
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dealmates to Help Less Fortunate Kids this Holiday Season by Harnessing the Power of for Group Giving

Website Invites Public to Participate in Providing New Mattresses to Children’s Homes

KUALA LUMPUR - Today, Dealmates announced it would be teaming up with Malaysian vendors Sleep Pro and Cozzia, to deliver the gift of a good night’s sleep to less fortunate children. From now until the 28th of December, the public will be able to submit donations through their “Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep” campaign aimed at providing brand new mattresses to Children’s homes in the Klang Valley.

Last week, representatives from Dealmates, Cozzia and Sleep Pro visited selected Children’s homes in order to gauge necessity for bed related products. Mattresses will go to: Praise Emmanuel Children’s Home, Petaling Jaya; and House of Joy, Puchong as well as other homes depending on the number of mattresses raised.

Used mattresses often display broken springs, sagging, and tearing. Children’s homes often rely on public donations and tend to stretch the life span of their furniture based on necessity. Other than general wear and tear, there are hygienic reasons such as dust mites, allergens and bed bugs which make it not advisable to use second hand mattresses. Switching to new mattresses would aid the children in these homes in avoiding illnesses such as asthma; sinus infections, as well as skin problems such as eczema.

Each mattress retails at RM450, but for every RM200 raised through the Dealmates website, Cozzia and Sleep Pro will top up the remaining money needed for each mattress. Eugene Cheong, Cozzia’s Business Development Manager says he is excited about offering products and expertise to such a worthy cause. Building on the success we’ve had selling products through Dealmates in the past, we feel the site’s wide reach and user friendliness will make it easy for the public to get involved”.

Participants can select denominations in the form of RM30, RM50, RM70, RM100, RM150 or RM200 coupons. In line with the spirit of giving, Dealmates will not receive any commission on the purchasing of the mattresses- playing the role of facilitator to this charity campaign. Additionally, Dealmates and Catcha Media will further support the charity by purchasing 30 new mattresses for the homes.

“Every child deserves a good night’s sleep. This campaign is aimed at providing a platform to help under privileged children in an impactful way.” said Erman Akinci, Dealmates’ Chief Executive Officer. Our “Gift of a Good Night’s Sleep” campaign aims to provide these children one of the most basic necessities that will benefit them for years to come. We at Dealmates, are delighted to play a role in bringing a bit of joy into the lives of these children. It is a simple but necessary initiative and we urge the public to join us by participating”.

Dealmates intends to continue additional fundraising activities throughout the year. “Since our website went live in January, we have been successful at harnessing the power of group buying. With the generosity of the public and our vendors, we hope to replicate this model through “group giving”- raising funds and awareness for those who need it most.”

For the company which has worked hard to bring awesome deals to life, this latest campaign will go beyond that remit, bringing worthwhile causes to life as well.

Dealmates 将于假日季节发挥团捐力量向弱势儿童伸出援手


吉隆坡 12 月 8 日讯 - 今天,Dealmates 宣布与马来西亚供应商 Sleep Pro和Cozzia 携手合作,为弱势儿童带来一夜好眠的献礼。从即日起至 12 月 28 日,公众人士将可参与它们的 "一夜好眠献礼" 运动以捐赠床垫,该运动的宗旨是提供全新的床垫给巴生河流域的儿童院。

在上个星期,来自 Dealmates,Cozzia 和 Sleep Pro 的代表们拜访了特选的儿童院,以评估它们对相关床具产品的需求。获赠床垫的儿童院为: 八打灵再也的 Praise Emmanuel 儿童院;蒲种的 House of Joy,以及其他中心,视所募得的床垫而定。


每一个床垫的零售价为 RM450,但 Cozzia 和 Sleep Pro将在通过 Dealmates 网站筹获的每 RM200 之上补足购买一个床垫的所需的馀额。据 Cozzia 的业务开发经理 Eugene Cheong 透露,他感到很高兴能够为这项善举献捐产品的专长。基于我们在过去成功通过 Dealmates 促销产品的经验,我们认为该网站的广泛影响力和用户亲和优势将可带动公众人士响应。

参加者可选认购面额 RM30, RM50, RM70, RM100, RM150 或 RM200 的赠券。配合为善最乐的精神,Dealmates 将不对所购买的床垫征收任何佣金 - 它仅将在这项慈善运动中扮演推动者的角色。此外,Dealmates 和 Catcha Media 将进一步为儿童院购买 30 个新床垫以响应善举。

Dealmates 的首席执行长 Erman Akinci 表示,"每一位儿童都理应享有一夜好眠。这项运动是在于通过震撼性方式以创造一个协助弱势儿童的平台。我们的 "一夜好眠献礼" 运动是在于为这些儿童提供其中一个最基本的需求,让他们能够长时期受惠。我们 Dealmates 同仁乐于尽我们的本份,给这些儿童的人生带来一些喜悦。这只是一个简单但有必要的倡议,我们呼吁公众人士慷慨捐助。"

Dealmates 有意常年继续展开其他的募款活动。"自从我们的网站在一月崛起以来,我们已成功发挥团购的力量。通过公众人士的供应商的慷慨捐输,我们希望通过 "团捐" 以复制这个模式,以募款和呼吁人们关怀弱势群体。"


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