
Thursday, July 26, 2012

92% of Malaysian Consumers Believe It’s Important for Business to Address Societal Issues

• 55% are more likely to pay a premium for brands that actively support a good cause
• Data reveals ‘Purpose’ will be a driving force behind re-engineering of brand marketing

July 26, 2012, Kuala Lumpur – The level of social purpose activity and the weight that consumers place on it in Malaysia have become more reflective of socioeconomic trends in regions around the globe, according to the Edelman goodpurpose® Malaysia Report 2012. Consumers within Rapid- Growth Economies (RGEs)—the new Purpose “Bull” Markets—such as China, Brazil, India, UAE, Indonesia, and Malaysia, are fast-tracking Purpose-driven involvement and support for Purpose-infused brands.

While 92% of Malaysian consumers felt it is important for business in general to be addressing societal concerns, only 42% rate the current performance as excellent or good, pointing to a need for business to re-look its investment in social purpose. The report also highlighted that a high number of Malaysian consumers surveyed (93%) said they were personally involved in supporting good causes over the last 18 months, significantly above the global average of 60%.

In a show of consumer strength, 66% agree that ‘People Like Me’ now have more power to make a difference, with 87% likely to buy products or services from a company that actively supports a good cause. An almost equal number will recommend the brand or organisation (83%) and share positive opinions or experiences about the company (82%).

The study reveals that these RGE consumers are more bullish on Purpose, in contrast to Purpose “Bear” Markets, such as the U.S. and Western Europe. While 60% of individuals globally said they support a good cause, personal involvement in Purpose Bull Markets is markedly higher than in Purpose Bear Markets; 78% versus 48%, respectively. Bull Market consumers are flexing their Purpose muscle through actions such as sharing, donating, and volunteering:
• Nearly two-thirds (63%) of consumers in RGE markets donated money over the past year compared to 52 % of Bear Market consumers;
• 44% of Bull Market consumers volunteered in their local communities compared to only 23% of Bear Market consumers.

“This spells significant opportunity for marketers,” said Raymond Siva, Managing Director, Edelman in Malaysia. “With the rapid growth of the middle class, Malaysian consumers have a newfound level of purchasing power. They are demanding that brands and corporations take the lead on issues that remain personal to them, the top three being improving quality of healthcare, protecting the environment and equal opportunity to education.” The top three Purpose for consumers in Malaysia had 87%, 85% and 82% support respectively.

The Insight for Business
The data also reveals interesting insights for brand custodians. In answer to “If cost were not a factor, what are your preferences for societally-friendly items?” the replies were:
• 86% preferred to live an environmentally-friendly house rather than merely a large house
• 81% preferred to have a brand that supports local producers over a designer brand
• 84% would rather drive a hybrid car than a luxury car
• 67% want a job that allows them to give back to society

Malaysian consumers (96%) have not been spared by the global economic downturn, with 62% saying they have reduced leisure shopping and 46% reducing spending on electricity, food and charitable donations respectively. However, 83% have more trust in a brand that is ethically and socially responsible and 81% would help a brand promote their products or services if there is a good cause.

The Reengineering of Brand Marketing - Purpose as a Purchase Trigger

Since 2008, when the Edelman goodpurpose® Study was first launched, where quality and price of a product are deemed equal, social purpose has consistently been the leading purchase trigger for consumers, muscling design and innovation and brand loyalty aside. Over the years, the relevance of Purpose as a purchase factor has risen 26% globally. Growth has been even more prominent over the last 18 months in markets such as Japan (+100 %), China (+79 %), Netherlands (+43 %), India (+43 %), and Germany (+36 %).

“The power of Purpose is now registering in the checkout line. It’s not the IF, it’s the HOW. Purpose has clearly established itself as the fifth ‘P’ in marketing. It needs to become a core competency for leading brands and corporations. As a result, companies need to build social equity into their brands, from product innovation, to employee engagement to marketing communications.”

In Malaysia, it is apparent that brands aligning themselves with causes are not only securing more consumer consideration, but are also earning their dollars and support. More than half (54%) of consumers have bought a brand at least monthly that supports a cause, with 84% saying they will buy a brand that supports a good cause at least once a year. Over the years, consumers have taken increased action on behalf of brands with Purpose:
• 80% “would recommend” cause-related brands
• 81% “would promote” cause-related brands
• 82% “would switch” brands if a similar brand supported a good cause
• 55% are more likely to pay a premium for companies actively supporting a good cause

Amplifying Your Efforts

Malaysia is significantly ahead the rest of the world in addressing societal issues using digital engagement. Of the 16 countries surveyed, Malaysia ranks third (73%) for Internet usage to promote or address a societal issue monthly and joint first with Indonesia (54%) for countries that use mobile phones to promote or address a societal issue monthly. These figures are an eye-opener, making it more important for companies to incorporate a broader range of digital and mobile communication strategies in order to engage consumers in more meaningful conversations.

“Purpose is indeed pervasive around the globe – yet the execution of Purposeful initiatives must be customised to meet ever-changing consumer needs,” said Siva.

