visit or call Acer Product Infoline at 1800-88-1288 (9am - 6pm, Mondays to Fridays).

新的Acer Aspire 系列提供另一番的电脑触摸体验

新的Acer Aspire 系列含括Acer Aspire P3、R7及V 系列,提供另一番内容创建及消费体验 

吉隆坡,2013年5月22日 - 大马宏碁今日推介一系列最新的产品,为新世代的电脑探测家带来全新层次的电脑触碰体验。Acer Aspire P3作为整个系列的先锋,是个新形式性能的超级本,还有为触摸而设的笔记型电脑Acer Aspire R7,及多功能的Acer Aspire V系列。这一系列新的流动产品进一步强调宏碁专注于通过革新的设计来创建新的电脑体验。

“目前,以触摸为主的产品是电脑世界的新趋势。在宏碁,我们致力于创造改革性的产品,以迎合新世代电脑探测家的要求,并激发他们去进行超越极限的探索。” Acer Sales & Services Sdn. Bhd.总经理陈重瑞说。

“我们与我们的长期伙伴,微软及英特尔,很荣幸地为你呈现新的Acer Aspire P3超极本、Aspire R7及新提升的Aspire V系列,它们以英特尔的先进科技及微软Windows® 8,为使用者提供同级里最佳的性能。我们的目的是希望我们的用户,不管身在何处,都能在内容创建及消费上享受更胜以往性能的电脑新体验。”

“我们很兴奋Windows® 8能持续为世界各地的用户重新定义电脑体验!在短短的六个月,世界各地有超过1亿认证及2400配备认证售出。我们很高兴与宏碁的伙伴关系能持续带来强劲的气势。宏碁对微软来说是个很重要的伙伴,我们共同承诺,通过我们的配备及服务,为马来西亚国民的数码生活形式带来转型。”马来西亚微软消費人頻道集团董事黃振發(Sunny Ooi)表示。

“我们的生活体验是由我们的感官-即通过我们所见、所聆听及触碰的去定义,这些人类的感官也是英特尔对超极本能带来毫不妥协、也是电脑体验必需的根基。我们恭贺宏碁推介新的触摸型系列产品。”英特尔马来西亚及新加坡区域经理Prakash Mallya说。“加上英特尔第三代酷睿处理器及新的微软Windows® 8带来更快速的反映,新的Acer Aspire系列是势必为用户提供一流的电脑体验的产品。”

宏碁今天也推介其最新全球市场推广活动,此活动由著名的超级DJ Tiesto 和其个人助理Vernon为号召。2012年以Kiefer Sutherland及Megan Fox使用他们的宏碁配备来进行超越极限的探索及发现自己鲜为人知的一面的市场推广活动为宏碁带来了巨大的成功。新的广告活动为宏碁产品配上了美妙的故事,反映人们为何喜爱他们的配备及所带来的新的体验。马来西亚宏碁今天会通过不同的管道,即从印刷、数码、户外、社交媒体、电影院及零售,正式启动了这项市场推广活动。你可从优管上视频观赏此广告。

Acer Aspire P3
Aspire P3是新形式的超级本,它的强大性能足以让它成为首要的个人电脑。Aspire P3备有11.6寸以IPS科技显示的高清屏幕,是台可让用户当作笔记型电脑、混合型电脑或平板电脑的超极本。 它的多功能让现代的用户在工作上得以使用流动电脑的强大性能之余,在家也能尽情地享受娱乐。 此Aspire P3是目前在全球逐渐成为趋势的携带自有装置计划(Bring Your Own Device initiatives,简称BYOD)的绝佳选择。

Acer Aspire R7
特别为最佳触摸式体验而设的Aspire R7,其特色是那重新定位的键盘和1920 x 1080高清触屏镶嵌着革命性的Ezel 铰链,让它拥有翻转、扭转、平放或浮动的四种操作模式。Aspire R7 仅于约三周前在纽约推介,却已经因其特出的设计而赢得了红点设计奖(Red Dot Award)及2013台北国际电脑展创新设计奖(Computex d&i Award 2013)。

Acer Aspire V 系列
新的更纤薄、更轻盈的V 系列代表着宏碁最大且最多功能的主流笔记型电脑,它含括了多款V5 及V7的型号,备有各种颜色、屏幕尺寸、分辨率、图像处理能力及性能。

今日推介的宏碁产品中,部分已经在市场销售,一些则将在六月,在全国各大授权宏碁经销商销售。更多详情,请浏览 或致电宏碁产品资讯线1800-88-1288(周一至周五,早上9时至下午6时 )。

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