
Friday, October 31, 2008

RHB Banking Group embarks on Document Imaging and Workflow System

Fuji Xerox’s solution to meet business growth process efficiency for RHB Banking Group with Document Imaging and Enterprise Content management

Kuala Lumpur, 29 October 2008 – RHB Banking Group, one of Malaysia’s largest integrated financial establishments has today announced its partnership with Fuji Xerox Malaysia on a mega project to reengineer its back office processes for its regional trade services centres.

Previously, RHB relied on its 7 regional trade services centres for all local and international transactions and document processing. With the completion of this project, these regional centres will be consolidated into one centralized trade processing centre located in Bangi that can review, approve, share and re-use all documents across RHB Bank branches nationwide.

From left - Peter Goh, Managing Director of EMC, Masahiko Saito, President of Fuji Xerox Malaysia,Michael J Barrett Group Managing Director of RHB Banking Group and Michael Lim, Chief Operating Office of RHB Banking Group

The centralized centre will seek to completely eliminate physical transfers of processed documents from one location to another as they will be scanned, classified, indexed and sent over to the new centre through the bank’s network from the original source instead. Furthermore, Fuji Xerox’s document management solutions are also expected to reduce paper usage resulting in a gradual shift towards a paperless financial trade environment.

“The Bank believes in investing in technologies as part and parcel of a new financial trade experience and the future banking process improvement. This falls in line with the Group’s aspirations to remain abreast with the current developments in technology,” said Michael J Barrett, Group Managing Director of the RHB Banking Group.

The centralized trade processing setup will be more efficient as turnaround time will be greatly improved with a higher accuracy rate of performance tracking. RHB believes that with this new workflow, productivity may increase by approximately 50% per staff on a daily account. The centralization of trade processes will also see improvements in risk management and control as there is a dedicated unit to monitor and oversee risk mitigation initiatives.

“Fuji Xerox is proud to be given this opportunity to work with RHB in automating and reengineering their trade services processing workflow. We believe that we were able to demonstrate the breadth of our capabilities in architecture design, technical and solution development to the banking industry. Rest assured, we will continue to give our best in delivering cutting edge document and content management solutions that enable operational efficiencies and contribute to business growth for our partners,” said Masahiko Saito, President of Fuji Xerox Malaysia.

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