
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Give your computer a spring cleaning to avoid malicious exploits

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – March 23, 2009: F-Secure data indicates thatwhat is making computers most vulnerable to exploits are unpatched orout-of-date versions of the most widely-used software for PCs. Between80-90% of users have security holes in their systems with on average 5different vulnerabilities in the software on their computers. Users don’t remove the old versions of their programs and the vulnerabilities inthem can leave the computer wide open to malware or malicious software.

Trojans are a typical example of the kinds programs which take advantageof vulnerabilities. They are malicious applications which appear to doone thing but actually do another, giving the criminal access to yourcomputer.

Chia Wing Fei from F-Secure Labs explains: ”A lot of the software onusers’ computers has been updated and patched to make it safe. Peopleare using these new versions, but if they do not delete the old orunused versions from their computers, they may still be open toexploits. F-Secure’s data shows that people have lots of old softwarelying about on their PCs, unused, and creating possible problems.”

“The best way to keep your PC safe from exploits is to make sure yoursoftware is updated with the latest patches. Many software applicationswill do this automatically. You should also make sure you only haveprograms you actually use installed on your computer. Old versions orunused programs should simply be removed,” Fei advises.

In addition to the other programs on your computer, Web browsers canalso be vulnerable to exploits. Sometimes these vulnerabilities are usedby criminals before an update is available from the manufacturer.

F-Secure Exploit Shield recognizes attempts to exploit a known web-basedvulnerability and shields the user against them. It also works againstnew, unknown vulnerability exploits by using generic detectiontechniques based on the behavior of exploits. F-Secure Exploit Shield isa free beta tool and can be downloaded from

F-Secure compiles the data of common vulnerabilities from F-SecureHealth Check logs. F-Secure Health Check is run on over 100 000computers monthly worldwide. It is a free tool which can be used tocheck that your computer’s security software is up-to-date and that youdon’t have any security holes in your other software or applications.

When giving your computer a spring cleaning, make sure
‧ Your software is updated with the latest patches
‧ You only have programs you use installed on your computer
‧ You remove old versions or unused software
‧ Your security solution is up-to-date

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