
Monday, October 1, 2012

FUJITSU DAY 2012 to Exemplify Infusion of Technology in Business and Society

Leading Japanese IT giant to show case socially interactive robot prototype concept in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR, 1 October 2012 – Fujitsu, Asia’s No.1 ICT solutions provider, will be hosting the Fujitsu Day 2012 ASEAN Roadshow and exhibition in Malaysia to showcase the latest information technology advancements that will help organizations meet today’s business and social challenges.

The full day event will be held on 11th October 2012, at the Grand Dorsett Subang Hotel.

Fujitsu Day 2012 will take place in four countries across ASEAN – Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore – and has the central idea of providing these markets with Fujitsu’s vision of human-centric technologies via its ICT thought-leadership and insights into the latest solution innovations. Special focus will also be given to Fujitsu partnerships with alliances and local ICT players and how their solutions seek to achieve a common ICT vision to provide smart technologies for the betterment of society.

According to the President of Fujitsu Malaysia Charles Lew, the event is targeted at C-Level Executives, CIOs, CTOs, Heads of IT, IT/MIS/IS Managers & IT Administrators, Solution Architects, Project Managers and IT professionals.

Themed “Leveraging the “I” in IT, Fujitsu Day 2012 intends to explain that in the current era, the ‘I’ in ‘IT’ goes beyond an information play. “Malaysian organizations need to seriously look into managing the building blocks of IT – infrastructure and innovation - to best leverage information in today’s fast-changing, social and technological landscape,” says Lew.

Inspiring Presentations on Technology Innovations

Fujitsu Day 2012 will feature prominent speakers such as The Economist Corporate Network Director Justin Wood, who will share insights on how the evolving business landscape and the “consumerisation” of IT give rise to new challenges to Asia to innovate technology and potentially emerge as the leading region in the world for adopting and driving new technologies; and Chief Technology & Innovation Officer for Fujitsu Australia & New Zealand Craig Baty, who will present strategies on how leveraging new technologies enable CIOs to harness the three ‘I’s of Infrastructure, Innovation, and Information, to build competitive advantage and drives business growth.

In addition, Fujitsu’s regional Cloud Computing Senior Director, Richard Wern and Minoru Takeno, Head of Corporate Environmental Strategy Unit, Fujitsu Limited will talk about the Cloud Journey and the power of ICT for green growth respectively during the event.

Fujitsu Day 2012 will showcase how organizations can position themselves to operate in a ‘Human Centric Intelligent Society’, where advanced ICT is applied to support both daily economic and social activities.

Four Showcase Highlights

i) Introduction to the ‘Human-Centric Intelligent’ Society

The exhibition includes the introduction of a teddy bear that has been transformed into a ‘social robot’. It reads facial expressions, one of Fujitsu’s milestones in the area of developing human-centric technology and new ways of interacting with human beings.

The teddy bear, a point of interest among elderly patients in nursing homes in Japan, comprehends and monitors the patients through face-to-face interaction. The data captured from the interaction is then uploaded into the cloud to alert physicians and staff to changes in the patients’ conditions.

ii) Workplace of the Future
In the workplace of the future, workers will no longer be tied to their desks or even their computing devices. Mobile broadband, cross-device computing and video conferencing mean that people can work anywhere, any place. Fujitsu Day 2012 will showcase a portfolio of end-user devices ranging from virtual computing infrastructures, workstations and scanners to mobile devices; including innovations such as palm-vein authentication, advanced theft protection, energy efficient capabilities and zero noise PCs - technologies that organizations can embrace and transition into providing employees with workplaces of tomorrow.

iii) Business without Borders 
Technology innovation makes technology itself less visible as business services become virtualized. Fujitsu will showcase one of the world’s strongest end-to-end cloud portfolios – the Fujitsu Cloud (formerly known as the Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform), which currently supports the demands of over 2,000 organizations worldwide via its service facilities located in Japan, the US, UK, Germany, Australia, and Singapore.

iv) Real- Time Insights 
The rise of “big data” is changing business economics. For the first time ever, new computing architecture such as high performance computers enable the processing of vast amounts of data types (presence, biometric, context, location, proximity, sustainability) from new sources such as the web, mobile, social media, sensors, smart meters, and consumer electronics. Fujitsu’s supercomputing capabilities brings society closer to fundamental questions related to the nature of life and the origin of the universe, as holding the potential answers to human sustainability.

Register for Fujitsu Day 2012! 

The Fujitsu Day 2012 will showcase how Fujitsu works hand in hand with partners such as Intel, Symantec, SAS, VMware, NetApp, Trend Micro, Tata Communications, FalconStor and Cisco, to provide IT products, solutions and services that help organizations innovate, not just to get ahead but to keep from falling behind.

For more details/ sign up, please go to

“Fujitsu Day 2012 will present a special opportunity for participants to explore new technologies and solutions that pave the way for greater innovation and ensure a better future for business, governments and the wider society,” states Lew.

吉隆坡,10月1日讯 - 富士通,亚洲第一的ICT解决方案供应商,将举办 FUJITSU Day 2012东盟路演及展览在马来西亚向人们展示了最新的信息科技的进步,这将有助于满足当今企业的商业和社会挑战。

全日的活动将于2012年10月11日,在Grand Dorsett Subang酒店举行。

Fujitsu Day 2012年将在东盟4个国家举行- 印尼,马来西亚,泰国和新加坡 。活动还特别关注富士通的合作伙伴与本地资讯及通讯科技供应商,如何用科技解决方案,以实现共同的信息和通信科技的目标 -提供智能科技,改善社会。

据大马富士通总监刘兆灵表示,此活动设为高级管理人员,首席信息官,首席技术官,IT负责人,IT / MIS管理人员,解决方案架构师,项目经理和IT专业人士。


Fujitsu Day 2012年将有知名讲者,如“经济学家”公司网络总监贾斯汀木 (Justin Wood),分享亚洲如何在不断变化的业务环境和 “consumerisation” 的挑战下创新技术;和富士通澳洲及纽西兰的首席科技总监克雷格·巴蒂 (Craig Baty),展示如何利用新技术,使CIO们可以充分利用科技基础设施,创新,和信息战略,建立竞争优势,促进公司的发展。

此外,富士通的区域云计算高级总监,理查德·温(Richard Wern )和稔竹野 (Minoru Takeno),企业环境战略室负责人将分别在活动期间谈论云计算和科技绿色增长的力量。


本次展览包括引进一个已被改造成一个“社会机器人” 的玩具熊,。它读取面部表情,是富士通在发展以人为中心的科技里程碑之一。


 i)   实时数据

在未来的工作场所,工作人员将不再被捆绑在自己的办公桌,。Fujitsu Day 2012将展示从虚拟科技架构,工作站和扫描仪及移动设备等投资组合,包括创新科技,如手掌静脉认证,先进的防盗保护,高效节能的能源和零噪音的电脑 。 

富士通将展示其 Fujitsu Cloud (原名。Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform,富士通全球云计算平台),它目前在全球通过其服务设施设在日本,美国,英国,德国,澳大利亚,新加坡等支持超过2,000个组织的生意。

Fujitsu Day 2012报名!

Fujitsu Day 2012将展示富士通的合作伙伴,如Intel, Symantec, SAS, VMware, NetApp, Trend Micro, Tata Communications, FalconStor和Cisco携手,为客户提供科技产品,解决方案和服务,帮助企业创新。 


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