
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

U Mobile and SAS Partner to Drive New Mobile Growth

SAS’ Visual Analytics to Power U Mobile’s User Experience and Enhance Business Decision-Making
KUALA LUMPUR, April 2, 2013 – U Mobile Sdn Bhd, Malaysia’s most dynamic and innovative 3G mobile operator and SAS Malaysia, the leader in business analytics software and services, today announced the integration of SAS’ Visual Analytics solution into U Mobile’s operations in Malaysia. This strategic business move will allow its executives immediate access to real-time consumer behaviour data for significantly more informed business decisions.

At the signing ceremony, Jaffa Sany Ariffin, Chief Executive Officer of U Mobile highlighted the exciting new opportunities for growth afforded by the new capabilities enhancement. He said, “We have always focused on taking bold, innovative and strategic steps in our business direction. With the addition of powerful analytics capabilities to our operations, we are confident of continuing our strategic direction of expanding our business and increasing our market share in Malaysia.”

Andrew Tan (left), Managing Director of SAS Malaysia and Jaffa Sany Ariffin (right), Chief Executive Officer of U Mobile Sdn Bhd shaking hands after officially signing the partnership documents at the signing ceremony in Le Meridien Kuala Lumpur.

The initial phase of the integration of SAS’ Visual Analytics encompasses U Mobile’s marketing, product development and sales departments. Jaffa outlined the company’s commitment to ensuring that consumers are first in line to benefit from U Mobile’s capabilities enhancement.

“As consumers continue to seek ever increasing levels of service experience, it is vital for industry players to remain on top of market trends and opportunities. Through SAS’ Visual Analytics, we will have an in-depth analysis of our customers’ profiling, behaviour and usage patterns which will enable U Mobile to be more proactive in analysing and understanding our customers better and continue offering them relevant quality mobile and customer experience,” he said.

He went on to add, “By equipping the innovation, service development, sales and marketing departments with modern analytics capabilities, we want to bring a whole new level of  enhanced mobile services to Malaysian consumers that help them ‘live connected’ and meet their different usage needs and requirements.”
U Mobile expects Visual Analytics to lead to better-informed decision making across the business, as executives now have fast access to important company data wherever they are. The partnership with SAS Malaysia perfectly positions U Mobile to make better-informed business decisions moving forward.

With the big data technology and services industry in Asia Pacific projected by IDC to reach a staggering USD 1.76 billion by 2016, SAS believes that there is significant demand for big data analytics in the Malaysian market.

Andrew Tan, Managing Director of SAS Malaysia is certain that analytics will play an increasingly critical role for Malaysian businesses that deal with large amounts of information.

“Analytics offers a powerful means for businesses to capitalise on their data assets, and SAS’ deep expertise in analytics has helped many businesses mine big data to find new opportunities and drive better business results,” said Tan.

SAS expects Visual Analytics to provide significant competitive advantages for U Mobile. Tan shared his confidence that U Mobile would benefit greatly from the integration. He said, “Visual Analytics puts the power of advanced analytics tools such as correlation, regression and forecasting into the hands of U Mobile’s executives, without them requiring any pre-requisite knowledge on coding. With this, tasks that previously would have required significant IT manpower such as market trend predictions and sales analysis comparisons can now be done on mobile devices by the executives themselves in a fraction of the time that it used to take.”

He went on to add, “Key to the user-friendliness of Visual Analytics is the auto-charting feature which automatically choses the best format to visualise information so that U Mobile executives can easily understand insights, trends and correlations hidden in vast amounts of information.  Furthermore, Visual Analytics is accessible from a variety of web-enabled devices including the iPad, enabling U Mobile executives to access critical business information wherever they are and at all times.”

U Mobile和SAS合作推动全新流动成长
SAS的可视化分析 增强U Mobile用户体验以及加强业务经营决策

吉隆坡2013年4月2日讯 – U Mobile Sdn Bhd,这家马来西亚最具活力和创新的3G流动营运商,和商业分析软件和服务领导公司SAS Malaysia今天宣布整合SAS的可视化分析解决方案在马来西亚U Mobile的业务中。

在签约仪式上,U Mobile 的首席执行员Jaffa Sany Ariffin着重强调了全新能力的增强所带来令人振奋的另一个增长机会。他说:“我们在我们的业务方向始终专注在采取大胆的措施、创新以及策略性步骤。当我们的业务有了额外的强大分析能力,我们有信心可以持续扩大我们的业务以及提升我们在马来西亚市场份额的这些策略方向。”

SAS可视化分析的初始阶段整合包括U Mobile的行销部(marketing)、产品发展部(product development)以及营业部(sales)。Jaffa概述了公司的承诺来确保消费者将会是第一个在U Mobile能力增强上受惠的单位。

 “随着消费者持续寻求层次不断增加的服务体验,该领域的公司在市场趋势和机会上保持首要地位显得至关重要。通过SAS的可视化分析,我们将会对我们客户的特性、习性以及使用习惯有一个深入的分析,它将让U Mobile更加积极主动在分析和理解我们的客户,并继续地为他们提供相关的高素质和客户体验。”他表示。

他补充道:“通过创新的装置,服务发展部、营业部以及行销部都备有了现代化的分析能力,我们要为马来西亚的消费者在增强式的流动服务上带来一个全新的层次,协助他们获得‘即时联系’(live connected)以迎合他们不同的使用需求。”

U Mobile期望可视化分析可以致使整个商业中有更明智的决策,因为执行人员现在无论在何处都可以更快速地存取重要的公司数据。与SAS Malaysia的合作关系足以完美地把U Mobile定位来作出明智的业务决策来向前发展。


马来西亚SAS董事经理Andrew Tan深信分析学对那些处理大量资讯的马来西亚业者中将扮演着日益重要的角色。

 “分析学为公司提供一个强大的方法来利用他们的数据资产,而SAS深厚的分析学专业知识帮助了许多业者挖掘了大量数据来寻找全新的商机以及推动更好的业务成果。”Andrew Tan说道。

SAS期望可视化分析可以为U  Mobile提供显著的竞争优势。Andrew Tan表达了他对U  Mobile将会在这次整合上受惠不浅的信心。他说道:“可视化分析中强大的先进分析功能工具譬如对比式(correlation)、衰退式(regression)以及预测(forecasting)都提供给U Mobile的执行人员,无须任何事先编码相关知识。有了这些机制,先前需要显著的IT人力的工作譬如市场趋势预测、营业分析比较现在都可以由执行人员自己通过流动设备以一小段时间完成。”

他继续补充道:“可视化分析的人性化关键在于其自动图表功能,将会自动选择最佳的格式来可视化资讯,而U Mobile的执行人员可以简单地了解在大量资讯中所隐藏的洞察、趋势以及对比。此外,可视化分析可以从各种网络功能设备譬如iPad来连接,让U Mobile的执行人员无论在何处都可以存取重要的公司资讯。”

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