
Thursday, August 28, 2008


To fulfill ICT needs and market demands towards growing globally competitive local companies and indigenous industries

PETALING JAYA, August 28, 2008 – PIKOM and MIMOS today sealed a pact to accelerate commercialisation of locally-developed technologies in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field.

Through collaborative efforts, as outlined in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today, the two parties will leverage on each other’s strengths and capabilities to fulfill the ICT needs and market demands towards growing globally competitive local companies and indigenous industries.

Being the National ICT Association of Malaysia, PIKOM knows the ICT market and players well; while MIMOS as the premier applied research centre in frontier technologies, is focused on developing new frontier technology platforms, some of which are now ready for commercialization.

“This combination opens up numerous possibilities in terms of development of new ICT solutions needed by in the local market. Quite likely, some of these solutions could also be applicable to overseas markets.

“This fits well into our 5 Year Strategic Plan which seeks to expand both the domestic and export markets for local ICT players. The ultimate goal of the Plan is to double the Malaysian ICT market size from about RM40 billion in 2007 to RM80 billion in 2012,” says PIKOM President C J Ang, who represented PIKOM at the MoU signing ceremony.

Signing on behalf of MIMOS was its President and Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Abdul Wahab Abdullah. The signing was witnessed by Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) YB Tuan Haji Fadillah Haji Yusof.

“This collaboration is aimed at moving the local ICT industry up the value chain through the base technology platforms, developed by MIMOS, upon which the indigenous industries can build products for the local and international markets,” said Dato’ Wahab.

“MIMOS’ focuses on strategic market-driven product development and advanced technology, which essentially involves the development of technology for future products through commercialization, to meet market needs. As such, without having to invest in research, which has a long gestation period and high market uncertainty, the indigenous industries are able to focus on building the brand and the marketing channels,” he added.

The collaboration will, among others, see PIKOM and MIMOS working closely in identifying market requirements, of the Malaysian ICT industry, and matching those requirements against technologies developed at MIMOS’ laboratories.

Both parties will also assist each other in identifying suitable technology recipients of MIMOS for the purpose of commercialization in line with MOSTI’s technology licensing and transfer programme.

In cases where the required technologies have not yet been developed, MIMOS will work closely with the potential intended recipients to map out their specific requirements and needs.

The MoU is valid for five years and renewal of the partnership after this period will be subject to mutual agreement from both parties.

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