
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Trend Micro takes the jitters out of security

Trend Micro delivers new Worry-Free security solutions designed for small businesses and eCommerce sites

Kuala Lumpur, July 15 2008 – Trend Micro, a global leader in Internet content security, today announced the new additions its flagship Worry-Free Security Solutions. The new solutions will provide small businesses and eCommerce site owners with smarter, better-performing technology to conquer a more sophisticated Web threat landscape that has mutated beyond conventional viruses and spam.

According to research conducted by AMI Partners for Trend Micro, over 85% of small businesses in Asia Pacific have less than 20 PC’s, and the most important IT issue for small businesses is improving their Internet and networking bandwidth/connection speed.

The Worry-Free Business Security 5.0 range is designed to perfectly fit the needs of these small business owners. Included in the lineup is Trend Micro’s first eCommerce security solution, Worry-Free SecureSite, which also builds upon Trend Micro’s commitment to create safer, smarter, simpler solutions specifically small businesses that want to protect their assets, their customer information and, most importantly, their reputation.

Last year, roughly 46% of all small businesses experienced security breaches, with ‘electronic attacks’ being the most widespread threat. Through integrated protection against spyware, viruses, spam, phishing and inappropriate Web content, and now the inclusion of Web Threat Protection, online transaction protection and location awareness these augmented solutions have features that not only address changing Web and email threats, but differences in the way people work compared to four years ago.

Customers of Worry-Free Business Security 5.0 will also benefit from the "location-awareness" feature that automatically changes Worry-Free security settings on laptops depending if employees are inside or outside the office. Company data is protected even when employees are using an outside wireless connection. It is said that approximately 40% of small businesses have a mobile workforce.

With email as a primary form of communication within companies, the issue of spam congesting networks is an annoyance for most. The new Worry-Free line provides multi-layer spam protection by blocking spam in-the-cloud before it reaches corporate networks.

"The IT market for Small Business and in particular the IT security market is still in high growth mode, Trend Micro with our strategic approach to security and our leadership in web threat protection is perfectly placed to lead this growing market over the next 5 years. We forecast the 5 year CAGR for IT spending in Small Business is 12% and a growth of 20% for IT security" said Goh Chee Hoh, Managing Director of Asia South & Hong Kong Region, Trend Micro.

Trend Micro is introducing the following new solutions:

1. Worry-Free SecureSite
A completely new solution within the Worry-Free line, SecureSite is designed for eCommerce retailers whose revenue and brand-reputation depend upon the security of their Web site. According to Trend Micro TrendLabs, Web Threats have increased over 1500% since 2005, many of which have come from compromised legitimate web sites. Worry-Free SecureSite is a hosted service that protects online shoppers from hackers working to exploit them by stealing credit card numbers, passwords and other important digital information. Threats and vulnerabilities from the Web are quickly identified and averted through Trend Micro’s worldwide network of threat experts.

2. Worry-Free Business Security 5.0
With Trend Micro’s unique Web Threat Protection technology, Worry-Free Business Security 5.0 is for small businesses that are increasingly dependent upon the Web for their business. These solutions address evolving Web threats and the risks associated with a mobile workforce and stem from Trend Micro’s successful previous Worry-Free solutions and encompass solutions tailored to guard businesses with different Windows-based computing installations against hackers, identity theft and risky Web sites:

Worry-Free Business Security 5.0 Standard – Designed for businesses that have both Microsoft PCs and servers and require on-premise, central management.

Worry-Free Business Security 5.0 Advanced – Provides the same endpoint protection as Standard with additional messaging protection. It is targeted at environments with PCs, servers, and Exchange mail servers (standalone or included with Microsoft Small Business

Worry-Free™ Remote Manager -- Channel Partners will continue to manage multiple Worry-Free Security customers from anywhere using Trend Micro Worry-Free Remote Manager. This secure, hosted Web console helps small business resellers increase profitability by reducing the costs of servicing customers as business grows.

"The security needed for protection outside of the corporate network is different to the safety of the internal environment, Worry-Free Business Security has built in location awareness to automatically re-adjust protection levels when a machine is roaming" said Goh. "Worry-Free Business Security includes multilayered spam protection; it effectively removes over 97% of spam before it is downloaded via the ISP"

Clarence Chew, managing partner of Educational & Business Computers Sdn Bhd said, "It is critical in today’s business environment that we as a small business protect our most critical asset, our client information. We like to trust a brand that we can rely on, Trend have proven themselves over the years to be at the forefront of the security space.

"Client Server Security for SMB was the perfect choice, it gave us the security we require while being extremely simple to install and manage so that we could focus on serving our customers and beating our competition," added Clarence.

For more information on all Worry-Free Security Solutions, please visit

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