
Friday, June 6, 2008

Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), the next generation of ultra high speed broadband soon to be implemented in Malaysia

Join industry leaders during 3rd Annual FTTH Council Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition

KUALA LUMPUR: The power of the web is here to stay, and newer and faster broadband access technologies are being used to make the web even easier to use. Even though copper can deliver high bandwidths, its reach only extends to a few hundred yards after which the signal begins to degrade and bandwidth narrows. Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), however, is the ultimate technology to deliver very high bandwidths over longer distances, transporting communication signals over optical fiber using light instead of electricity (unlike traditional broadband enablers such as copper telephone wires and coaxial cable).

“High-speed internet access, has forever transformed the way we work and live. In fiber optics, equipment is constantly increasing the available bandwidth without having to change the fiber. FTTH can deliver the bandwidth we are going to need in the future. It is the future-proof technology with the maximum delivery capability but requires the correct infrastructure support,” said Stephen Foster, Treasurer of FTTH Council Asia Pacific and Conference Chairman.

“Our mission is to educate, promote and accelerate FTTH and the resulting economic and quality-of-life enhancements. Avenues will open for high-definition video, e-Learning, telemedicine and e-Government. Opportunities for telecommuting and home-working will increase. And, just as Internet applications and solutions have grown more sophisticated with the expansion of available bandwidth thus far, you can be sure that this quantum-leap into next-generation broadband will inspire further innovations that we cannot even imagine at this point in time.

The virtual economy is exploding with online supply and demand. We have new ways of accessing information, education, entertainment and health care. Fiber-driven connections are increasing productivity, creating new options for balancing work and family life, enabling smarter energy use, and bringing economic vitality and sustainability to communities everywhere. And this is just the beginning. Tomorrow’s consumers will demand access to the ultra-broadband highway because their lifestyles will depend on it. Next-generation services are well underway and fiber-to- the-home is how they will be delivered.

“FTTH Council Asia-Pacific is a non-profit organization and we are here to educate the industry and the general public on the opportunities and benefits of FTTH solutions. Our members represent the broadband industry, including telecommunications, computing, networking, system integration, engineering and content-provider companies, as well as traditional telecommunications service providers, utilities and municipalities. We also offer members an opportunity to network and collaborate while providing consistent information on FTTH from industry experts, media and analysts.

“Join industry leaders in The Shangri-la Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, for ‘See The Light’, July 23rd to 24th, 2008 to know more about how fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) and fiber-to-the-building (FTTB) connect communities across the globe. Malaysian Government, Communications and Multimedia Commission Chairman, Datuk Halim Shafie will be officiating this 3rd Annual FTTH Council Asia Pacific Conference, with Telekom Malaysia having been invited to lead the talks on FTTH implementation in Malaysia. Among other honorable speakers invited to contribute to the conference is Telekom Malaysia’s Group CEO Dato’ Zamzamzairani.

“The latest market statistics and directions for FTTH as a worldwide council will be presented and new global rankings of FTTH will also be announced. For instance, Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan are currently the world leaders in the percentage of homes that receive broadband communications services over direct fiber optic connections, according to a new global ranking related to fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) market penetration issued jointly by the FTTH Councils of Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America.

Regional policies, broadband (FTTH) government initiatives, case studies experiences and future plans will be addressed and discussed. Telekom Malaysia will deliver talks on the ‘Proposed Malaysian System’ while its Korean counterparts will be presenting the ‘Emblem system for building/condominiums’. Present as well will be industry expert speakers from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, China, India, Australia, UK, Netherlands, USA and so on. The conference will also highlight how FTTH affects the real estate business in Asia Pacific.

Among participants are national and local government agencies, professionals and decision makers from telecommunications companies including vendors to the Telco, Datacom, ICT and related industries, property developers and content providers. Infrastructure companies and agencies, associated contractors and vendors involved with the infrastructure sector are also invited to attend this not-to-be-missed conference. Participants are invited to attend the Gala Dinner at the Grand Ball room in the Shangri-la Hotel and technical visits can be planned to the Cyberjaya BT Labs and the e-Home at MMU Malaysia. Finally, interested participants can attend the social programme on 25th July including Golf, Casino, City Tour / Malacca tour. The next-generation in broadband is here and to discover more, you can participate in ‘See the Light’ Annual Conference & Exhibition by contacting Mr. James Liew at 03-7880 2502 or email

For more details on FTTH Council Asia Pacific Conference & Exhibition, please visit:

新一代超速宽频一光纤到家系统 (FTTH) ,即将在大马掀开上网新章


(吉隆坡讯)新一代的超速宽频光纤到家系统 (FTTH) ,即将登陆马来西亚,为网页增添商机威力,带动网页服务进入超速时代。


网页的威力,势将在此长驻。今天,各种宽频部署方式的存在,不只使上网浏览简易如沐春风,同时也对为人类服务作出重大贡献。虽然铜线可以传送高宽频,可是达及范围只局限在数百码内。超过这距离,讯号就会逐渐退化,宽频变窄。然而,光纤到家系统 (FTTH) 却是终极的科技,可以传送非常高的宽频至更长远的距离,而且是利用光而非电力,通过光纤传送通讯讯号(与传统宽频模式如电话铜线与同轴电线有所不同)。





请出席2008年7月23日至24日假吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店举行的“发现光辉” (‘See The Light’) 研讨会,会见业界领导者,共同探讨光纤到家系统如何将成为在家中联系社群、光纤到建筑物 (FTTB) 业务中枢以及全球各地的催化剂。马来西亚政府、通讯与多媒体委员会主席拿督沙菲益将为第三届亚太光纤到家系统理事会常年大会主持开幕礼。马来西亚电讯已受邀率先主讲光纤到家系统在国内实施的大计。其他主讲者尚有大马电讯集团首席执行员拿督詹詹再拉尼。



与会的机构,包括国家与地方政府机构,通讯公司的决策者,包括供应电话公司、资料公司、资讯通讯科技和相关行业的贩商、产业发展商与内容提供者、基础设施公司与代理、相关承包商和涉及基础设施的贩商。出席者也将受邀当天在香格里拉聚宴厅举行的盛大晚宴,以及前往赛柏再也参观Cyberjaya BT Labs和大马MMU的e-Home。此外,有兴趣的与会者,也可选择参加7月25日专设的社交活动,包括打高尔夫球、上赌场、游览市区/观光马六甲。新一代的宽频已经来临,想要知道更多相关信息,欢迎出席 ‘See the Light’ 常年大会暨展览会,联络人:James Liew,电话:03-7880 2502或电邮至


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