92% 的马来西亚消费人认为企业有必要关注社会课题

● 55%更乐意为积极支持善举的品牌而支付额外代价
● 数据显示 '使命感' 将成为品牌营销之再造的推动力

吉隆坡 7 月 26 日讯 - 在马来西亚,造福社会活动的层次和消费人对它的重视日益反映全球各区域的社会经济趋势,这是 2012 年 Edelman goodpurpose® 马来西亚报告所揭露的。各快速成长经济体(RGEs),如中国,巴西,印度,阿联酋,印尼,以及马来西亚等新乐观看待使命感市场的消费人,正快马加鞭认可和支持使命导向及注入使命感的品牌。

92% 的马来西亚消费人认为一般的企业有必要关注社会问题,只有 42% 对目前的表现给予卓越或良好评级,这显示企业有必要检讨它们在社会使命感的投资。该报告也强调,大量接受调查的马来西亚消费人(93%)表示他们在过去 18 个月亲自参与支持公益事业,这个比率明显比全球平均水平,即 60% 来得高。

在展示消费力方面,有 66% 的受访者同意 "像我这样的人" 现在更有权力作出改变,87% 乐意购买一家积极支持善举之公司的产品或服务。几乎同样多的受访者肯推荐该品牌或机构(83%)和分享他们对该公司的正面观点或体验(82%)。

这项调查显示,与悲观看待使命感的市场如美国和西欧相比之下,上述快速成长经济体的消费人对使命感更为乐观。而全球有 60% 的受访者表示他们支持一项善举,乐观看待使命感市场的亲自参与率也明显比悲观看待使命感的市场来得高;分别为 78% 对 48%。乐观市场的消费人以行动来展示他们的力量。例如分享,捐献和参与志愿服务:

● 与悲观市场消费人的 52% 相比,快速成长经济体市场的将近三分之二(63%)消费人曾经在过去一年捐助慈善;
● 与悲观市场消费人的 23% 相比,44% 的乐观市场消费人在他们的社区担任义工。

"这给营销界带来极佳机会," Edelman 驻马来西亚董事经理 Raymond Siva 说道。"随着中产阶级人数日益增加,马来西亚消费人的购买力已升高至新的水平。他们要求各品牌和企业率先对各种切身课题发表意见,排名三甲的课题为改善保健素质,保护环境和平等的教育机会。" 马来西亚消费人对这三项顶尖使命感的支持率分别是 87%,85% 和 82%。


这些数据也反映了各品牌守护者的有趣观点。在回答 "假设成本并非考虑因素,您对社会亲和货品的爱戴程度有多高?" 答案如下:
● 86% 希望居住在一栋环境亲和房子更甚于大房子
● 81% 希望拥有支持本地生产商的品牌更甚于名家设计品牌
● 84% 希望驾驶混合动力车更甚于豪华车
● 67% 希望拥有能够让他们回馈社会的工作

马来西亚消费人(96%)无法幸免于全球经济衰退,有 62% 表示他们已减少休闲购物,46% 已分别削减电费,食物和捐助慈善的开销。然而,83% 变得更信赖具有道德和社会责任感的品牌,若推动善举的话,81% 将协助某个品牌促销其产品或服务。

品牌营销之再造 - 使命感作为购买触媒

自从 Edelman goodpurpose® 调查在 2008 年首次展开素质和价格被视为平等,社会使命感则一直是顶尖的消费人购买触媒,并且将设计和创新即品牌忠诚度给比了下来。许多年来,在全球,使命感作为购买因素的合时宜程度已上升至 26%。在日本(+100 %),中国(+79 %),荷兰(+43 %),印度(+43 %),以及德国(+36 %)等市场,其成长率甚至更为显著。

"使命感的威力已显示在付款线上,消费人是否购买已不重要,重要的是如何购买。使命感显然已崛起为营销学的第五个 P。它顺理成章地成为顶尖品牌和企业的核心竞争力。因此,各公司有必要将社会平等概念纳入它们的品牌,即从产品创新乃至雇员参与和营销传讯。"

在马来西亚,与善举建立关系的品牌显然不仅吸引了更多消费人的注意力,它们也取得更多盈利和支持。超过半数(54%)的消费人已至少每个月购买支持善举的品牌,84% 表示他们将至少每年购买支持善举的品牌一次。许多年来,消费人已经以行动代表具有使命感的品牌:
● 80% "将推荐" 与善举有关的品牌
● 81% "将推销" 与善举有关的品牌
● 82% "将转用" 品牌,若类似的品牌支持善举
● 55% 更乐意为积极支持善举的公司而支付额外代价


马来西亚显然在使用数码器材应付社会课题方面领先世界其他国家。在 16 个参与调查的国家当中,马来西亚在每个月使用互联网以宣传或应付社会课题方面排名第三(73%),并在使用手机以宣传或应付社会课题方面与印尼同列榜首。这些数字令人大开眼界,这意味着各公司更有必要推行系列广泛的数码和流动通讯策略,以便在更有意义的对话上接触消费者。

"使命感简直在全球无孔不入 - 但执行具有使命感的倡议必须是度身定制以满足消费人的瞬息万变需求。" Siva 如是透露。

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